Cómo chupar una concha...

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Cómo chupar una concha

Cómo chupar una concha...Hey!, I have a lot of respect for all the men who like to suck shells because there are very few of you on the street, and I'm not the only woman who says so. And what's more, some of those who do it the old way don't do it too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you. When a woman finds a man who sucks well, she has found a treasure and won't let him get away easily. This is a rare type and she knows it. She wouldn't even tell her best friends because if she did, he'd become the most popular man in town. So remember, most uncles can get it up and generally do it satisfactorily, but those who know how to suck it well have got it.Use the word vulvaMany women are sad about their bodies. Even if you have the most wonderful woman in the world with you in bed, she will still be worrying about how you like her body. Tell her she's beautiful, tell her what parts you like more, tell her anything but let her trust you enough to let you go down between her legs. Now stop and look at what you see. It's nice, right? There's nothing in the world that makes your woman more unique than her pussy.

I know, I've seen many, they come in different sizes, colors, and shapes. Some are tucked away like a little girl's doll and others have thick, seductive lips that welcome you. Some are tangled with hair and others are covered with transparent fur. Appreciate the unique qualities of your woman and tell her what makes her special.

Women are much more talkative than men, especially when it comes to love. They also respond more to verbal love, which means the more you talk to them, the easier it will be to make them cum. So every time you spend acariciando and manoseando your precious pussy, talk to her about it. Now look at it again, gently part the lips and look at the inner lips. Even kiss them if you want. Now separate the upper parts of the use word: pussy until you find the clitoris.infoWomen have clitorises of all sizes just like men have penises of different sizes, but this has nothing to do with their ability to orgasm. It simply means that most of it is hidden under its foreskin. Every time you touch a woman's pussy, make sure your finger is wet. You can lick it or moisten it with her internal juices, but make sure it's wet by any means before touching her clitoris, as your finger will stick to it if it's dry and that hurts. But you don't want to touch her clitoris in any way, you have to prepare the terrain. Before she gets excited, her clitoris is too delicate to be handled. Approach her pussy slowly.

Women, even more than men, love being incited. The inner part of her thigh is her most delicate spot. Lick it, kiss it, draw with the tip of your tongue, get close to her pussy. Make her anticipate it. Now lick the fold where her legs join her pussy. Caress your face with her pubic hair, brush your lips over her ridge without pressing, to excite her later.chuchuAfter having done this to a point where your girl is moving and trying to force you to get closer to her, then put your lips on the surface of her pussy. Kiss her softly and then harder. Now use your tongue to separate the lips of her pussy and when they open, make your tongue run up and down between the layers of flesh. Softly spread her legs apart with your hands.PachochaEverything you do with a woman and what you're about to eat has to be done smoothly. Grab her with your tongue, that also excites her from the holy because she wants something to pay attention to her clitoris right now. Check it out, see if the clitoris has become hard enough to protrude from its cover. If so, suck it. If you can't see it, it might be waiting for you underneath. Take your tongue to the top of her slit and feel her clitoris. You can barely experience its presence, but even if you can't feel the tiny pearl, you can make it rise by sucking the skin that covers it. Suck hard and press inside her skin. Gently separate the lips of the pussy and put your tongue against the clitoris, covered or not. Do it quickly. This will cause her legs to tremble. When you feel her reaching orgasm, shape your lips into an O and take the clitoris with your mouth. Start sucking smoothly and observe your girl's face and reaction. If she can take it, start sucking harder and if she likes it, suck even harder still. Go with her. If she lifts her pelvis in the air with the tension of orgasm coming, move with her, don't fight. Wait and keep your warm mouth on her clitoris. Don't let her go. This is what it's also saying: DON'T STOP!, NEVER STOP!!! There's a reason for that. Most men stop too soon.Cómo chupar una concha...Like a blow job from a cock, this is something worth learning and worth learning to do well. I know a man who is a disgusting fingerer. Simply disgusting. But he can lick a pussy better than anyone I know and never has trouble getting a date. The girls rush at him. But going back to your 'blow job' session, there's another thing you can do to intensify the pleasure of your woman. You can screw her with your fingers while she enjoys your clitoris skills. Before, during, and after. She'll love it.Use the word vulvaBesides the erogenous zones surrounding her clitoris, another woman has an extremely sensitive area on the roof of her vagina. This is the zone you rub against when you're fucking her. Well, since your cock is a bit far from your mouth, your fingers will have to 'get down to business'. Two fingers are fine and three too wide so you can't penetrate deeply. Make sure they're wet so as not to irritate her skin. Slide them in slowly at first and then more quickly. Fuck her with them rhythmically. Only accelerate when she does. Listen to her breathing, she'll let you know what to do. If you're sucking her pussy and doing one finger at the same time, you're stimulating her a lot more than if you were just using your penis alone, so you can count on her having a great time. If you have any doubts, check her symptoms. Every woman is unique. You might have one whose nipples harden when she gets excited or only when she comes. Your girl may turn red or start trembling. Learn to recognize her symptoms and you'll be her most sensitive lover. When she starts having an orgasm, for God's sake, don't let that clitoris get away. Persist with the duration. When she starts to decline from the first orgasm, press your tongue against the lower side of the clitoris, letting your lips cover the top. Move your tongue in and out of her pussy. If your fingers are inside, move them a little too, although gently, since everything is extremely sensitive especially now.infoIf you play your cards correctly, you'll get multiple orgasms this way. A woman is excited for an entire hour before having an orgasm. Do you realize the total impact of this information? The potential? One woman had 56 orgasms in a row. Do you know what effect you'd have on a woman if you gave her 56 orgasms? It would be yours whenever you wanted.chuchuThe last advice that fuck you is: after making her come, make her your slave by giving her the biggest blow job she's ever had. Don't leave her alone exactly now. Talk to her, caress her breast and body delicately, continue making love to her smoothly until she feels calm. A man can leave and go to sleep on the same breath without feeling remorse or sense of loss. But a woman by nature requires some sensitivity from her lover in the first moments after sex.Pachocha
Cómo chupar una concha...Oral sex can be the most exciting sexual experience you can have. But it's what you do. Take your time, practice often, pay attention to your lover's symptoms and above all, have fun.Use the word vulva
Cómo chupar una concha...

