! Hello to all who share, enjoy and do Poringa !
We are Angie and Rubén and this is our post number 224.
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Today we leave you with a production, different from our usual ones and in a joking tone, showing what happened one day when a group of friends met up at LaPrima's pool. Angie and LaPrima did several Aquadance figures with partners Pablo and Scorcan, the morsas of the title. We know this post can be misinterpreted so we're ready!!! We hope the post not only warms you up a bit but also makes you smile at least once. Thanks to IPucca who, along with Rubén, was photographer for this bizarre moment.
It pleases us that the motto with which we close all our commentsLet's share, comment, support, and make this wonderful Community better every timeIt's being adopted as own by several users. That's what we sincerely want for Poringa!!! Let this spirit not be lost!!!
Now we start with action. Kisses and Lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!!
Angie starts the Aquadance posing sustained by Scorcan and Pablo

Certified on Angie's tits

Angie and 'the flight of the dove' about a 'pair of birds'!!!

Scorcan takes advantage of the 'coreographic' movements and meanwhile he's being a jerk!!!'

The tricks of Angie are getting more complicated and the bites enjoy it!!!

The moment arrived when the guys fight, Scor can't doubt and Pablo shows himself determined!!!

Angie teases Pablo and Scorcan enjoys his moment as vedette!!!

Angie is doing the 'table' and Scorcan, who at this point looks like La Moli Moli, loads it up as if it were an ice cube bar.

Angie tries out the figure 'Titanic' amidst everyone's laughter

Hey Pablo, what's a document letter...?

Scoarcan shows why we all tell him to get rid of the pasta!!!

Angie and Scorcan blow a bomb in the pool!!!

The First peels and joins the group of dancers

The marvelous ass of LaPrima is the focus of attention for the 'choreographers'!!!

Angie and LaPrima improvise an underwater 'tijerita'!!!

Angie and Pablo create the figure of 'Fiancée Raised at the Threshold'!!!

Everyone doesn't stop having fun!!!

Pablo and Scorcan also want to improvise 'choreographies'!!!

Angie and the famous 'trick' called 'melted Gruyère cheese'

All arm a 'horse war'

Pablo, seems like you also have to drop the pastas!!!!

Quick masculinity test, who of the three would you like to spend the night with...

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Do you want more? Did they stay hot? Tell us if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed it and got as hot as we did making this game. Let's shine my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!!
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Don't forget to comment or send Private Message, we love the things they tell us. We value all and each of their comments and reward them by commenting. We think we'll keep contributing with our posts and comments because we believe that both ways make Poringa and contribute to generating this unique spirit that has this Page, which makes it different from all others in the world with its content.
We ask everyone who passes through any post to value the effort it takes to share and create it. This is not just for those of us in the poringa girls category, but many great posters who take a lot of work and dedicate many hours to creating impressive posts that appear in other categories (Images, Videos, Stories, etc), sometimes only receive a handful of comments from those wonderful commentators who are always there, and no one else recognizes their dedication and effort to make Poringa a unique and extraordinary place.
Thanks to all because they make us feel part of this extraordinary community that is Poringa.

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133 comentários - Angie y LaPrima hacen aquadance con dos "morsas"
ustedes si que la pasan bien!!! la tiene re clara
y una rica chupadita de concha
🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
un saludos per tutti
Sr y Sra Black
estas hermosa amiga me imagino que vas a tinelli no??
este año??me encanto tu aporte como siempre
me sorprenden cada ves que aparecen,gracias chicos por estar
aqui en la comunidad aria mas falta personas como ustedes
que brindan tanta buena honda asia nosotros,los llegue a apreciar
mucho de corazon se los digo saludos ruben besotes angie volvere:love::love:
ta' re-bueno el post!! 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
Felicidades por tan buen trabajo y muchas Gracias por Compartir!!
+10 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
tremenda fotos gracias chicos por compartir
Muy buen post, como siempre la mejor onda!!!
Gracias por compartir!
Escribir un comentario...
Que bien que la pasamos, pero la verdad que Scor impresentable, me daba verguenza agena, no puedo entender que salga asi con esa panza es un caradura !!!
😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀
no me dejen con la inquietud,,
luego de pasarla tan pero tan bien....habia que cerrar con broche de oro no????
no me digan que no por que me calente viendo y ahora ustedes,...
cuando me invitan a apasear a la argentina,,,,, 😀
Te invito a pasar por mis post cuando puedas
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
😀 😀 😀 un genio Pablo 😀 😀 😀
Me facinaron las fotos chicos 😉 😉 😉 😉
Nos anotamos para las proximas dedicadas.
Gracias por compartir.
Felicitaciones ANGIE y un beso
Quiero dejar bioen claro algo que Ruben no menciono en el post y que Scor seguramente estara de acuerdo conmigo !
Ese dia fuew uno de los mas frios del año, pero nosotros nos metimos igual a la pile para las fotos !!!
Por eso algunos pequeños detalles que en realidad tendrian que ser mas grandes.
Volveremos a intentar la proeza en mejores condiciones climatologicas !
😀 😀 😀
Parole, parole, parole....... 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀
q bien se divierten 🤤 🤤
les dejo puntines que me quedan.... por lo genial... aunque los morsabailarines ahi nomas...jejejeje
Seguro mi amigo, tendria ke hacer 50 grados de calor no?Muy buenas fotos la verdad mas alla de las pekeñeses se noto ke la pasaron muy bien se los felicita