! Hello to all who share, enjoy and do Poringa !
We are Angie and Rubén and this is our post number 117.
As you all know, Lonely's intention was to attend the porn girl party and he announced his trip with drums and cymbals. Finally, Lonely never made it to the party and he gave his version of what happened in this postThe Bat was staying in BS. As.In this super production we tell the truth about what happened to Lonely when he visited Buenos Aires. We hope that this post will make a few people laugh and hopefully they'll appreciate that in this production we wanted to do something crazy, very different from what we usually do, but it shows how we take life with humor and even more so if it's with friends like our dear Lonely !!!
Today we're also celebrating having arrived at13,000 comments what we have done without distinction of category nor rank in the 11 months that we have been in Poringa
It pleases us that the motto with which we close all our postsLet's share, let's comment, let's support, and make this wonderful Community better every timeIt has been adopted as own by several users. That's what we sincerely want for Poringa!!! Let this spirit not be lost!!!
Now we start with action. Kisses and lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!!
When he arrived, Lonely locked himself in his room and started drinking beer, whiskey, adult magazines, and taking two doses of Viagra as if to give it to an elephant!!!

Lonely dice: I'm talking to the computer 'Dolls' (easy joke)? Lonely adds: Let's have good blowjobs!!!
The two bitches that Lonely hired pose with him!!!

The girls suck each other's cock at Lonely!!!

Lonely dice: I want to cum so badly now !!!!
Lonely explodes on the face of the two bitches and falls into a coma!!!

Lonely dice: I am dying of boredom with Angieeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
The calamitous state in which Angie found Lonely

Notes in the margin: Cream for lice Lonely???? Dermaglos and Hipoglos? The Lonely is a luxurious vampire of sensitive skin!!!
Angie, ready to go to Radio P's party, starts giving her care to the Lonely

Angie says: Vampy, Vampy, take the little pill...

Angie says: Vampy, Vampy, you're flying with fever!!! I think you won't get out of this one!!!
Angie's tricks to save Lonely!!!

Angie says: Vampy, Vampy, I'm going to make you some mimis...

Angie says: Vampy, Vampy, do you like sucking my tits...?

Angie says: There's no case, her little guy is dead lonely!!!
Lonely doesn't react and Angie decides to do everything to save our friend!!!

Angie says: React Vampyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Angie says: Do you like my pussy Vampy?...

Angie says: Don't you want to suck it a little bit, Vampy, come on, revive!!!

Angie says: And my nipples, don't you want to suck my nipples, Vampy!!!

Angie makes desperate efforts to revive Vampy!!!

Angie thinks: There's no case, I'll have to personify myself as the Super Doctora porn star!!!
Dr. Angie performs the first studies on Vampy.

The Doctor Angie says: The heart and pressure are fine, the problem is another!!!

Dr. Angie says: With reason, the problem is here!!! Lonely has the needy asshole syndrome!!! It's a case of Life or Death!!!
The Doctor Angie gives her verdict!!!

The Doctor Angie applies the famous Abre Booties injections!!!

Dr. Angie thinks: Let's see if with injections and a show he makes me recover !!!
Vampy, Vampy, do you like my strip tease...? It's just for you!!!

Lonely dice: Anshiebebequebuenaqueestassssssssssssssssssss !!!!

Lonely Dice: Yeahhhhhhh
Vampy, Vampy, do you want to try the taste of my pussy...?

Lonely Dice: QuegustitoricotienelaconchitadeAngieeeeeeeeeee !!!!
Vampy, Vampy, want we take a beer together...?

Lonely Dice: Estabuenalacoronita !!!!

Vampy, Vampy, do you want to dance with me...?

Lonely Dice: Lastestas de Angie en el paraíso oooooooooooo!!!

Dr. Angie says: Vampy, what do you have here between your legs...
Lonely thinks: MetocaunavezmásylohagocornudoatRuben!!!

Dr. Angie says: You're dancing so well, Vampyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Lonely thinks: I'm going to die without you Angie!!!!

