I'm a Slut Part 9

That afternoon Lucia was very happy, since she was going to attend Fran's birthday party for the first time. So she got ready and went down early to help Angeles with the preparations for the snack.

Fran was very excited about everything, they inflated balloons and bought bags of cotton candy, maybe something childish for his age, but it's that Fran liked all that paraphernalia, so why not do it?

Little by little, the guests arrived, Fran's friends, who had gone to special education school with him since he was small, and some of them worked with him in the city gardens through a social project. Special kids like him, who enjoyed the party and made him enjoy with their laughter and games.

Almost everyone came accompanied by their mothers, so soon two groups formed, one with Fran, his friends and girlfriends, and another of mothers.

As the afternoon went down and the sun hid behind the horizon, the guests began to leave the party and little by little the circles reduced in number. The initial commotion gave way to intimacy and relaxed conversations.

At the end only Lucia, Carmen, and her daughter Gisela remained, who were friends of the family since their children were small. Gisela and Fran practically had the same age, so they would attend Gisela's birthday party in a few months.

As it was getting late, Carmen said she should leave already, but Angeles insisted that the two stay to dinner with them and leave afterwards, so they had no choice but to accept. They ate something light, since they had eaten many sweets and chocolate during the afternoon, so then they sat down to watch TV.

Fran and Gisela were lying on the floor with a kind of wooden game for building constructions that seemed to keep them very entertained. The boy asked his mother if she could go to her room to teach her animal books to her friend and both mothers gave their approval to the request, so they three continued talking in the living room. Lucia had been very entertained all afternoon with so many people. She wasn't used to these family celebrations anymore and was having a great time, first playing with the kids and then chatting with the mothers. Yes, some curious glances and indiscreet questions slightly bothered her fun, but Lucia had reflexes and immediately addressed topics that were too personal, such as: Do you study or work?, Where are you from?, Do you live alone?, and How can you afford it with rent being so expensive? The last one was the most difficult to avoid, but Lucia, with her perfect smile and very diplomatic response, answered all of them without losing her composure. Carmen was a prudent woman, noticeable in her bearing and social skills compared to the other mothers who were there that afternoon. She was divorced, unlike Ángeles, who was a widow, and lived alone with her daughter Gisela almost since she was little. She hadn't gone back to rebuilding her life, as she admitted, men would run away at the sight of anything that meant commitment or responsibility. So they were already very well acquainted. It seemed that Ángeles and Carmen had known each other for a long time, since there was complicity between them, even for jokes. Lucia felt a certain envy of their friendship, although she knew that Ángeles loved her dearly and appreciated her just as much. They were chatting peacefully after dinner when a scream from the girl alerted them. Immediately her mother jumped up like an automatic spring and without thinking twice went to see what had happened down the hallway. Ángeles followed behind her, with Lucia bringing up the rear. The bed with its underwear removed and its skirt lifted up to the waist, showing her little covered in beautiful black and velvety public hair, with her legs pulled out from one side of the bed and leaning against the floor. Fran, on his knees next to her, was positioned between her legs and down to his pants, showing his tremendous erect penis pointing at the hidden hollow between the girl's thighs.

Impacted and stunned, the mother took her right hand to her mouth, holding onto the doorframe with her other hand and leaning against it, not believing what her eyes were seeing. Ángeles peeked behind him and saw almost at the same time the scene, but she did dare to enter, ready to calm down the tense situation that was about to unfold. Lucia stood next to the door, watching as a simple witness.

- Mom, I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise! - Fran hurriedly said, starting to cry in tears.

- If only, dear one, get dressed - his mother replied, helping him stand up and pulling up his pants to cover his enormous erect cock -. Carmen, don't know how sorry I am! Forgive my son, he doesn't know what he's doing, you see, they don't reason like we do! - she began to say while helping him get dressed.

- Oh my girl! - Carmen finally shouted, approaching her as Ángeles pulled her son out of the scene -. What happened to you? - she asked, kneeling down beside her on the bed.

- Mom, it's just that Fran and I were playing and didn't know why it hurt me! - admitted young Gisela, sitting up with her mother's help.

- But daughter, what were you playing? - her mother asked while putting her underwear back on her feet.

- Well... we were playing at being grown-ups, Fran told me he knew how to play and I wanted to play mom. He was tickling me and I liked it... - that girl nodded in her innocence, despite having turned 18 years old a long time ago, her mind still being innocent and pure.

While Ángeles consoling a frightened Fran who hugged her and leaned on his shoulder, Carmen was dressing her daughter Gisela when she saw the blood on the boy's bed.