44 comentários - Cómo chupar una concha...

me va a servir para no quedar com un gil, hasta con rima y todo te lo digo, gracias lonely 😀
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 tiene razon, mucha razon, pero no toda..no solo de lengua vive una mujer, es rico, y muy muy rico, pero igual necesitamos ser penetradas, yo me atreveria a decir que el orgasmo perfecto es la union de los dos...por eso nos fascinan los vibradores. y otra cosa lo primordial de todo esto es el aseo personal de cada uno. no sueñen que eso. no mas es asi. como dirian ustedes el mejor polvo, empieza o comienza desde que te aseas... 😉
me encantó el post lonely
te felicito, una de las cosas que disfruto es del sexo oral, creo q es muuuuuuuy importante
gracias 😉
😳 😳 😀 😀 😀 😀 para eso esta el viagra 😀 😀 😀 ayuda mucho....jajaja
Besos lone, tus post son geniales. Gracias por todo.
Muy buen post...lástima un poco el gallego pero después te causa gracia algunas palabras.
Buena info y MUY BUENAS FOTOS!
Me gustaron mucho las fotos! y del texto siempre se rescata algo...no está demás refrescar la memoria y veo que a las chicas les importa...sino mirá como comentan!.
Ahora una duda que me tortura...soydiablita dice que le fascinan los vibradores...no sabe que debe haber 10.000 hombres dispuestos a lo carnal...porque una belleza, una diosa tan increible usa vibradores si tiene respuesta inmediata!...tan mal nos portamos los hombres para tener que recurrir a la ficción!...no lo puedo creer 🙄
me dejaste más caliente que pata de camello.... me voy a practicar estas técnicas 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️ 🙎‍♂️
Excelente data !!! Yo le agrego lo de masajearle el clítoris y los labios de la concha con los dientes (Suave, obvio) y siempre me da un resultado bárbaro !!! 🙎‍♂️
EXCELENTE POST !!! Derecho a favoritos...
lo mejor es tener una buena pala ancha jeejejeje 😀 😀
excelente post capo la verdad muy bueno y si a quien no le gusta chupar una almejita humeda y disfrutarla hasta el maximo mirando como ella lo disfruta, seeee, me encanta 🤤 !!!!!!!!

Excelente post!! como me gusta comer empanaditas!! 🤤 🤤 🤤
Me pongo loco y no paro más de chupar conchas 🤤 🙎‍♂️ 😀

sdpv P! Gracias por el post
muy explicativo tio !!!

#7 - Chilanpi | 02.04.2008 17:21:48 dijo:

me dejaste más caliente que pata de camello....

es mi principar prioridad estando con una mujer
Sin 20 minutos nunca será un buen polvo!!! 😃
Me encantó lonely, solo hice que corroborar mis pasos 😀
Y gracias por avisar, en este no necesitaré a Frank para traducir 🙄
😀 😀 😀

Saludos my friend.

Cómo chupar una concha...

Que grande Vamp. un groso es Ud.

100pre aportando a la comunidad

Afortunadamente con mi chica, la gran mayoria de las veces la hago acabar, solo chupandole la concha tal como lo hago, pero es muy bueno saber estas tacticas. Las tendre muy en cuenta 😉
Como me gusta chupar conchas, diste buena info, gracias te dejo +5