Trick for achieving female orgasms
Make a woman have a great orgasm.
This little tip or trick I wrote myself, so it's not that extensive, but they can enjoy it just the same! Remember that many times and as I saw on P!, it's usually the guy who enjoys sex, and poor little girl has to put up with her boyfriend's nonsense, waiting for someone really handsome (as my grandmother used to say she had more space than me) to let her have a real orgasm. Guys, this is very easy! First of all, we do everything as usual... kiss here, kiss there... good oral sex for both. Then, what we do is let ourselves get penetrated completely... let them break us in any way they want! But that's it... don't let them come! Later, it's easy, we sit on his big cock, and then... not even the police can stop us!! haha We give it our all (always watching so it doesn't ruin everything, and the cock becomes too much)... Finally, we surrender to pleasure and see how we reach the deepest of orgasms!
And if we're feeling hungry, we can rest for one second and get to the next... Clear, if we're also feeling good, let's put on our tiny ass and let it come (in the shortest time possible, so we don't get bored). Finally, if you want to check if we got there or not, look at our little red spots, full of pleasure!
A kiss kids! Enjoy your girls! The kitten, in order to stop being a novice and pass to be your NFU Kitten. Comment cute ones!
Make a woman have a great orgasm.
This little tip or trick I wrote myself, so it's not that extensive, but they can enjoy it just the same! Remember that many times and as I saw on P!, it's usually the guy who enjoys sex, and poor little girl has to put up with her boyfriend's nonsense, waiting for someone really handsome (as my grandmother used to say she had more space than me) to let her have a real orgasm. Guys, this is very easy! First of all, we do everything as usual... kiss here, kiss there... good oral sex for both. Then, what we do is let ourselves get penetrated completely... let them break us in any way they want! But that's it... don't let them come! Later, it's easy, we sit on his big cock, and then... not even the police can stop us!! haha We give it our all (always watching so it doesn't ruin everything, and the cock becomes too much)... Finally, we surrender to pleasure and see how we reach the deepest of orgasms!
And if we're feeling hungry, we can rest for one second and get to the next... Clear, if we're also feeling good, let's put on our tiny ass and let it come (in the shortest time possible, so we don't get bored). Finally, if you want to check if we got there or not, look at our little red spots, full of pleasure!
A kiss kids! Enjoy your girls! The kitten, in order to stop being a novice and pass to be your NFU Kitten. Comment cute ones!
34 comentários - Truco de una gatita P! para hacer llegar a sus nenas al orga
comparto con shad! pero creo que (y basándome en el conocimiento popular) la mayoría de las mujeres no disfruta al máximo teniendo sexo!
es un tanto machista la cosa, pero es una realidad! 😉 😉
La gatita
a la hora de hablar todos los hombres son animales en la cama peero... las minas se quejan viteh...
Hola! Las mujeres siempre nos vamos a quejar por todo, en la cama y no en la cama 😉 .
Comparto que es verdad que muy pocos hombres les permiten a su compañera de cama llegar y disfrutar del placer. Las mujeres finjen sus orgasmos porque no les debe de quedar otra ! (dependiendo del hombre), la mayoría de las mujeres demoran en llegar porque el movimiento que tenemos es distinto, y como vos bien dijistes 😉 es cuestión de conocerse y saber que les gusta a cada mujer!
Gracias por comentar!
La Gatita
Opino igual que la mayoria de ustedes, en el sexo debe disfrutar la pareja.....
Muchas gracias a vos lindo! espero que mis consejos te sirvan 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
Muchas gracias por visitar mi post, y por tus sinceros comentarios! 😉 😉 😉
Muchas gracias bombon !! y espero que ustedes me hagan new full user !! 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
tu gatita
Monlica: habré borrado tu comentario sin querer, no me molestan las criticas, todo lo contrario ayuda para el progreso. Vi tus post y estan buenos 😉 😉 😉 .
Y este post no tiene fuentes porque lo escribi yo, y primero lo poste de otra cuenta porque no tenía, pero me cree una para postearlo...
Un beso, y disculpas x las molestias causadas 😉 😉
Bueno, muchas gracias por tu buena onda! quedé apenada por el comentario que se borró! 😞 😞
Los post que tengo relatos que no son mios, tienen las fuentes! vistes que hay que reconocer cuando lo hace uno y cuando lo hace otro!
seguimos en contacto!
besos y hasta los futuros comentarios! 😉 😉 😉
dale... cuando me ponga una tanguita linda, me saco unas fotos! besos 😉
tu gatita
tu g@tit@
Mi mujer acaba de 5 a 10 veces antes que yo 😀
Y hace lo que vos decis siempre 😛
Lo que pasa es que yo tardo mucho 😞
Tu mujer debería utilizar algún truquito o técnica para hacerte llegar más rápido y disfrutar más del sexo 😉 😉 😉 😉 ya que a la larga si sos así siempre se torna aburrido para la otra parte... 😉 😉 😉 es un consejo 😉 😉 😉 😉
Me parece muy bien de tu parte, que dejes disfrutar a tu mujer 😉 muy pocos hombres lo hacen porque se aburren en esperarnos a que lleguemos. 🆒
tu gatita 😛
un beso chaou
trucho copión!
vos amas copiar TRUCHOOOOOOOOO