Still asleep??

Good... I came back after a while. Honestly, more surprised by the positive comments... all of them... except one that didn't believe it was true. Honestly, I expected some other criticism or accusatory finger... I think I'm in the wrong place if I want to be judged 😊

Well, many thanks also to those who bothered to give me points and make me a new full user even though many did it anonymously... Thanks!!! It wasn't what I was looking for, actually I just wanted to get rid of something on my mind and not go crazy 😃

Well... where do I continue from here...

After those adventures over that prohibited little body obviously left me... at least... crazy. Crazy not only because I wanted to share it in a trillion parts, but also because the doubt generated by not being able to believe that I didn't feel anything.

Another one of the many nights I researched this topic to see what could be the limit, whether I was awake and pretending to sleep or not, was to slowly lower myself... quite a bit!!

This happened on one of the many Saturdays I stayed overnight. She went to sleep with a tiny shorts 🙎‍♂️ and a pretty loose shirt 😳, you can imagine what I wanted most... to give her massages 😀 and waited for the opportunity. And, lucky me, I didn't have to wait too long. She asked for massages and I gave them to her... and again waited for time to pass. It's not worth saying that I wasn't bothered at all giving her massages, and once she fell asleep... started the fine work.

I began massaging her shoulders, my fingers started to enter her shirt, caressed her skin, went down and slowly caressed her breasts. Did I say they were beautiful? Soft, small but firm... beautiful!! lo had said?? Beautiful!! One of her hands TOOK AWAY MY HAND from where it was 😳. Here I want to make a parenthesis and ask the public / reader / P! IS IT POSSIBLE?? It's possible that while I was asleep she took my hand off her remera?????? Well... the night had just begun 😀 and honestly, I didn't have much sleep 🙎‍♂️. And I thought... what if I caress her back? Obviously, I waited a good while for doubts, since I wasn't entirely sure if she was asleep or not, although it would be rare that she wouldn't say anything, but I waited 😃. And I started... but her remera was quite uncomfortable and remembering my virtue for avoiding them with great skill I proposed to check how soft her back was. Yes, as soft as her front part. I was running my hands over it for several minutes, enjoying every centimeter, the warmth of her skin, the curves of her body, her waist... everything. And I wondered, at that very moment... what if I go a little bit down?? 🙃. And I went down, but not suddenly... Besides having to be subtle, there was also the issue of the position of the two beds, one next to the other, separated by just a few centimeters, which prevented me from accessing the area in question. So I had to be not only subtle with my hands to get there, but also careful to go down on the bed until my hands could have free access. I remember looking over at the other side and seeing my girlfriend's beautiful breasts right next to my face. Only then did I realize what I had been going down for, almost without noticing 🙃. With a lot of fear that she would wake up and not be able to explain this ridiculous position, I continued... by that time it didn't matter to me... I think I always had in mind the precarious resource of pretending to be asleep, or rather, a fool, if either of them woke up. very slow. When I had my first contact, I waited with my hand barely supported, to see if there were signs of life. Since it wasn't like that, I continued. His short also bothered me, but I wasn't very sure if I was going to have that much luck avoiding it. For the moment, I started scaling his Booty silently until I reached the top. By GOD!!! (although I don't believe in him) if his breasts were firm his Booty was a rock covered in foam!!! I didn't hesitate and started looking for where he was avoiding that short, I had to feel that Booty live and direct, no matter what it cost 🙎‍♂️.

Another fine job. I started going down from his back like it was a massage until I reached the elastic of his underwear and there, I have to admit, it got complicated more than I could handle. It was very tight, but insisting with all the tranquility that was possible for me in that moment, almost ZERO, I managed to overcome that barrier to feel his butt 🤤 GOD!!! I insist with someone I don't believe in maybe because it's unbelievable!!!

Although I lie when I say butt, since it was a kind of mini thong 🙎‍♂️

Did I say his Booty was a rock covered in foam??!!!!

