Hey!!, we're Nico and Bel, and with my girlfriend we've been following P! for a while now, and we think about repaying them a little bit of everything we received, so we made a small post of the two of us (more of her than me haha). By the way, we're telling you that we're looking for a girl who wants to join us, take something and see if we click for something more 😉. We're not very demanding about physical appearance, we know we're not models and don't demand a model, just someone cool enough to have a good time! Something else... My girlfriend Bel is next to me... She's scared that she'll get roasted for her physical appearance, she doesn't feel up to the standards of the cuties who are on P!, so she asked me to please ask you not to roast her, if you have something mean to say, please keep it to yourself.. (although I personally know it won't happen 🤤). Without more, here are the photos of this beauty!!

That's all... They'll probably see us around here again, remember girls that we're waiting for your messages to see if we can coordinate something! Goodbyes!!! (she says put 'kisses!!' in the goodbye haha)
146 comentários - Una pareja nueva se presenta
Hermosa cola!!!
Divina esa tanga.
Ojala se venga mas pronto.
le queda genial esa tanga con ese flor de ojete que tiene. lo felicito por el manjar que se come.
salen puntos y reco!
Sigan por aca 😉
que buena esta la nena ! una ricura de lolas que quiero ver mas 🤤
que colita tiene ademas !
espero pronto se anime a las dedicadas ! me apunto desde ya !
gracias por el aporte ! y esperamos verlos mas seguido !
y esa tanga le queda perfecta
Bel sos preciosa !!!
Tenés un cuerpo hermoso y tu colita es un bombón !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
🔥 :alaba::F:love::hot: :alaba::F:love::hot: :alaba::F:love::hot: :alaba::F:love:
divina en la proxima mostra tus tetitas se ven ricas como tu
Les esperamos mas por aqui..
Bechos de la Nena y Papi. Les dejamos puntos