

Between 20 and 30

85 - 55 - 90

Better attribute
The Booty

Tattoos or piercings
Two tattoos of a spider and a butterfly

Where Are You From?
St. Vincent Province of Buenos Aires

Single, widow, married, separated?

How are you dressed now, and what's your situation?
With a gin, answering an interview

How did you get to P?!
Oliver posted my photos without telling me

Before P!, were you participating anywhere else or is this your first time?
Debut in porn

What motivated you to make your first post?
The first one I uploaded Oliver without my authorization then I liked the comments and it became a habit

Who had the idea of uploading your photos to P!, you or your partner?
It was of Oliver

Does your partner feel a bit identified when posting updates, or is it 'Olivia's post'?.
For Oliver, Olivia's post is what she posts and delivers it to me.

Have you ever done this professionally or always online?
No, just for internet

Do you like this that people see your body and comment on it why?
It excites me to know that I caused desire in men.

What do you feel when you see the comments of users?
I feel overheated.

Do you think girls from the Porngirl community see you as an example to follow in the context of posts?
I don't think I'm an example of anything even though some girls tell me they'd like to be uninhibited like me.

Do you only have sex to post on P! or do you also have intimacy as a couple and don't post it?
We have a lot of sex in intimacy, especially after I read the comments.

What do you like most, stockings, garters, or tights?
Balls and chains

What color lingerie do you like?
I like black

We've seen quite a few disguises, that's what they do for fetishism, fun, or because they think it makes the game or sex more sensual. Is there one you particularly like?
It's a turn-on for Oliver when I dress up

What do you think is your best post?
The one I like most is
" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://poringa.net/posts/poringueras/1371896/Olivia,-tu-regalo-navide%C3%B1o_.html

Have you ever tried threesomes, foursomes, swinging, or something like that?
For now no

Do you like using toys, alone or that your partner or someone with you uses?
I use it with my partner.

Where would you like to do it?
I'd like to do it in an elevator

Do you regret any photo or video that you've uploaded or shared?

How do you like the photos more and why?
They tell me in the comments that I look better after four

Where are photos usually taken?
In my house

Have you ever done something crazy?
One time I gave Oliver a blow job on a bus

Do you prefer a game before action or straight to action?
Direct Action

What's your favorite position?
From a pup

What would you never do if you still haven't done everything?
Do it for money.

Does size matter or do you have no prejudices about that topic?
For me it matters

Have you ever been sexually disappointed?
Yes, I'm very demanding

Where was your first time and how was it?
It was at a classmate's house from secondary school

How much is the maximum amount of sex you've been having?
It was all one night

Have you ever had multiple orgasms or what was your highest score?
I'm not multi-orgasmic, it depends on the night of pleasure they give me and if the man can keep up with my rhythm.

What do you prefer them to do orally or for you to do it or both?
I love it when they give me oral sex and I do it to my partner in a good 69

Do you like it when they cum in your mouth, on your face, or somewhere else on the body?
I like them to fill my small butt with cum

Do you have any complaint about your partner or is it a 10 with you in bed?
I sometimes get ignored because I'm chatting with the guys from Clan P!

We've seen that you've done anal, vaginal, and oral ones, is there one that suits you better or do they all give you a different sensation and do you prefer one more than the others?
The anal sex produces a much stronger excitement for me, it's the cherry on top of the dessert.

Good and to finish, some greetings to everyone who's going to see this post to those who follow your posts, the official community of Olivia, those who follow you guys etc... some message to those girls who are starting or still don't dare to upload their photos
To thank everyone for the support they give me in posts, to all followers, and to you for creating the community. And to new girls just say have fun be yourself, sex is fun like this community too. Kisses, I love you: Olivia.
goodbye saying goodbye, without anything else to say thanks to all, since without the help of everyone nobody could keep going in this community, thanks again to Olivia for the good vibe, and to all who always keep it up

