PoringaChat! Version 1.0.1
About the programThe program is quite stable and it's a version I designed for us to test together. It will probably be possible to make improvements, I don't doubt that. Whoever wants to contribute suggestions, they will be listened to with pleasure. ThePoringaChat!It's a basic program, useful for any Poringa boy who doesn't want to complicate things when putting themselves in touch with other users in real-time.PoringaChat!It doesn't present great functionalities. For that there are mIRC and mIRC scripts.It Won't InstallIt's only an executable file that contains the basic library it uses to connect to IRC inside.Don't Steal InformationIt doesn't contain dangerous routines that put your PC at risk.It does not contain embedded harmful fileslike viruses or spyware.Improvements of this version:Response signal to the server, allowing us to stay online uninterruptedly. *BEEP sound when sending private messages *Selecting a user from the connected list allows writing a private message to them *The user list updates without issues upon entry, exit, or disconnection of other users *Shows the total number of users in the channel. *Shows the topic or welcome message of the channel. *Allows saving the conversation log at any moment as a text file (date_time.txt) *Filters some (still missing) characters related to font types and colors for better visualization in plain text. *Improvements in code regarding event control and error interception.What allows you to do?With just one click we can connect to the IRC network and automatically join the #Poringa channel. It allows chatting with the rest of the users in the channel, and sending private messages. Also makes it simple for us to change our nickname.It has support for the following commands
/My messageTo write messages in third person, e.g. MyNickname is taking a cold beer (Users who have applications with color support will see this message asMyNick is about to take a cold beer
/MSG user messageTo send private messages, for example: /MSG SomeConnected Send me and we'll go hide out/Quit message goodbyeTo cut off the connection leaving a farewell message, e.g. /QUIT See you later, I'm going to get drunk./CLEAR iClean the screen in case it gets complicated to keep reading.What doesn't allow you to do?Separate windows for each private user *Show colors and different types of letters in conversations (enhanced text)What may allow you to do in a future (not so distant)?Individualize each of the private windows in distinct windows. *Improve aesthetics and presentation *Window that shows server events separate from channel events. They candownloadFrom here: The file is a RAR that contains the program and weighs 76 KB
Private hosting
Attention Windows 98 UsersIt may not be able to execute the program and present an error marking the absence of a library. This is because this Operating System does not come included by default. Such library allows running programs developed in Visual Basic 6MSVBVM60.DLLTo solve it, they must download and install this file
Download Library Package
I hope I don't have a problem or if possible not to go through the bad moment of them deleting my post. That is, I don't want neither other users nor moderators to get angry because the program works for a different channel than #Taringa. For all those who want to enter the #Taringa channel, there is the softcore that didTavoTwhich allows such an objective. I think, as a personal criterion, that Poringa can offer different topics of conversation, another context, and another tone of conversation. That's why I think it's convenient to separate the two areas, just like there are two pages for each theme (general, and high-toned, respectively) Additionally, I consider the IRC Chat a way to get to know each other better among Poringa users who share the same tastes I hope you find it very useful. And again, any suggestion, comment or report of an error that anyone wants to make will be welcome 😉
About the programThe program is quite stable and it's a version I designed for us to test together. It will probably be possible to make improvements, I don't doubt that. Whoever wants to contribute suggestions, they will be listened to with pleasure. ThePoringaChat!It's a basic program, useful for any Poringa boy who doesn't want to complicate things when putting themselves in touch with other users in real-time.PoringaChat!It doesn't present great functionalities. For that there are mIRC and mIRC scripts.It Won't InstallIt's only an executable file that contains the basic library it uses to connect to IRC inside.Don't Steal InformationIt doesn't contain dangerous routines that put your PC at risk.It does not contain embedded harmful fileslike viruses or spyware.Improvements of this version:Response signal to the server, allowing us to stay online uninterruptedly. *BEEP sound when sending