Dr. Angie says: That's a penalty, you have the longest foot than the hand of Evil Mode!!!
Lonely thinks: NimelonombresalEvilMode, loodioooooooooooooooooooooo

Lonely thinks: I'm so hot and sweaty!!!!
The dance and the teasing with Angie make the luxurious member wake up!!!

The Doctor Angie says: Hey Vampy, what's up with that...? Lonely says: My rectum is a bloody joyride of all sorts of vices!!

Dr. Angie says: That's delicious Vampyyyyy!!!

Dr. Angie says: How hard you've got it, Vampyyyyyyy!!!!!

Lonely dice: TheAngriestdieeverwithfriendsandIamawinnerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Give it to Vampy, you play with my titties and I'll play with your little peepee...

Lonely thinks: Whatthefuckisgoingonintheredsofast !!!!!

Lonely thinks: Metaconavemazlapijaymevoyensecooooooooooooooo
Vampy, Vampy, do you want my pussy...?

Lonely thinks: Come and come and come and don't stop massesssssssssssssss !!!!
Vampy, Vampy, do you want me to ride you...?

Lonely thinks: Daughter of a put as how it makes warm apple cider a lot of times
Desperate and about to explode, decides to give himself a blow job!!!

Lonely thinks: I want to end it rrrrrrrrrr !!!! Noooooo, don't let me die again and again !!!!!!
The fatal consequences of Lonely's premature ejaculation!!!! It collapsed again!!!

Dr. Angie says: Poor little vampire didn't make it, I'll have to resort to Plan B!!! Get ready Vampy, we're going to galloprrrrrrrr!!!
Vampy, Vampy, don't be afraid, this is the only thing that can cure you!!!

Dr. Angie says: Vampy, pet her a little bit...

The Doctor Angie says: Now give him a kissssss... Lonely thinks: What will the Lord, the Full, the Coqui, the Diegui, the Oliver, and the Pablo Gonza say when they see me doing thissssss!!!

Dr. Angie says: Dale Vampy, hug the cinturonga or you'll fall and make a mess!!! Lonely just whispers: Help! Save my brother!!!!!!

Dr. Angie says: Well, Vampy, go ahead!!! If you kiss her, I'll let you touch my pussy!!!

Angie takes off her 'bombachita' to Vampy and starts executing the Plan B

Dr. Angie says: Hold on, Vampy, I'm doing it to save you!!! Don't be a faggot!!!

Lonely screams: Help!!!! I want to go back to Paraguay!!!!!!

Lonely screams: I'm working so hard!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Angie rides Lonely four times!!!

Oh no! Come on! Noooo! Ahhh!

The second round of Dr. Angie's Treatment!!!

The Doctor Angie says: Okay, give me another kiss and let's go again!!! It's for your good, Vampy!!! Lonely thinks: Tanfentanfeanoestádespuesdetodo...

Dr. Angie says: If Vampy like that, lifting her legs in works better!!!

The Doctor Angie says: Like that, until the very end!!!!
Lonely thinks: Help me get out of here!!!!!!!!!!
Lonely thinks: Help me get out of here!!!!!!!!!!

Lonely thinks: To whom I would give a good night Buenos Aires!!!
The third delivery of Dr. Angie's treatment.

Dr. Angie says: Don't worry, Vampy, it's just the tip!

Oh my god!
The treatment is a success and Lonely is cured!!!

Dr. Angie says: Vampy, you're healthy now!!! Your bum temperature is normal now!!!
The Dr. Angie and Lonely dance The Belt Dance!!!

Dr. Angie says: Let's dance Vampy!!! We have to celebrate!!!

Lonely sings: To move the ass, to move the ass, to move the asslllll...

The end of relaxation!!!

Dr. Angie says: Vampy, you're good now!!! It's stopped again!!!

Lonely thinks: Now I'm going to Buenos Aires and the porteños are cagers and they'll make me cum !!!!

