After a long time we're back!!!
We had thought about it a few weeks ago, but due to time we couldn't do it... it's more, so much time passed that we forgot what name we had thought for the post, and we were debating between: 'how many cum does this Booty deserve?' and 'how many tits does this Booty deserve?'...
The doubt was resolved when Gaby said that the amount of cum should be measured by the number of blowjobs it gives, so we hope they answer the question in the comments or by message!!!
If they saw our previous posts, they'll know we had an experience at a swingers' club. Remembering it, we started playing with what clothes Gaby would wear to go again, so when last night...We were about to take the photos, I asked her to put on the clothes she had fantasized about, and show me the tiny ass like she would do in a swinger...

Taking off her thong!!!

and outside the rower also

As they would imagine, I was already going crazy... but Gaby wanted to show them all the little tangos she had separated, so they could tell her which ones they'd like to give her a...
So that's when it was red's turn:

And now the blonde... which one do you prefer???

I couldn't keep watching that booty without supporting it, and she loved it

After he told me he was going to certify it, and he wrote this little notice... I can't believe it!!!

When I saw that, I couldn't take it anymore; practically ripped off her thong and started eating all of her booty!!!
But we couldn't finish the post without asking them the question that motivated us to take the photos...What do you guys think??

We had thought of doing a set for the end of the post (babydoll + black thong), but we couldn't take it anymore, and I had to give him the cumshot he likes so much...
We would have to make another post with the missing set???
We hope you enjoyed it!!! Gaby is waiting for your responses ;)
77 comentários - Cuanta leche merece esta cola???
me dan ganas de darle mucha leche a Ella!
Me fascina su culo entangado y verla desnuda es alucinante! Cada día mejor se pone Gaby
es insaciable tu mujer 👌👌🔥
mmmm que lindos cachetes , que lindo seria abrirlos para sumergir mi lengua en ese asterisco y saborearlo bien
Gracias por compartir
Pasa por los mios
Dejo puntos
Me encanto la taguita roja para encularla con ella puesta y dejarle toda la leche por esa cola +10