private messages *Selecting a user from the connected list allows writing a private message to them *The user list updates without issues upon entry, exit, or disconnection of other users *Shows the total number of users in the channel. *Shows the topic or welcome message of the channel. *Allows saving the conversation log at any moment as a text file (date_time.txt) *Filters some (still missing) characters related to font types and colors for better visualization in plain text. *Improvements in code regarding event control and error interception.What allows you to do?With just one click we can connect to the IRC network and automatically join the #Poringa channel. It allows chatting with the rest of the users in the channel, and sending private messages. Also makes it simple for us to change our nickname.It has support for the following commands
/My messageTo write messages in third person, e.g. MyNickname is taking a cold beer (Users who have applications with color support will see this message asMyNick is about to take a cold beer
/MSG user messageTo send private messages, for example: /MSG SomeConnected Send me and we'll go hide out/Quit message goodbyeTo cut off the connection leaving a farewell message, e.g. /QUIT See you later, I'm going to get drunk./CLEAR iClean the screen in case it gets complicated to keep reading.What doesn't allow you to do?Separate windows for each private user *Show colors and different types of letters in conversations (enhanced text)What may allow you to do in a future (not so distant)?Individualize each of the private windows in distinct windows. *Improve aesthetics and presentation *Window that shows server events separate from channel events. They candownloadFrom here: The file is a RAR that contains the program and weighs 76 KB
Private hosting
Attention Windows 98 UsersIt may not be able to execute the program and present an error marking the absence of a library. This is because this Operating System does not come included by default. Such library allows running programs developed in Visual Basic 6MSVBVM60.DLLTo solve it, they must download and install this file
Download Library Package
I hope I don't have a problem or if possible not to go through the bad moment of them deleting my post. That is, I don't want neither other users nor moderators to get angry because the program works for a different channel than #Taringa. For all those who want to enter the #Taringa channel, there is the softcore that didTavoTwhich allows such an objective. I think, as a personal criterion, that Poringa can offer different topics of conversation, another context, and another tone of conversation. That's why I think it's convenient to separate the two areas, just like there are two pages for each theme (general, and high-toned, respectively) Additionally, I consider the IRC Chat a way to get to know each other better among Poringa users who share the same tastes I hope you find it very useful. And again, any suggestion, comment or report of an error that anyone wants to make will be welcome 😉
45 comentários - PoringaChat! v1.0.1
funciona!! 😀 😀 😀
Una masita y van los puntos prometidos !!
jio jio jio ^^^^
A los usuarios que no les conecta, fijense si tienen Windows 98 de descargar el paquete de librerías para poder correr el programa. Tambien, aquellos usuarios que estén detrás de router, asegurensé de tener abierto el puerto 6667.
Cualquier inconveniente,me mandan un mensaje privado
* Se refinó el código
* En esta versión ya no se ven los molestos cuadraditos y números que se refieren a decorados de texto que permiten algunos programas como mIRC.
El texto se visualiza claramente
PoringaChat! entra al laboratorio de nuevo
Basicamente va a continuar siendo lo que es, un cliente de IRC exclusivo para Poringa!, sencillo, facil de bajar que les permita compartir experiencias e integrarnos cada día más.
Las mejora a la cual más me voy a enfocar, es a separar los privados en distintas ventanas para que no se confunda con el texto del canal general.
Acá un screenshot de como quedó ahora
Lo bajan desde acá
PorinChat! en RapidShare
PoringaChat! en Hosting propio
Espero que les guste, y ojalá que el proyecto siga en crecimiento. Saludos!
Gracias !
la idea es mandarles PM a todas las poringueras que hallan posteado para que se sumen a la iniciativa de poblar PoringaChat!.
Mejoras de esta versión
* Se volvió a refinar el código.
* Soporta privados individuales. Podemos pedirlos nosotros (clickeando en el nickname de la lista de conectados), o se generan al momento que alguien nos escribe. (suena un BEEP de aviso)
* Si un usuario cambia su nick, el privado adopta el nuevo nick para seguir conversando.
Acá van dos screenshot, de la ventana general y de un privado.
Lo bajan desde acá
PoringaChat! 1.5 en RapidShare
PoringaChat! 1.5 en Hosting propio
Cualquier inconveniente me envían un mensaje privado.