- Look, Ángeles, your son has tried...! -her voice broke and she couldn't continue speaking.

- I know, Carmen, I'm so sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have let them come here! I didn't think they would do something like this -Ángeles lamented with impotence.

- But it's just that your son...! -Carmen said without wanting to continue.

- If only Carmen, my son has done what nature dictated and well... I suppose she also felt curiosity! I'm not saying this to excuse him, but understand them, woman. Both Fran and your daughter are already adults, although we want to keep seeing them as children. They have bodies of men and women, although their minds remain innocent, impulses act and push them to explore and be curious about each other, just like us when we were girls. Remember how good friends they've been since childhood -Ángeles explained, trying to ease the pressure he saw in his friend Carmen's eyes.

- I know, I really feel anger, but I don't want to blame your son. It's just that for me this is a bit strong, I know everything is an accident and the poor ones haven't done anything wrong, nature dictates and suppose even though they are special, they feel the attraction of the opposite sex. It's just that it's hard for a mother to face something like this -Carmen replied with tears in her eyes.

- Listen, I think it would be best if you left it for tonight and if you want, let's talk another day with more calm before saying something we might regret. Come on Carmen, I'll accompany you and your daughter home, okay? -Lucia intervened, who had been listening and remaining in the background until then.

Lucia took the mother's arm and she held her daughter's hand, and the three of them left Ángeles' residence, leaving him consoling his son.

They got off on the elevator floor, with the atmosphere charged with emotion. The mother was recovering, although the daughter didn't seem affected by what had happened moments earlier, but wasn't smiling because she saw her mother with tears streaming down her face.

- Mom Fran didn't want to hurt me, he's not bad! - exclaimed the little one suddenly, seeing her mother distraught -. He's good, mom... - added in a melodious and soft voice, like a plea.

The mother hugged her and nodded her head, sizzling with clear confirmation of what her daughter's words had expressed...

- I know, my girl, both of you are very good...

When they reached the ground floor, they immediately left the portal, fleeing from the tainted atmosphere of the elevator. Accessing the street was like a liberation; the gentle breeze that blew refreshed them and helped to calm their nerves.

- Well, Lucia, you don't have to accompany us, if you want you can go back upstairs - offered Carmen.

- I don't have anything better to do, besides it's a very good night and I'd like a walk before sleeping, I'm not far away, right? - asked.

- Not too far, about twenty minutes on foot from here.

- Great, then I'll accompany you! - exclaimed Lucia with enthusiasm.

So, in response to that red-haired girl's persistence, Carmen let herself be accompanied. Lucia wanted to do so to try to calm her down during the walk, although it seemed like it wasn't necessary anymore since the mother was recovering...

- Better? - asked Lucia, while accompanying her, holding onto her arm as if they were a couple.

- Yes, it's very good night, with a very pleasant coolness - replied Carmen, who was already recovered.

- You're right, I like spring nights when it gets hot during the day but cools down at night and you can sleep well - affirmed Lucia, looking at the few stars that weren't eclipsed by the streetlights on the avenue.

- At heart, they're children, aren't they? Angels were right, they don't know what they're doing, but just like us, they have desires and curiosity to satisfy them - said repente Carmen. - Yes, it is, Fran is a very noble boy and lately his mother has told me that he's been noticing him restless, you know, due to the hormone issue. She doesn't know what to do with him, since he gets excited and runs around the house in his underwear with that thing stiff... -Lucia laughed, also making her interlocutor laugh, thus finally dispelling the remaining tension, earning a bit more of the woman's trust. - I understand, Lucía, perhaps hormonal changes are more pronounced in boys than in girls. My Gisela is now more irritable in her character, I've noticed it too. And well... I also discovered her looking at herself in the mirror, recognizing her naked body, it made me laugh but I didn't give it much importance until now. - Yes, women carry sex differently than men, less demonstrative in external acts, but more reflective about internal acts -added Lucía. The three of them walked along the sidewalk, holding hands like a family. Gisela was holding her mother's hand and Lucia held onto Carmen's arm. At those hours, there were hardly any people on the streets and fewer cars driving down the avenue than at other times when it was more crowded, since it was working hours and people had to work the next day. - I think you should get together with Ángeles tomorrow or the day after to talk about this. I know you'll both forget, but it's never a bad idea to clear things up, don't you think? You two look very good friends and it's a shame that this could affect your friendship -suggested Lucía. - You're right, I'll call her tomorrow to take coffee and talk. This has all been just a small accident, a prank of our children as they get older -admitted Carmen. - Without a doubt... -Lucia limited herself to adding. - You're very good people, Lucia, I've only known you since this afternoon and already I think we can trust each other -said Carmen, surprising her. - Oh, thank you! Good I like being friends with my friends' friends -rioted-. Also, I think we've gotten along well, you look very comfortable in your place, very discreet. Not like the others who wanted to find out until the ID number.