87 comentários - Entrevista Exclusiva a Olivia
🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ dejate de joder oliver 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
excelente entrevista! Olivia es una belleza sin igual. (ojalá lo deje a oliver y se venga conmigo... 🙎♂️ 😀 😀 😀 )
estaba justo por decir lo mismo!!! la entrevista es muy buena pero duele la vista al leer ciertas faltas ortográficas faltas demasiado obvias!!!
gracias a vos podemos conocer mas a la diosa de olvia
es un ejemplo a seguir! 😉 😉 😉
🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒
La ORTO esta perfecta !! 😳 😳 😳 😳
Gracias che, por traernos un poco mas de esa diosa tan mimada por Poringa !!
Y un besote a Olivia !!
increible! de lo mas lindo que vi en mi vida Olivia, sos perfecta, y tu cola bueno, mas que hermosa!!!
Juaaaaaaaaaaaaa, como podes hacer eso Oliver!! 😀 😀
Excelente la entrevista, conocimos mas en profundidad al Monumento a la Mujer!! 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
Muchas gracias por el aporte, segui asi!!!!
Muchas Gracias por compartir!!! 😉
Postea, comparti, comenta, disfruta...
jajaj lepunk!!! que buena idea y obvio olivia la mejor la mas bella,me morí...mi marido DD ahora esta laburando,pero cuando lea tu respuesta a la pregunta donde te gusta la" lechita"
OLIVIA!!!!!como podes hacerme esto:
¿te gusta que te acaben en la boca, en al cara, o en alguna parte del cuerpo en especial?
Me gusta que me llenen la colita de leche
😳 🙎♂️ 🤤 🤤 😢 😢 😢 😢 noooooooooo!!!! a DD se le va explotar alguna de las dos cabezas 😀 😀 😀 .no fuera de joda ahora pareces mas humana 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ siempre crei que eras de otro mundo 😉
te adoro olivia 🤤 🤤 🤤
lepunk buen post!!! te dejo mis 10 pero lady kary tiene razón corregí las faltas 😉
Sin lugar a dudas es una de las representates mas preferida de la categoria.
Por actitud,belleza,sensaulidad,sexualidad,pero por sobre todo por su solidaridad para con todos los usuarios de la flia.
Marco,marca y marcara siempre una conducta a seguir,para todas aquellas amigas que se pintan un P!.
Aprendi a querer y a respetar tanto a Ella como a Olivier.mas alla de lo que nos muestran en sus post.
Por sus convicciones ,por su compañerismo,por su forma simple y directa.(por su culo,que es la fantasia hecha realidad)
Veo en Olivia,como asi tambien,en algunas pocas P!oringueras mas , la llama del amateurismo que supieron dejar encendida Marysex,Larusap1975,Labrujita,Argentinita,Frutillita,P!rat!ta y algunas mas que ya no estan con nosotros,pero que siempre las recordaremos.
Podria llenar mucho espacio con letras, que en definitiva se verian vacias con solo mirar una sola fotografia de Olivia.
Por lo tanto, solo me resta agradecerte por este post y agradecerles a Olivia y a olivier, todo lo mucho y bueno que siempre nos han regalado.
Si se me permite, le sugiero a esta diosa que se pinte un teclado en orto,asi el Sr esposo, puede satisfacer sus dos pasiones!
Besos para Olivia
Olivia lindisima como siempre... Saludos
Que decir de Olivia, esa extraordinaria mujer que con su belleza y buena onda engalana la página !!! Que Diosa !!!
Muy buena la entrevista, diferente de las muchas que hemos visto últimamente, porque fue hecha en función de la protagonista.
Felicitaciones, a favoritos y volveremos !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Besos y Lamiditas !!!
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
gracias por compartir
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
besos a todos
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
jajajaj que hijo de mil, un sacrificio lo de oliver 😀 😀
Olivia un bombom de otro planeta ! Buena entrevista loco 😀
Gracias por compartir con nosotros...
jajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD seguro es con Troncudoo
cuidaate Oliviaaa jajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa me encantoo como siempre Diosaaa Totallll
Graciass lOkooo 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
🤤 🤤
Algunas de las respuestas que te convierten en la mujer perfecta:
¿Prefieres un juego antes de la accion o a al accion directa?
Accion directa
¿te gusta que te acaben en la boca, en al cara, o en alguna parte del cuerpo en especial?
Me gusta que me llenen la colita de leche
hemos visto que has hecho anales, vaginales, orales, ¿hay alguno que te acomode mas o todos te causan una sensacion distinta y prefieres uno mas que el otro?
El sexo anal me produce una exitacion mucho mas fuerte, es la frutilla del postre.
¿que nunca harias, si esque aun no has hecho todo?
Hacerlo por dinero.
PD: Perdon pero me rei mucho con las faltas de ortografia de quien entrevista a Olivia. 😉