Espero que se animen a entrar y que no se desanimen si por ahí encuentran poca gente.
Todos están a la espera de que alguna Poringuera se anime a entrar, y compartir sus experiencias, como lo está haciendo OXIDADA
Como esta version incorpora un nuevo control, (pestañas para independizar las charlas) aquellos que no puedan iniciar el programa, deberan descargar ese archivo e instalarlo
Microsoft Visual Basic Common Controls
No lo embuti dentro del programa, para lograr que pesara menos y para que no se generaran dudas sobre rarezas en el codigo.
vamos culiao que se puede!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me encanto...
quiero mas, mas, mas......
Mejoras de esta version
* Se incorporó un sonido llamado \"Privado.wav\" que viene incluido con el programa para avisarnos de los privados. Desde la aplicación se puede activar o desactivar esta opción.
* Se corrigieron algunos errores de código.
ATENCION! si no les funciona
Si les dá un error de la librería COMCTL32.OCX (el programa no la incluye), bajen el archivo que recomendé en mi comentario anterior.
Si el error persiste y les dice que la librería no está correctamente registrada, vayan a INICIO, despues a EJECUTAR y por ultimo escriban regsvr32 \\windows\\system32\\COMCTL32.OCX
Acá un screenshot nuevo:
Descargar PoringaChat! version 1.6
Archivo: RAR
Tamaño: 239 KB
PoringaChat! version 1.6 en RapidShare
PoringaChat! version 1.6 en Hosting propio
Sigo viendo que tienen problemas con la libreria COMCTL32.OCX. Pesa 500 KB, no la incruste dentro del programa para que sea mas liviano y ademas supuse que todos tenian la ultima version en su PC y sobre todo, registrada.
Pero para aquellos que me putean por que no les abre el programa, aca les dejo un enlace directo para que la bajen.
Guarden en la carpeta SYSTEM32 que esta dentro de la carpeta WINDOWS.
Despues, si vayan a INICIO, EJECUTAR y escriban regsvr32 \\windows\\system32\\COMCTL32.OCX
De paso les queda registrada por si otra aplicacion tambien necesita usarla.
Saludos de nuevo
Si amigos, ya está lista la nueva versión.
Los que tienen las versiones anteriores, les recomendaría que la reemplacen por la última, ya que tiene mas funciones y menos errores de código!
Mejoras de esta versión
* Los privados se abren al hacer DOBLE CLICK sobre el usuario
* Interfaz intuitiva que permite cortar la conexión dejando un mensaje de despedida.
* Interfaz intuitiva que permite escribir mensajes en tercera persona, tipo ACTION. (Los demas que usen mIRC o algun Script de mIRC lo verán de color rosa). Ej: \"* MiNick se va a bañar\"
* Se mejoró el código
Acá un screenshot de la ventana general
PoringaChat! v. 1.7 en RapidShare
PoringaChat! v.1.7 en Hosting propio
Si no les funciona por el error de la librería que mencioné mas arriba, esta version incorpora un archivo de texto donde tienen la solución!
Se agradece !
Cuando digo error, me refiero a ESTE error
Pero yo, que estoy siempre... nunca aparezco en las capturas de pantallas?????? eso no es justo
Si amigos, como los tengo acostumbrados todos los días lanzo una versión nueva. Esta creo que va a ser la última. Si le sigo agregando cosas va a perder el concepto de \"cliente básico de chat\", si desean algo avanzado, bajense mIRC o bien un script con mas funciones como IRcap
Mejoras de esta versión
* Posibilidad de entrar a la sala de chat #Taringa. (Sale de #Poringa). No permite dos salas abiertas al mismo tiempo. Pero pueden abrir dos veces el programa si quieren permanecer en las dos, y listo.
Esta vez no les dejo Screenshot para no hacer pesado el post, descubranlo ustedes!
Archivo: RAR
Tamaño: 249 KB
PoringaChat! v. 1.7.1 en RapidShare
PoringaChat! v.1.7.1 en Hosting propio