And that thong... my heart was about to explode and curiously only my heart... must be that the knowledge that my girlfriend was sleeping next to me prevented other parts from wanting to make even the slightest attempt 😀 When I arrived at caressing those new curves, partly I did it for the track that that thong indicated, so I could run along his whole Booty in a way that I still can't believe!!! I don't want to insist with the pressure, fear, adrenaline and more that were running through my body, she submitted to my lust, suppose, without knowing and my girlfriend next to... sleeping... also without knowing and me there in the middle of that mess enjoying a beautiful stranger's ass. Rounder than it seemed... I think that was what I liked most. Discovering all those curves, textures and hardnesses that no one can imagine who sees her or Better said, I looked at her Booty. I caressed everything, her two beautiful cheekbones 🤤, pressed them lightly with my hand and it was something of the most pleasant, I couldn't believe what I was doing, I couldn't believe that she hadn't woken up... I insisted for a good while on her Booty, pressed it a bit more, caressed it in many ways, my restless fingers played for a little while at getting into the line of her tiny ass, which thanks to the beautiful mini thong was quite easy... kept pressing on her cheekbones... and a bit more... until I almost lost control!!! I wanted to get up from my bed and bite that lovely ass with which my hands were delighting, although in reality it was only one of my hands... But luckily reason prevailed and I managed to calm down the monster that was waking up inside me.

When morning came and everyone woke up except for me who had never slept a wink 😀 and if I did sleep it was for very little time, I had a strange feeling... I wanted to see what happened when we crossed paths at breakfast or during the day... whether she would be angry because maybe she felt something when she turned around, or when I played with her Booty or if much better... she would have a complicit look 🙎‍♂️

Of the two, luckily it wasn't... although she didn't have a complicit look either, at least she was quite cheerful, I don't think it was because of my good massages but with that I was satisfied 😀

This story has a final chapter which is the one that will get me straight to hell... I think. In reality, I'll do it in three parts because I can keep telling about several days when something similar happened, I think it's better to make a kind of summary where I really tell what happened... for you it would be practically the same... although for me it wouldn't have been 🙎‍♂️

The final chapter... for another time.

To those who have encouraged me to tell more... here it is!!!

I hope you enjoy it at least 10% of how much I enjoyed and still enjoy it 😉 And thanks for commenting!! I know on P! it's it's really hard for someone to take the trouble of leaving a message, that's why it means so much more when someone does. INSIST: if someone can advise me about whether they feel something or not when they're asleep, I'd appreciate it... I tried graciously with my girlfriend but since I can have sex with her... I don't stay awake much longer 😀 The only time I was awake and she was sleeping and I touched her Booty with quite insistence and without any of the fears I had about her sister 😀 she asked me the next day if I had been touching her bum... who?? me?? 😀 PD: I would have liked to know who left the points. anonymous, even if it's by Private Message. thank you very much!! I know it's also hard to get them. FIRST PART:,-para-que-juzguen).html

25 comentários - Still asleep??

excelente descripcion 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️
<<<<habra estado linda la condenada de tu cuñadita
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Muy buen post!
Esperando el final!

Muy bueno loco!! jajaja me voy al \"final\" saludos!!
muy buena imaginacion, ta gueno 😉 😉 😉
esto me incentiva a contar cosas papaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! 😉 😉 😉 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ beautiful
Mmmmmmmm la verdad ....yo iseeeee algo pareciidooo amigo pero con mi cuñada la tokeee toda 😳 mientras dormia y la "GRAN PREGUNTA Q ME HAGO" ES ESTABA DORMIDA ?

buemmm te dejo 10+ amigo !
eskuadron69 dijo:9753 visitas!!! Igual que con la primera parte veo que los comentarios no les sobra...
Agradezco a quienes sí se tomaron la molestia de comentar :alaba::alaba::alaba:

Amigo, lamentablemente esta page como tantas otras de relatos no tenemos la cantidad de comentarios que esperamos, leer nos leen, pero a pesar de hacerse "flor de paja" leyendonos, les da paja escribir. Como si tomarse el tiempo para hacerlo les robase mucho tiempo, en fin....

A pesar de estar acostumbrada a estos desplantes, sigo posteando con la misma fuerza que el 1er día, solo que ya no espero nada del otro. Tomo lo que me dan, y disfruto de ello.

PD: yo ya te había dejado mi comentario más arriba, pero quería hacerte llegar este, mi pensamiento.


mmmmmmmmmm la verdad me encanta la forma de escribir, pero sobran las caritas....
es raro pero no se si miro los relatos por el contenido o solamente por leer algo...
perdon por hacerte leer esta profunda reflexion...
Quien tuviera la suerte que tenés! mi cuñada está buenísima pero ni se me ocurre...
EXCELENTE!!! ajajajajaaja eres todo un lokillo +5
alguien sabe cual es la ultima parte?
"...Es posible que dormida me quite la mano de su remera??????". Si me permitís, creo que es posible y tiene que ver con factores tanto consientes como inconscientes. Me gustó tu relato, por lo menos una intención de tratar de escribir y expresarte bien. Un abrazo.