THOSE WHO ENTER,No matter proxy, IPs, MACs or anything.
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Fiscal Cybercrime Unit (UFECI) in Poringa!

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Crossed out: They detained 13 people for pedophilia in a major operation: there are two teachers accused
107 searches were carried out in CABA and in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco and Santa Fe
ThirteenresultedDetainedin the last hours within the framework of an investigation into crimes ofHolding, distribution and productionof materialChild Sexual Abuseand online sexual harassment, commonly known asgroomingAmong the detainees is a physical education teacher and an initial-level teacher.
Arrests occurred today Tuesday in 107 simultaneous raids carried out at homes in 62 municipalities of the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco and Santa Fe, with the participation of over 800 officers from the Bonaerense Police and Federal Police. The operations were carried out as part of Operation Protection of Infancies II, which aims to dismantle gangs that distribute images and videos of sexual practices involving minors.
Specifically, the investigation of this case focused on detecting users who have disclosed files related to the sexual exploitation of children, girls, and adolescents between August 30 and October 6, 2023.
The operation had a double command. By the MPF of CABA, participated the prosecutor Tomás Vaccarezza, titular of the Public Prosecutor's Office N°17 specialized in computer crimes and contraventions. In this public prosecutor's office, more than 150 users of P2P networks distributed in Argentina and the rest of countries were investigated. The searches requested by prosecutor Vaccarezza were granted by judge Bettina Mobillo.
For the Bonaerense side, the Department of Connected Crimes to Human Trafficking, Child Pornography and Grooming of the Bonaerense Public Ministry, led by Eleonora Weingast, dependent on the Secretary of Criminal Policy of the Attorney General's Office, headed the investigation together with the Fiscal Assistant in Connected Crimes to Human Trafficking, Cyberpedophilia and Grooming of the Junín Judicial Department, led by Fernando Graffigna; the Functional Unit of Instruction and Judgment N° 8 Decentralized of Berazategui (of the Quilmes Judicial Department) specialized in this type of crimes conducted by Fiscal Daniel Ichazo; and the Functional Unit of Instruction and Judgment N°3 of the Pergamino Judicial Department directed by Nelson Mastorchio.
For the detection of suspects was key the information provided by the US Internet Crimes Against Children Child On-line Protection System (ICACCOPS), a tool used to verify traffic in material exploitation sexual children, girls and teenagers on peer-to-peer platforms.
ICACCOPS provided clues about cases of child sexual abuse material download and distribution, as well as its possible production and grooming incidents, crimes covered by Argentine Penal Code articles 128 and 131. The system also allowed identifying Internet protocol addresses (IP) associated with suspected users.
Thus, agents from the Cybercrime Investigation Department of Complex Crimes in the Buenos Aires Province Police and from the Division of Cybercrimes against Childhood and Adolescence at the Federal Investigations Superintendency -which depends on the Federal Investigations Superintendency- were after them.
In the searches, 22 fiscalías and specialized offices intervened. Specifically in the province of Buenos Aires, the case covered the following judicial departments: Avellaneda-Lanús, Azul, Bahía Blanca, Dolores, Junín, La Matanza, La Plata, Lomas de Zamora, Mar del Plata, Mercedes, Moreno-Gral. Rodríguez, Morón, Necochea, Pergamino, Quilmes, San Isidro, San Martín, San Nicolás and Zárate Campana.
They detained 18 people involved in the production and dissemination of child pornography
Thirteen people were arrested for pedophilia in a massive operation: two teachers are accused

Grooming - Fisting!
UFECI | Public Prosecutor's Office | Attorney General of the Nation (mpf.gob.ar)📌
Prosecutors | Public Prosecutor's Office (mpf.gob.ar)📌
guide-grooming-Nov-2020.pdf (argentina.gov.ar)📌
Grooming Guide

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