¿Por qué me gusta tanto el porno?

- Once he spoke to me about intelligence, like a gift to use it for the benefit of humanity.

- It's not a privilege.

- These things have turned him into something he's not, don't listen to them.

- But I always dreamed.

- Sometimes we must be firm to do what is right and give up what we want most, even our dreams.

THIS POST HAS IMAGES TO SEE IT WIDER, HAHA, WHAT A CREEP.PEOPLE OF PORINGA, many people have asked me why the hell I like porn so much, right at the point where many have called me a 'fetishist', I admit that in some points of my life I've fallen into 'porno addiction', but as a good person, I know how to control that.¿Por qué me gusta tanto el porno?Okay, from my perspective, everything starts with the simple fact that porn is something personal and intimate, it makes it very intrinsic, the fact that you see it yourself, you feel liberated, calm, relaxed, something each person chooses how to do it, what to watch, the fact that you're not accompanied by anyone (most of the time) makes you not feel obligated or remorseful for doing or having done something, just pure chance you see some content you don't like, simply move on to another.pornThe following is for me, porn is art, hentai is art, since it's a way of expression, this isn't something objective, it's my opinion, for you it might be simple entertainment, for me it's something beautiful, something I like, something personal, something awesome.CuriositiesAnother thing is that nobody will criticize or judge you for what you see, for what you can see it as you want. I always say that you should try everything, but of course, set limits, I don't want to see anyone watching weird things, like some things that according to me cannot be pronounced in Porn.porn

Finally, it's that porn, like any audiovisual material, stimulates creativity and pushes you to create your own content, which is something I aspire to, I want to make my own successful porn video; and also to create your own sexual fantasies. Although I don't want to get into the topic of social responsibility, each one will be responsible for what they do.Curiosity

¿Por qué me gusta tanto el porno?


CuriositiesI want you all to give your opinion on this topic.But okay, that's all for today, follow me, give points, favorites, comment and all that, remember I upload posts every Friday. See you in the next post, goodbye.

4 comentários - ¿Por qué me gusta tanto el porno?

No hay un día q no pase sin q mire algo de porno me encanta mirarlo y exitarme viendo cosas q quisiera
Yo hacer es algo personal íntimo y tmb da curiosidad a probar cosas informarse antes de hacerlas. Es lo mejor q me paso el porno
Igual, pero es un poco culpa de la cuarentena.
LuchoAR +2
es bueno plantear este tema, que por cierto es muy personal, no concibo el sexo sin porno: empecé a los 12 y a los 61 sigo adicto y descubriendo estímulos, soy soltero, soy pajero...no cuestiono ni deseo hacer psicología, internet abrió la punúltima puerta a mis deseos y me gustaría que la tecnología fuera más accesible a nuestras necesidades onanistas. Me mantengo dentro de la ley y, con lo que hay, basta para calmar morbos y obsesiones. Mientras haya imaginación , erecciones y una mano fuerte habrá goce. En algún momento, siendo joven, sostuve que el porno era arte, talvez porque había argumentos en las pelis y tenían alguna ambición estética, hoy son sólo un mete-saca desenfrenado que reditúa a la industria por la inmediatez con que se produce y la rapidez con que se consume; además hay una oferta muy generosa. Perdón si he sido excesivo o tedioso, gracias por el espacio para opinar.
Siempre eres bienvenido.