- Yes, I saw it this afternoon... Well, we're here now -said stopping at a portal.

- Good, I enjoyed the walk and I'm glad that's passed over for you. And you look well too, little one -said Lucia softly pinching Gisela's cheek.

- Okay, then tomorrow if you want to invite me to have tea at my house to you, Ángeles and Fran, is it okay?

- Very good idea! -exclaimed Lucia smilingly.

Lucia gave both mother and daughter a kiss and bid them farewell in the portal, embarking on her return home.

The next day, by afternoon, Lucía, Ángeles, and Fran were approaching Carmen's house to take that reconciliation snack, not that they were fighting or angry about what had happened, but as Lucia said, they had to talk it over and not keep resentments that could cloud a friendship that had been going on for years.

As soon as they arrived, everything was smiles and cordiality. The afternoon was presenting itself as somewhat warm, so they put the air conditioner on and served some drinks and homemade sweets that Carmen had prepared for the occasion. At first, conversation revolved around trivial topics, and when they had a bit more sugar in their blood, they started talking about what happened during the previous day.

- Well, Carmen, I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday, Fran didn't mean to hurt Gisela, he loves her very much... -confessed Ángeles first.

- Oh Ángeles, I've given it a lot of thought! And I know that Fran is very affectionate with Gisela, look at them right there in front of us, they seem so comfortable and friends as always -said pointing to the children, who were playing parchís on a nearby table, sitting on the floor, oblivious To the conversation-. But I know it's not the same as when they were little, now they're a man and a woman, with their hormones and basic instincts. My Gisela is already a young lady and I'm sure she feels desires like any other girl her age.

- Ah, I understand Carmen, Fran also feels those desires! In him, I think they are stronger, because even I was hinted at, you'll see it gives me a lot of shame to admit it, but I had to make him masturbate to calm his anxieties and hormones - recognized Ángeles with some shame.

- Really? That must have been difficult for you, wasn't it? - asked Carmen, supporting her hand on the shoulder of Ángeles.

- Well, at first yes, Lucia helped me overcome it and advised me to do so, because my Fran was already driving me crazy with his hints. I would get undressed at home with his erect penis and don't see the mess.

- I understand dear friend, I've seen how Gisela twisted some nights in her bed, restless, unable to sleep and hugging a pillow, holding it between her legs, moving insinuatingly and I couldn't do anything to help her. Now I understand what happened yesterday between the two of them, alone in the room, the spark of desire ignited between them and they couldn't avoid experiencing it. What happens is that they don't have experience and things didn't turn out as they thought they would, because my Gisela is still a virgin and no doubt Fran tried to penetrate her and poor thing hurt, it was inevitable that it happened. Then we came bursting into their intimacy - told Carmen with a slow voice, reflecting before speaking each word.

- Well, yes, without a doubt that's what happened, my Fran surely tried to do it gently, but when one is a virgin at first it hurts, no matter how careful you are - added Ángeles to her explanation of the events.

- Hey! Excuse me if I'm getting in where I don't belong, I know it might be too strong for you, but I'm listening and It's what I think, don't you believe the poor deserve to continue what they started yesterday? I could be a monitor and teach them to enjoy sex among themselves -proposed Lucia, surprising both mothers.

They looked at each other initially and then turned towards Lucia, the seconds becoming eternal. The girl thought Carmen would disapprove her offer or something worse and scold her for her lack of shame for proposing something like that. Ángeles was sure she would support her, as she wanted Fran to be happy and for anyone to have access to that great source of pleasure and happiness that is sex. Finally, it was Carmen who spoke.

- Well, you see, I don't think what you just said is nonsense... I think it's a good idea, girl, do you really help them? -asked, surprising Lucia who expected a severe reprimand for her proposal.

- Of course! It would be my pleasure to do so, I know Fran, already knew about his youthful passions through Ángeles and how difficult it was for her to console her son in that aspect and now, seeing he can have a girlfriend as sweet as Gisela, I can't help but feel a certain emotion -answered Lucia, exultant at Carmen's response.

