If you like what we do, click on the legend @angieyruben that appears below or press the Follow User button next to our avatar. @angieyruben

Since we started in Poringa, we have been dedicated because that is the best way we have of thanking you for all the wind and good vibes you receive from us. We also want to thank everyone who follows us, which allowed us to surpass the mark of 35,000 followers last weekend. The dedications are over 800 individual photos and therefore we had to produce several posts so they don't take too long to download. In this post, we have grouped the dedications of all those users whose nicknames go from letter A to B, plus those that start with numbers or special characters. The individual dedications are alphabetized by each user's nickname. Sorry if we forget someone, it is really complicated to combine the nicknames of all the dedications and always leave a lot behind !!!! If we're notified or asked for the dedication in this post, we'll probably include them before the end of the series. We hope you like the dedications because we make them with a lot of love and although they take a lot of work and effort, it's worth it because we feel the need to say THANK YOU for everything you give us. For those who don't have dedications in this post, we leave as Bonus 3 hot videos at the end of the post ! We hope you like the post as much as we do, since we enjoy making it ;)
Let's share, comment, support, and make this wonderful Community better every time
Now we start with action. Kisses and lamiditas and Let's shine my love!!!
Numbers and Special Characters

Letter A

Letter B

We leave you as a 'bonus' some hot videos!!! Don't miss them!!!
Click on this link to see it in full screen
Click on this link to see it in full screen.
Click on this link to see it in full screen.
If you liked it, recommend the Post to your followers by pressing Share on P
Want more? Got left hot? Say if you liked it!!! We hope you enjoyed and got as hot as we did making this game!!! Let's shine my love!!! Kisses and Lamiditas!!!

We're leaving you with thumbnails of the post, which will allow you to view the images from a secondary host if the primary host images fall. Click on the photo and you'll be able to see it in large size:

89 comentários - Angie, tsunami of dedicated videos (A to B)
Muy lindas las dedi...
saludos desde Chile
Gracias por todo lo que le dan a esta maravillosa comunidad...!!!
Me encantó mi dedicada...!!! Por la cual estoy muy agradecido...
Realmente es EXCELENTE el laburo...!!!
Felicito nuevamente por la belleza y sensualidad de Angie, además de felicitar a ambos por la buena onda que le ponen a todo lo que hacen...
Favoritos, Reco y +10...!!!
gracias por compartir..!!
reco y esperando el turno de la C 😉
angie diosa total !!!!!!
Para todos los novatos son grandes referentes...
Va reco y dejo puntitos!
Gracias por la dedicada, Angie.
...Que la fuerza te acompañe.
Me vuelven loco los tops semitransparentes, y con esas increíbles tetas de diosa... unas dedicadas preciosas. Y los vídeos... infartantes, una diosaa. Os dejo mis 10, no podía ser de otra manera.
Gracias por compartir.
q hermosa cola... me dejaste durisimo 🤤 🤤
La vd q Angie es una tremenda y terible yegua!! 😀 Me agrado, me encanto mucho verle, la vd q esta re-buena...
Saludos y Exitos desde Paraguay!! 😛
Hermosas Tetas, Hermosa como siempre
Excelente y esas gomas exquisitas!
esperamos la nuestra en su momento
muy hermosas y muy buen el post!!!
quisiera verme en esos hermosos pechos!!!
gracias por compartir
Esperamos anciosos las nuestras!!!!!
Se me acaban los abjetivos para comentar en tus post!!
Gracias por compartir
corazon sabes cuanto te admiro y cuanto te deseo ojala me tengas en la lista de DEDICATORIAS siempre es un honor verte y tenerte en mi coleccion de dedicadas siempre me complace
esta imagen es IMPECABLE
refleja perfectamente el angen sexual que representas en la tierra preciosa dama
muy bueno el laburo!
van +10!!
Como siempre Angie DIVINA total
Espero mi dedicada para la letra E
Gracias por todo lo que le dan a esta comunidad chicos
Esperamos Ansiosos nuestra dedicada 😀 😀 😀
lástima que no me tocó dedicada esta vez... será en otra oportunidad
sos divina
eres la mejor en el porno angie deverias de abrir tu propia pagina con miembros !!