Do you want more? Did they stay hot? Say if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed and had as much fun as we did making this game. Thanks Lonelybat for the good vibes!!! Let's shine my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!!
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If you made it this far don't forget to leave us your comment!!!
Don't forget to comment or send Private Message, we love what you say. We value all and each of your comments and reward them by commenting. We think we'll keep contributing with our posts and comments, because we believe that both ways make Poringa and contribute to generating that unique spirit this Page has, which sets it apart from all the others in the world with their content.
We ask everyone who passes by any post to value the effort it takes to share and create it. This isn't just for those of us in the poringa girls category, but many other posters who put a lot of work into creating impressive posts that appear in other categories (Images, Videos, Stories, etc), sometimes only getting a handful of comments from those wonderful commentators who are always there, and no one else recognizes their dedication and effort to make Poringa a unique and extraordinary place.
With the great amount of download posts from compulsive posters who only seek personal benefit, it's almost impossible to see on the main page the wonderful contributions of the Poriga boys with soul, who dedicate a lot of effort to give us authentic high-quality contributions, and that's why they can't even receive a couple of comments.Let's share, let's comment, let's support, and make this wonderful Community better every time !!!
We thank all of you for the constant encouragement we receive, for your comments and MPs, and for recognizing our style where we mix the erotic with the hard, but always nuanced with touches of humor to try to give them, besides a good erection or wet one, at least a smile. Thanks to all because they make us feel part of this extraordinary community that is Poringa.

123 comentários - Angie y la "verdad" del Bati Lonely + 13 Mil
y el resto son trucadas
🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
te mereces esto
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
hasta me duele el "culo"
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Aun no supero el ultimo post con gatubela y ahora haces esto lonely!!!!!!!!
Y el que creia que ya tenia todo fijo!!!!!!!! jajajajajajajaja
Angieeeeeee Mira la foto que encontre de ru, se equivoco de fiesta y de Rubia!!!!
Gracias angie y Ru, me hicieron reir muchooooo
muchas gracias por compartir +10
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Y yo que creia que la otra foto te comprometia.....
🙄 🙄 🙄
(sale otro voto por el "Si" en el post donde preguntas si quieres probar cinturonga........... Si, aun estoy votando) jajajajaja
esta genial me estoy meando de la risa
otro enfoque de el hombre murcielago
En tu defensa debo decir que estas imagenes demuestran que es macho aquel que probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y probo y .......... y al final no le gusto!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
NOOOOOOOOOOOO...................ES DEMACIADOOOOO....... 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
Excelente post!
Gracias por compartir!
El Moro
🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
buenisimoooooooooooooooooooooo y todo parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia. pero si le gusto la cinturonga jajajajajajajaj.....
buenisimo el post esta de super lujo y como siempre angy brillando chula mujer nos estamos viendo
ruben capo siempre el genio detras de lo q vemos....
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
excelente post angie todavia no puedo dar puntos 🤤
mas pruebas de lo tuyo lonelybat 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
angie y ruben gracias y felicidades x los 13mil comentarios!!!!
y gracias x compartir tremendos post!!!
saludos mios y de pablo
son unos grosos!!!!
les dejo un 10!!!! un abrazooo!!
Que pena!!
Lonely es el unico vampiro que conosco, que chupa la sangre con popote!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Excelente material, Felicitaciones.
Comentar ayuda a la comunidad... Comenta.....
Ya no vuelvo a creer en los post de Lonely mira ke me tenia engañado ocultandome el tramiento ke le aplicaron..........Pero en fin fue por tu bien jajajajajajajaj
Felicidades por los 13000 comentarios chicos como siempre su ganas de aportan de mil maneras en la comunidad.
menos mal q apareciste en las fotos!! x q faltaba una MUÑECA!!!
pd. muy buen post 😉
Como siempre mis 10 son tuyos.
jajaja q basura este chico jajajaja no pare de reime q buena onda gente puntos y sigan asi besos 🙂
Basura yo ? 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Ru salio igualitooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!