- Okay, I like the way you tell it, I know you'll be of great help to them. And well, when do you think they could do it? -asked Carmen, somewhat embarrassed.

- Well, if you don't mind, you can do it now, here in your house. I'm telling the truth, I have to go shopping because my fridge is empty and I can't stay, but hey, why not stay with them and see how Lucia guides them? -proposed Ángeles.

- Me? No, I don't know, I thought they would be three of them in intimacy. If anything, I'll leave my bedroom, which has a double bed so they can be more comfortable.

- Of course, woman! I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing your daughter enjoy love for the first time, won't you? -said Lucia with her usual enthusiasm.

- No I know, it's just that I'm really embarrassed! - admitted Carmen, covering her mouth instinctively and showing a certain embarrassment at the idea.

- I understand you, woman, it happened to me with my Fran too, and thanks to Lucia I overcame my shyness and could help him with his hormones... - Angeles encouraged her.

Carmen began to smile, perhaps she already knew what would happen and from then on a simple okay was the confirmation she had been waiting for Lucia to put into practice the fantasy she had expressed out loud minutes earlier. Angeles said goodbye and discreetly left, Lucia suspected that she took herself away not to disturb, although she would have liked her to stay to see what would happen next.

They agreed that the mother would enter with the daughter in the bathroom and wash her a bit, and then Lucia would do the same with Fran, finding the four of them at the end of the corridor, in Carmen's bedroom.

Lucia was excited, she felt thrilled and gave a lot of morbo to the situation. Although Fran could be said not to be a virgin anymore, it is true that he still had some innocence and candor, and young Gisela was also sweet and noble. They would definitely get along well and enjoy each other's company under Lucia's expert guidance.

When they reached the bathroom, Lucia undressed Fran and introduced him into the shower. There, with a little water and soap, she washed his genitals, focusing on his glans, making sure he was clean and shiny. As her cock pulsed in her hand, it grew at the same time as the fresh water fell on it, washing it. So when she finished, the instrument shone in all its splendor and fullness. The girl, proud of her friend, couldn't help but taste him first, introducing him into her mouth and sucking him with great joy, filling her with that beautiful cock, savoring it with her lips and tongue.

She had to make an effort to tear her gaze away from that wonderful temptation that she liked so much, because I didn't want to ruin the moment and cause an untimely ejaculation, so I calmed down and rinsed her with fresh water again, finally drying her off with a towel.

In the room, the dimness enveloped everything, although some open slits in the upper part of the blind allowed sunlight to filter through, projecting rays onto the dresser and floor as they grew accustomed to the faint light. They discovered Carmen and Gisela, half-undressed on the bed. Gisela still wore her white panties and a matching bra. Upon seeing Fran naked, Carmen was taken aback by his handsome erect member.

'Wow, what a big one!' Carmen exclaimed involuntarily.

'Don't worry, Carmen, everything he has is loving,' said Fran. 'Gisela will love it.'

'Oh, poor thing, starting with something like that!' added Carmen. 'What do we do?'

'Well, first let's make them caress each other sensually, so they'll get excited and your daughter will be more lubricated when we try,' suggested Lucía.

'Sure, I think that's fine. Can I sit in the chair if you want, so as not to disturb you?'

'Why? You stay with Gisela, this will surely calm her down,' protested Fran, making her remain alongside them.

Lucía made them face each other and caress each other, giving them gentle kisses on the cheeks, which caused the young ones to laugh and alleviate the initial tension. Then she told them to do it in the mouth, at which point they calmed down a bit. She and her mother were standing beside them, so the four of them formed a square in the center of the bed.

Lucía finally took Gisela's hand and placed it on Fran's virile member, making her caress it. The girl smiled and withdrew her hand at the first contact with it, showing innocent embarrassment at this unknown part of male anatomy. Then Lucía took the Her mother's hand and in front of her surprise, she placed it on Fran's member. This one resisted at first but Lucia, without letting go of her hand, forced her to do so to set an example for her little one. Then she took her daughter's hand again and joined them in a way that mother and daughter caressed each other together.

Lucia, as mistress of ceremonies, removed the bra from the girl, indicating to young Fran that he should suck on her breasts, without teeth warning him, and the boy, as big as he was, bent down to take them with his lips. This pleased the girl who laughed while holding onto Fran's hair, tangling it between her fine fingers.

Then she made him lie down, pulling off his underwear over his smooth thighs. At that moment, she herself was the one who caressed first her pubic area without depilation, with a beautiful long and spongy one, separating it to access her fine vaginal lips and slid her heart finger between them, noticing how excitement palpitated already in that virginal little thing.

