If you like what we do, click on the legend @angieyruben that appears below or press the Follow User button under our avatar.
Before anything we want to thank you for the flood of messages we received after last night's show, from the interview they did on us in CQC. It was very cool having made the note and only regret that, in the same edition, they omitted all references to Poringa that we made during the interview. We made a topic in Angieyruben Fans community where we'll be adding the messages and greetings we receivedAngie in CQC!!!Again, and just like we do since our beginnings in Poringa, we leave the dedicated ones of the month as our way of saying thanks to all those who inspire us and transmit good vibes. The dedicated ones have been made mainly with sign cards and are more than 700 individual photos. Therefore, we had to produce 6 posts so it doesn't take too long to download. In this post, we've grouped the dedicated ones for all users whose nicknames go from P to S. To those who asked for dedicated ones in the posts and those who claimed not being included yet, we warn you that your dedicated one will be in the post from T to Z. If your nickname starts with letters A to C, your dedicated one is following this link:Angie dedicates to your album (A to C)If your nickname starts with letters D to G, your dedicated is following this link:Angie dedicates for your album (D to G)If your nickname starts with letters H to L, your dedicated one is following this link:Angie dedicates to your album (H to L)If your nickname starts with letters M to O, your dedicated one is following this link:Angie dedicates for your album (M to O)The individual dedicated posts are listed alphabetically by the username of each user. Sorry if we forget someone, if they notify us or ask for a dedicated post in the thread, we'll probably include them before the end of the series. We hope you like the dedicated posts because we make them with lots of love and although they take a lot of work and effort, it's worth it because we feel the need to say THANK YOU for everything they give us
Let's share, comment, support, and make this wonderful Community better every time
We want to thank an anonymous friend,tarinquero1 Grofson IncNoneZEEDNoneheavy soulNonemmrdrupoand aBoquita2009by the design elements they sent us.
Now we start with action. Kisses and lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!!
Letter P

Letter Q

Letter R

Letter S

If you liked it, recommend the Post to your followers by pressing 'Share on P'
Do you want more? Did they stay hot? Say if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed it and got as hot as we did making this game. Let's shine my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!!

If you made it this far don't forget to leave us your comment!!!
Don't forget to comment or send Private Message, we love the things you tell us. We value all and each of your comments and reward them by commenting. We think we'll keep contributing with our posts and comments because we believe that both ways make Poringa and contribute to generating that unique spirit this Page has, which sets it apart from all others in the world with similar content.
We ask everyone who passes by any post to value the effort it takes to share and put it together. This isn't just for those of us in the poringa girls category, but many great posters who take a lot of work and dedicate many hours to putting up impressive posts that appear in other categories (Images, Videos, Stories, etc), sometimes only receive a handful of comments from those wonderful commentators who are always there, and nobody else recognizes their dedication and effort for making Poringa a unique and extraordinary place.
Thanks to all of you because you make us feel part of this extraordinary community that is Poringa.

88 comentários - Angie dedicates for your album (P to S)
Genial en las dedicatorias. Morbo siempre asegurado.
en este post.
Te amo. Muchos besitos en todo tu cuerpo.
Ruben, sos un grande.
te vi anoche en cqc
habia tantas cosas importantes para preguntarte , pero creo que te toco un principiante
dejate de joder che quien era ese que hablaba con voz distorsionada ?
sabia que ese era peligroso , pero no tanto
Mas dedicadas que la buena onda que tenes , imposible !!!
un besote, Diosa !!
gracias angi! 😉
Muchas gracias por la dedicada chicos, estas hermosa Angie como siempre 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 Felicitaciones por la nota en CQC 😉
Salu2 chicos
saludos desde Venezuela
Me encanto mi dedicada - Saludosss!
+10 Recomiendo
Gracias por la calidad de siempre, me perdí lo de CQC, si pueden pasarme el link de algún video así lo miro.
(salieron Uds ¿no?, ahora meto la pata y nada que ver 😀 ..)
Wow gracias!!!, genial como siempre :F:F:F:F:F
muy lindas che, gracias 🆒
aa a no habia cargado 😉 muchas gracias hermosaaaaa
Besos y abrazos para los 2