Te atreves a saber todo sobre el sexo...

Well it would seem to be hinting at us this guide, I went in and they have first-hand information, check out the address:http://www.scribd.com/full/3112547?access_key=key-yz938bvttrsai8kpjxeAnd this is just a little of what they give you for free!!!EXERCISES TO ENLARGE THE PENIS
Relaxation techniques
Masturbatory exercises
Couple exercises
PC muscle exercises - Kegels
Techniques for controlling excitement
Positions that delay ejaculation
Final recommendationsTECHNIQUES FOR KISSINGIntroductory techniques for Kissing
First technique for Kissing
Tongue techniquesORAL SEX (TO HER)Preliminary Basic Oral Games
Entering the preliminary game step by step
Vaginal and Clitoral Stimulation
General Suggestions for Pleasing Women Orally
Positions to Please Your Lover Orally
MenstruationORAL SEX (TO THEM)Introduction
The art of fellatio
Parts down there
Getting ready
What to do with your ejaculation
Essential elements
Not much time?MIXED ORAL SEX WITH PENETRATIONThe Best of Both Worlds Reactions of the WomanANAL SEXAnal sex
Sexual anal toys
Some practical tipsFEMALE SEDUCTION GUIDEBasic Rules
What They Basically Want
Basic Procedure
Basic Gestures
What to Say to Them
For Her It's a Game
What a Sexy Woman Seeks
The 3-Second Rule
Increase Your Attractiveness by Limiting Your Availability
Learn to Say No
Take It as a Challenge
How to Communicate with Women
Attractive Women
How to Get Along with Them
How to Entertain Them
A Strategy for Seduction
What to Say If She Says I Have a Boyfriend
What to Say if You Don't Want to Answer a Question
How Seduction Begins
Everything About the PhonePENIS MASSAGESPenis MassagesTypes of PenetrationTypes of penetration according to the Kamasutra
UFFF... there are many more topics and I got cut off, so let's give sex what the world is going to come haha
Here's the data :)

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Te atreves a saber todo sobre el sexo...
bueno el link esta roto no se si podes poner algo que funcione sin molestar
no lleva a ningun lado 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️