- She's already very excited, but we still want her to get more excited -whispered Lucia to her mother.

She indicated to the boy to caress her thighs and open them smoothly, then put her large hand on her vulva and made him caress her pubic hairs and access her little thing, guiding it with her expert hand. Next she took him by the neck and made him incline towards that little thing, never having taught him to eat a pussy like that so he remained beside her ear and whispered precise instructions: 'kiss it, stick out your tongue and lick it slowly, keep giving kisses, do it very well...'.

The boy behaved and the young woman who was exhausted in front of him began to scream loudly at her mother's surprise, who had her reclined on her breast, watching from behind the hot scene.

- I think we can try penetration now, I'll put a condom on Fran, okay?

- Okay -her mother limited herself to assent, giving consent for her daughter. Mother-daughter gaze acted with haste, extracted the latex ring from its wrapping and placed it on Fran's penis, sliding it back with unmatched mastery.

With the daughter reclined on her mother and the mother with her legs open, embracing her young daughter's body, Fran approached, helped by Lucia, and tried to connect with the smaller girl. So when his penis rubbed against her little thing, in reality, his head was closer to his mother's face than her daughter's. The situation was somewhat uncomfortable for Carmen, but she didn't calculate it before they started, so once they were already at it, she didn't want to interrupt and held still in that position.

Lucia took Fran's penis from behind with her hand and guided it into the young girl's little thing while whispering to him to do it very slowly and follow her instructions. The young man obeyed his instructions somewhat reluctantly, and so his glans entered a bit into the little thing, at which point Gisela complained, causing him to stop in his tracks.

-No, nothing's wrong, sweetie, you'll see how much you'll like it, just hold on for a bit- her mother consoled her while stroking her hair.

Lucia then began moving Fran's penis up and down, tracing the vaginal lips of Gisela, rubbing her clitoris with the tip and reaching her anus. This pleased the girl greatly, who groaned in pleasure between her mother's arms. Then she stopped again at the entrance and instructed Fran to introduce himself very slowly. This time it was better, although Gisela also screamed, Fran's cock entered a bit more and his glans disappeared inside.

Her mother consoled her again without her noticing and found Lucia's hand on her daughter's thighs and palpated the position of Fran's cock in her daughter's coño.

-Has he gone in already?- she asked.

-Yes, now we'll wait a bit for Gisela to adapt and I'll tell you when to move slowly, okay?

-Okay, I think now... She'll be fine - admitted her mother.

Lucia, the expert, rubbed the young woman's clitoris while Fran moved slowly, causing Gisela to start moaning with pleasure again and no longer scream. Her cock went in and out of her virgin little hole without difficulty as her mother continued to hug her. The three were coupled in a very particular coitus, but Carmen didn't care anymore, even encouraging Fran affectionately and whispering in his ear how well he was doing and how much her daughter liked it. She kissed him on the forehead and cheek.

Then Lucia stopped the action and made them disengage from their position until then.

Well, I think it's time for a change, don't you? she opined.

Okay, I was already uncomfortable and super sweaty back there, I didn't think about it before they got into position, honestly, her mother complained as she stepped out from behind her daughter. And now how do you want them to do it?

I don't know, maybe like a dog style? I think that would be great for your daughter, don't you? Lucia said.

Oh, okay, let's try! her mother exclaimed approvingly.

They put Gisela on all fours and Fran behind her, flanked by Lucía and her mother. They told him to penetrate her from behind. Now Gisela didn't complain, just a moan was heard in the room when his penis reached the bottom of her vagina.

The boy grasped her ass and pushing against it, went in and out with rhythmic thrusts, his powerful young cock causing all sorts of guttural grunts as he did so, under the gaze of their two instructors.

Lucía, mischievously took Carmen's hand and placed it on Fran's butt, even indicating that she should give him slaps. Carmen smiled and said she didn't want to do something like that, then Lucía scolded her and told her to relax. So in the end, Carmen also let herself... caress a little that strong young man, who was so delicately ripping away his daughter's virginity.

- Gisela is having the time of her life, isn't she? -Lucía asked.

- Oh yes, it seems like she's enjoying herself! -her mother admitted.

- Don't you regret doing something like that?

- Of course not, and especially with Fran, who's such a good kid! -I'm very happy for my daughter.

As they were talking about the young couple's pleasure, Gisela spoke out in uncontrollable screams while she trembled and pulled Fran's cock out of her, lying on her side in bed as she clung to the pillow that had been supporting her, convulsing with pure pleasure.

