On this occasion a Poringa boy @adrian45s contacted us, who after chatting with josefina for a few days decided to participate in a trio for the first time, we had a great time, it was 2 hours of full sex, the encounter took place on Saturday 5/08/2023 in room 16 of the motel slut Negro in Rosario. Anyone wanting to participate in the next one should let us know, only one of the last shoutouts has the requirements. We respond to all messages, as always thanks for stopping by the post and I hope you enjoy it just as much as we did.

To give us a break, Adrian45 gave Josefina some massages and then we continued

It seems to me that for the next threesome we will need a photographer. Thanks for passing by.

76 comentários - Threesome with a Poringa boy
Que increibĺe lo que disfruta de la pija..
Me encantan los tríos, que bien la pasan chicos
Felicitaciones, la próxima una DP no puede faltar
donde acabaron??