El marido de Leticia (maritainfiel)

After publishing my experience with my friend's boyfriend on the blog, I received a comment from an anonymous person called 'Slut Anónima' saying she had slept with four boyfriends of different friends. From that moment on, it was like a challenge to see how many more I could reach. Obviously, after that, I stopped seeing the boyfriends or husbands of my various friends as such, now they were potential lovers for me, those who could help me surpass my rival.

Leticia is an ex college companion. She's one of the girls I reconnected with after some years thanks to Facebook.

In one of our last reunions, she already showed a magnificent seven-month pregnancy belly. On that occasion, her husband Daniel came with her, who, despite not having treated me well, turned out to be very pleasant and charming.

Of course, while women gathered on one side to talk about our things, the men, including Daniel, started watching a match that was being broadcast at that exact time.

It was then, taking advantage of the fact that we were alone, that Leticia told us all she was scared of her husband and had brought him along. When we asked what she was scared of, she said it had been two months since the obstetrician recommended no sex due to pregnancy, and that would be until some time after the baby's birth, already past the inevitable quarantine. Then we understood what she meant.

She was afraid her husband might look for what he didn't have inside and like what he would find. Her fears were more than understandable. Even a very much in love man, lack of sex can destroy a couple, and she, obviously, didn't want to reach that extreme, but she realized the risk she was taking.

After the reunion, I forgot about this comment, but after the anonymous slut's challenge, I remembered her. I called her to see how she was doing and we agreed to meet in one of these afternoons. And of course, I went.

We took mate, remembered old times, pulled out our other ex classmates' skin and talked about our things. At that moment, Daniel arrived, her husband. He joined the chat and when it was time for me to leave, Leticia asked him to accompany me downstairs.

-I'll take advantage of going to the kiosk to buy cigarettes.- he said - Do you need anything?-

-No, my love, nothing, I'm fine- she said. Firing, I'm rubbing her belly, and I promise to visit her as soon as possible. We leave the department with Daniel and go up in the elevator.

-What's wrong, don't you? I say when the door closes and presses the button for the ground floor.

-What do you mean? he asks surprised, not knowing what I meant.

-Leticia told me about their abstinence, it must be terrible - I explain.

-Yes, it is true that if, but well, it's a matter of getting used to it, it's for the baby's good - she clarifies.

-Yes, but still, a man like you shouldn't put up with it - I say with a certainly special tone.

-What else can I do? he asks more than resignation, as if asking if anything occurred to me.

-Well, maybe a friend could give you a hand - I suggest.

-Maybe your wife's friend? - he suggests.

-That's a good option - I nod.

-The elevator stops at the ground floor but we don't get out. We stay inside.

-Look Mariela, we're both big, is this some kind of joke or something like that? - he asks with absolute seriousness.

-No, it's not a joke, I really want to help you - I confirm.

-Then? - he wants to know.

-Then... if you want, we can see each other tomorrow, I get off work at half past four and pick you up from work and go to a hotel, what do you think? - I say.

-It seems barbarous, but... give me an advance now, please! - he almost desperately asks.

-Won't Leticia worry because you're not coming back? - I wanted to make sure.

-I told her I was going to the kiosk, she knows I always stay chatting with the kiosk owner - he clarifies, after which he insists again: Come on, look at how you got me - referring to the fabulous comb that marks under his pants.

-In that case - I open the elevator door, we get out and already in the building's hall, I ask: Where are the stairs?

-He points to a door. We walk towards it, open it and enter.

-We go down to the first underground level. While... We descend the stairs, I feel someone putting their hand on my ass, it excites me, warms me up more than I already am. When we reach a hallway with medium lighting, I kneel down in front of him and unbutton his pants. I put my fingers inside his underwear and pull them out. Just feeling the warm contact of my skin makes her cock jump out, standing upright. Although I can't see it well due to the dim light, I can make out the veins clearly marked on its exuberant contour, I can feel them with my touch.

Daniel has a big one, with a curve in the middle that makes his head point upwards. It feels wet and warm, and you can tell he's been holding back for a while, his balls are about to explode. Holding it with one hand, rubbing it smoothly, I start by licking its tip, coating my tongue with the thick liquid flowing from the little hole, it tastes so good! I try to suck in as much as possible before continuing to lick the rest. Mmmmmhhhh! It's so hot it's burning my tongue.

His accompanying sighs of pleasure are my reward, I love the sounds a man makes when he's really enjoying himself. And if I was already enjoying myself with just one lick, it was even better when I put it in my mouth and started sucking it with all the delight, making it slide back and forth between my hungry lips, sucking it, CHUP-CHUP-CHUP, greedily devouring every piece, every centimeter, filling my mouth over and over again with such a delightful treat. I savored it from top to bottom, covering everything with my own saliva.

We didn't have much time so I stood up, unbuttoned my pants, and pulled them down in one swift motion all the way down to my knees, along with the thong, of course, the aroma of my wet and anxious pussy spread throughout the basement. I turned around and grabbed the railing of the escalera pushed the tiny ass back, offering it to me in all its splendor. Well positioned from behind, my friend's husband, who already had his cock ready to burst, put it in with one hand on the right spot and holding onto my waist then sent it inside with a single push.

-Ahhhhhhhhhhh…!- I moaned as it filled me up in that way only a good cock can do.