Fran was left somewhat stunned, like his mother and Lucía, and even asked if he'd hurt her, but Lucía reassured him.

- No, Fran, you didn't hurt her. Gisela reached her orgasm and is enjoying it so much now that she couldn't resist anymore -she explained.

Carmen rushed to comfort her daughter in the final moments of her orgasm. Lucía stayed with Fran and was surprised when she felt his condom still hadn't come off.

- Do you know Fran hasn't come yet? -Lucía informed Carmen.

- No? What a machine that boy is! And now what do we do? -the mother asked innocently.

- Well, I thought if you wanted to, you could give him a little taste, don't you? -Lucía suggested with a mischievous tone and a chuckle at the end of her sentence.

- You're crazy! How can I do something like that to my friend Ángeles? -Carmen replied, horrified by the idea.

- Come on, it'll be our secret. She knows she's going to fuck your daughter, what happens is that your daughter, poor thing, lasted less than him and now you won't leave the boy like that, will you? Considering how well he treated your daughter -Lucía hinted maliciously.

- I would die of shame afterwards at the Look at my mother's face and know that I've done it - Carmen manifested, rejecting Lucia's indecent proposal. Come on, woman, when did you stop making love? The boy is very affectionate and Ángeles wouldn't mind, I'm sure because I know her well. Lucia unexpectedly hugged Carmen from behind and fell onto the bed with her back, causing her body to end up underneath her. Then she lifted Carmen's dress with her hand and put it under her underwear, crossing her Venus mound at the speed of a ratchet and crawling through the valley of pleasure between her fleshy and fat vaginal lips. There, she found a sea of juices that overflowed under the push of her middle finger, as it deepened each time until it entered the hole where her lips ended. - But Lucia, what are you doing, no...! - Carmen complained while Lucia immobilized her with her hands and clung to her legs, opening them with her ankles. - Come on already, girl, if you're dying to try Fran's cock! Let the boy relieve himself in you and enjoy his cock too. - Bufff, okay, okay! I'll do it, but you have to promise me that you'll never tell your mother - she ordered. Carmen positioned herself next to her daughter, who was already sleeping after having sex with Fran, opening her legs and welcoming the sturdy boy between her warm and fleshy thighs, like her daughter's. - You're going to make me do what you want, Lucia! Don't tell Ángeles, okay? - she begged lastly as if Lucia were pointing a gun at her to let Fran fuck her. - Relax, woman, this will be our secret - Lucia said while giving her a slap on the butt. Fran's cock entered Carmen's mature and tender pussy, profaning the opening that had been without visitors for so long and intimately with her, and she felt the freshness of sex again, as if she hadn't remembered it in her maturity, with her hips. big and large breasts, which enjoyed that gift from heaven as if it were her first boyfriend. Her moans and gestures while the boy was penetrating her with determination, curiously resembled those of her daughter's just moments before, undoubtedly leaving the genetic heritage patent in those unlearned behaviors.

Lucía stayed next to them and enjoyed watching them fuck. She was eager to have Fran's cock inserted into her, but preferred to watch him fuck her mother, it was like sharing bread with someone hungrier than you and discovered how much she liked voyeurism, observing others while they were having sex, without wanting anything more. She knew that inside her sex was burning, but she would have time to calm down her inner fire.

She let Fran finish his work. And he worked well, with strong thrusts, animated by Carmen, came and continued with his cock inside while she rubbed her clitoris until she reached her climax moments later.

Lucía, seeing them come, felt a certain liberation and could turn her back on them and leave the room discreetly. She headed to the bathroom and there, in the toilet bowl, let her expert hands take over to caress and penetrate her as they had done countless times since puberty. This was one of the times she needed less time to come and her orgasm was devastating.

When she recovered, she realized the silence that reigned in the house, felt curious so she went naked like a cat across the hallway and peeked into the bedroom. There were three bodies snoring, exhausted after the emotions and pleasures enjoyed, so she didn't want to wake them up and went to the living room to fall asleep on the sofa.

7 comentários - I'm a Slut Part 9

loco como me gusta esta saga esta muy grosa espero la parte 10
un abrzo muchas gracais muy buen post
estaria bueno que subas unas fotos que mostraran como es lucia 😃 😃 😃
uyyyyyyyyyyyy tanto tiempo esperando mano 😳 eres duro
si quien va a leer uno quiere ver imagenes , video, etc, etc...........