If you like what we do, click on the legend @angieyruben that appears below or press the Follow User button next to our avatar. @angieyruben
Since we started in Poringa, almost 4 years ago, we've been dedicated because we believe that's the best way for us to thank you for the encouragement and good vibes we receive from you.
The dedications are over 600, so we've had to produce several posts so they don't take too long to download.
In this post, we've grouped the dedications of all those users whose nicknames range from O to R.
Individual dedications are alphabetized by each user's nickname.
Sorry if we forget someone, it's really complicated to keep track of so many dedications and always leave a bunch behind!!!
If you let us know or ask for your dedication in the post, we'll probably include it before the end of the series.
We hope you like the dedications because we make them with lots of love and although they take a lot of work and effort, they're worth it because we feel the need to say THANK YOU for everything you give us.
The dedications are over 600, so we've had to produce several posts so they don't take too long to download.
In this post, we've grouped the dedications of all those users whose nicknames range from O to R.
Individual dedications are alphabetized by each user's nickname.
Sorry if we forget someone, it's really complicated to keep track of so many dedications and always leave a bunch behind!!!
If you let us know or ask for your dedication in the post, we'll probably include it before the end of the series.
We hope you like the dedications because we make them with lots of love and although they take a lot of work and effort, they're worth it because we feel the need to say THANK YOU for everything you give us.
Let's share, comment, support, and make this wonderful Community better every time
Now we start with action. Kisses and lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!!
Letter O

Letter P

Letter Q

Letter R

If you liked it, recommend the Post to your followers by pressing 'Share on P'
Do you want more? Did they stay hot? Tell us if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed it and got as hot as we did making this game!!! Let's shine my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!!

We leave you thumbnails of the post, which will allow you to view the images from a secondary host if the primary image host fails. Click on the photo and you'll be able to see it in large size:

77 comentários - Angie, dedicadas 2013 (Letras O hasta R)
Cuanta belleza!!
Excelente post!
Gracias por compartir
te mando un beso Misko
Por siempre agradecido, mil gracias por tenerme siempre presente. Un abrazo.
Recomendamos tu Post y a Favoritos.. 😉 $ $ Dejamos Puntos para Vos $ $ 🆒
Uds, saben de mi verdadero afecto y respeto por los dos!!
Siempre estare agradecido , de haberme hecho el aguante mas de una vez, en dificiles momentos!!
Los mejor para Uds.
Angie,, estas cada vez mas linda y mas cogestible!! Cuando Rubito, se duerma avisame y entro por la puerta de atras!! ... besos a los dos
angie yo quiero probar tus canelones!!!
Me encanta mi dedicada.
Muy lindo post, les dejo puntines.
falta poco para la miaaaaa 😃 😃 😃
bombon gracias por la dedicada me encanto!!!!!!!! mis 10 que los tenes bien merecidos que en realidad deberian ser 100!!!excelente post!! gracas por la buena onda!!
gracias por la dedicada... Hermosas fotos como siempre...
y como provocas angie acorralarte arrancarte el forrito y darte hasta que se me prenda fuego la pija!
Tremendo !!!!!!!!!! 🆒
Una Diosa Angie !!!!!!!! 🤤 🤤 🤤
Imposible cansarse de mirarla...
te dejo +10
Regrese con simbolicos puntines que se merecen, Un abrazo y nuevamente gracias.
...Que la fuerza te acompañe.
Gracias por la buena onda !
te debemos muchooooooooooooooooooo