I pushed it well inside, as if trying to fill every hole, and with an enormous force it started moving, making my buttocks ring with each impact of its pelvis, going in and out, entering and leaving, catching me wonderfully, and from time to time, shaking me all over with each thrust.

At a certain moment, he grabbed my hair and pulling on it, as if it were the mane of a sexy girl, accelerated his movements, as if he wanted to make me come and tear me in two.

-Come... come...!- I was saying, turning my head towards him and looking at him with a vixen's face.

I was getting caught, of course, but everyone likes it when we ask or yell: ¡More... more... give me more...! and my friend's husband would go crazy every time I said it.

-What a great fuck!- I yelled, although he wasn't saying anything, he made an effort to maintain the rhythm, accentuating it from time to time with some blows that echoed in my neck.

Between my legs, I could feel a warm liquid flowing out of me: I was getting wet again, getting wet without stopping, enjoying that exquisite hardness that felt like it was piercing me all the way down, where it entered, with the testicles pushing, as if they also wanted to get in.

Lifting one foot to put it on the second step, I opened up even more for him, offering my pussy well open so he could burst me at pi-jazzos, so he could unbutton me at ensartes, so he could mutilate me at combazos. It was glorious! Especially because it wasn't just any type but my friend's husband. And I was fucking him on the underground of his own building, and at the stop. What more could I ask for? Ah, yes! A much more glorious cum shot yet. And I had it. After a charge like that, in which I almost lost my balance, he told me he was about to cum. -I'm going to fill you up with cum, momma!- he whispered just before. -Don't even think about it- I said. Not because I didn't enjoy it, on the contrary, I love feeling the semen bubbles flowing inside me, but from there I had to go to Facu and it wouldn't have been comfortable doing it with my pussy dripping cum, so I asked him to finish outside. Sorry. So he pulled out, grabbed himself, and after a couple of jolts, helped him release all that milk he'd been holding in for a long time, because I must say what he ejaculated was a real flood, a torrential discharge that seemed to have no end. -Ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhh...!- he gasped as he released shot after shot of semen, splashing the stairs and floor with his intimate essence. -You left me dry, Mariela- he said later as he put on his pants and buttoned them up. I did the same, adjusted myself as best I could, and told him it had been a pleasure to help him with his abstinence. -But let's go because if not your wife is going to come looking for you- I said. -Okay, but do you know what? I'm left wanting to make you tiny ass- he said as we were walking up the stairs, caressing just that part in a way that confirmed what he'd just told me. -You'll have another chance tomorrow- I assured him. And indeed, the next day I would have broken it off like I like it. Before opening the door to the building's hall, we kissed and promised to meet up the next day. We left together, and on the street we parted ways. He went to buy cigarettes at the kiosk, probably much more relieved, and I took a taxi to Facu because if not I would have arrived late, and I assure you that during the ride and until a A good hour later my lips were still throbbing from the pussy's strong blow. That man was in serious trouble and it was a pleasure to help him out. I felt like a heroine, although the best part was that I added another boyfriend/husband to my personal count to outdo anonymous slut. And I'm still on track.

19 comentários - El marido de Leticia (maritainfiel)

fan number 1 mas 10 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃
dame tus coordenadas asi las anoto en el gps .., en algún lado te voy a encontrar..jaja con lo que sufri mis cuarentenas..
buen relato, emotivo, casi me llora el nene... 🤤 😉
segui asi, vas bien 😉
si podes, adjuntale alguna foto

"-Dale, mira como me pusiste- me dice refiriéndose a la fabulosa comba que se le marca por debajo del pantalón." JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

"ofreciéndole mi concha bien abierta para que me la reventara a pijazos, para que me la descosiera a ensartes, para que me la mutilara a combazos."!
noooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😳 jajajajajajaja
vas muy adentro, muy profundo
una excavación hasta china
marita, esa mariposa negra ....te revolotea el bocho...me gusta que la hagas bailar....dale para que tenga.............PUTA
NOTA: (lease "puta" con un sonoro golpe de aire entre ambos labios)
por dios tus relatos me re calientas mamita.. como me gustaria precensiar uno con vs!
Muy bien Marita! Lo tuyo no es más que un desinteresado aporte a la comunidad, una ayuda a los más necesitados (sexualmente hablando, claro).
Besos, Lau.
Pero...una puta publica sos Marita...que excelente noticia!!! 😉
van mis 10 presiosa.... te adoro ...un beso
Que delicia tenerte como la miga de mi mujer...........queda uno babeante ante semejantes aventuras
muy buenos tus relatos soy nuevo en esto tengo unos relatos para que leas , fijate een mis posts
Muy bonito relato.
Pero no es el mejor porque no has estado con el mejor 😛 jajajaj
Naa segui haciendo relatos, son muy buenos!
Es notorio tu gran corazón solidario, en este relato, "ayudas a bajarle la carga" al pobre marido de tu amiga Leticia, y en la actualidad ayudas solidariamente a tu amiga Claudia a que tenga una vida más "excitante"...jajaja.
Ves por que te digo que tienes un GRAN corazón muy solidario...jajaja
Muy buen relato como siempre querida, y voy por más, porque ya te lo he dicho, tus "relatos-aventuras", ME ENCANTAN y de los que me he echo ADICTO...jajaja...Besos preciosa!! 💋

El marido de Leticia (maritainfiel)