Recien llegado de la facu

Good to start with hello to all and many thanks for the comments and Private Messages that I get almost every day, now let's go to the post, these photos I took today as soon as I got back from school no idea why but they gave me the urge and well here they are haha

Lately I've been feeling like doing something with some random girl or someone in a relationship (if people are straight, haha) so if anyone has any type of proposal I'm open to hearing them out

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The certified ones

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Many thanks for coming and comment on what you thought

10 comentários - Recien llegado de la facu

mmmmm q larga... y eso q la tenes dormida... queremos verla bien parada!!
Me encantan esas fotos en que está dormida y se va parando de a poco. Te dejo 10! Beso!