What's up people! Here I am once again... This time with a more artistic touch to vary things and not just show the typical photos that can get boring after a certain point. Today, despite the heat that was there, I got hit with sexual fever, and what better way to calm it down than a visit to this community... Besides getting some, of course. But good, in moments of drought, nothing better than Poringa! I want to thank all of you for the points, recommendations, and messages you send me! It would be nice to concretize something with some Cordovan Poringa girl... No more to say, let's start with the photos 😀 The typical ones of mine in front of the mirror...

Sleeping with my friend in front of...

Right on time!

And finally the certified ones!

I hope you liked the post, I tried to make it simple and fast! Honestly, since I do everything on my cell phone it gets complicated for me, not sure if you'll see the images very well...just in case, let me know! A beautiful kiss!

30 comentários - Blanco y negro.
Sonrisa volteadora!
te la chuparia por horas
me re calentaste
gracias por el aporte y la buena onda