Qué pasa si queres cuernos y te enteras de que ya los tené

Qué pasa si queres cuernos y te enteras de que ya los tené

Okay let's revisit an issue we already discussed a while back. And it has 28,000 ways of being seen, thousands of possible opinions. We're talking about this again because several husbands and boyfriends wrote me saying they really wanted their wife to get screwed by someone else, they wanted to experience being a cuck cuckold. And that they started realizing, suspecting or knowing for sure... That the horns are already theirs. That their wives or girlfriends are already screwing them in secret.wife


adulterousThis obviously can be true: Today millions and millions of people are cheating on their partners. And it's important to know that it can happen for a lot of reasons. So it's important to know, before doing anything. If she kicks me in the back, why does she do it? There are women who can do it as revenge, because they don't feel loved, cared for or desired. Others because they compete with other women (and wanted to eat their husband from the friend, colleague, cousin, sister, etc...), others simply because they don't know how to say no (not because they're promiscuous, but due to fear, shame, timidity, etc.), others because they feel a lot of attraction to what's forbidden, etc., etc., etc. Each couple is a world, each one will have their reason, good or bad. Acceptable or not. According to who. Then the main thing is to know the reason. Thinking, remembering and asking the right questions, a husband has great chances of realizing why he got two whacks on the head...cuck

CuckoldNow well, if the reason is hostile or they're fighting, or she doesn't feel loved, etc, etc. The ideal is to be able to talk about it and solve it. Correct and improve that which she needs and feels she doesn't have. (And then decide whether to continue with the couple, separate, or whatever...) But what happens in this case, when the husband or boyfriend WANTS her to cuck him?loverHe could get just as angry, considering it a betrayal, for not doing it consensually. Which is respectable and many times accurate. But he can also accept it. Weigh everything on the scale to see what's heavier; if his desire to have a woman make him cuck or her lack of honesty in being like that, speaking creole, makes him shit. And that takes us to another reason why an wife or girlfriend may be unfaithful: The same one that gives sense to many cucks. Maybe she loves her partner, wants it, cares for it, is happy with it, they have a great time, share everything, peeeeero isn't sexually satisfied with him. And has crossed paths with someone who leaves her with an ear-to-ear smile from the well-satisfied one. It's questionable that she's lying to her husband or boyfriend. But what can the husband or boyfriend aspiring cuck cuckold do if he has to live this situation? The guy wants to be cuck, wants his woman to get excited with others... and discovers (slowly or suddenly) that he already has more horns than a deer (maybe it was a while ago, maybe it was recently, maybe just one, maybe several). Obviously there are many ways to react, as we said. And the most important decision he has to make is: Do I get angry and talk to her, separate from her, etc? or do I accept this and see how to lead towards a cuckolding couple?HornsHow often, we don't have the only truth. We can only give our opinion and what we've learned through experience and observation:

And our stance is as follows: If you really want to be a cuckold, you've decided, you know what you like. And you consider your wife unfaithful because you don't sexually satisfy her, because you don't see a virile man in the sexual sense and if she sees it in another or others...

Encourage her to forgive you, and prepare yourself to accept it.

Did you want to be a cuck? Well, that's what you are. Your desire is satisfied. Only remains to solve how she stops being hidden with lies and hiding places.

How do I tell my wife that I'm aware?

A great question and great issue: It will depend on the dynamics of each couple, at what moment they're going through, the personality of each woman, and many other things.

Personally, I think if one knows their partner loves them, knows they're not sexually satisfied, and knows they're seeing someone else...

It's ideal to:

At first, act like a fool as much as possible. Simulate in the most realistic way that you know absolutely nothing. That you didn't find out.

And at the same time, make it easy for her: Leave her alone more often, so she can set up her space and times to see others. Don't bother her.

Pay close attention to details: If she changes her schedule, if she goes out with friends more often, if she's late, IF SHE ASKS HER HUSBAND OR BOYFRIEND ABOUT HIS SCHEDULE...(A detail that confirms the horns a lot)

And in that sense, follow her game fully. If she asks you Tomorrow before 6 are you...? Tomorrow before 6 aren't there haha. Go for a walk, do something, etc. Stay busy.

Let her know she has free rein when you suspect she's gone, send her an innocent message like I love you, I'm delayed with something..., Don't interrogate her. Don't give signs that you know.

Consented horns

Consented InfidelityAfter that, it would be ideal to let the situation unfold on its own. Because if you go and accuse her of something...she might deny it, back off, get angry. The situation will take another turn. They'll argue or whatever.

Instead, if the situation unravels on its own...

She'll only have to tell the truth and talk to you...

At that moment, it's just right, with subtlety, tact, being very clear, without being threatening or too intense, to start confessing the truth: That you want to be cucked, and far from being angry, you like the situation. (Explaining everything you feel and think about it as best you can).

From then on, she'll probably be surprised (maybe not), and see what to do.

You're left to encourage her. Generate trust with her. Say you forgive her. That you don't hold a grudge or seek revenge or anything like that.

And because why not...give her a nice lingerie or provocative clothing set as a sign that from now on...she can misbehave without rushing or hiding.


Qué pasa si queres cuernos y te enteras de que ya los tené

21 comentários - Qué pasa si queres cuernos y te enteras de que ya los tené

ixami +1
Yo le dejaba cojuntitos nuevos y cajas de preservativos
Fabuloso! Ese es el Rol del Cornudo bien cumplido!
excelente post! dando siempre en la tecla gracias por compartirlo
Cada vez que te leo me da mas ganas....
De qué era? De entregarla? de entregarte? (No se si me habla el o ella, por eso) Abrazo!
Es tan exitante saber que va a bailar y seguro la encaran porque va con una calza transparente 🤘😈❤cornudo feliz
Es muy importante tomarse las cosas con calma.
Van a surgir preguntas en sus cabezas cuando se enfrien un poco...
"porque lo hizo a mis espaldas si yo le di la libertad de hacerlo?"
La respuesta puede no gustarles...
Se puede ir todo muy al carajo como bien lo explica el post.

Dicho esto, hay que incentivar en todo momento.. implacablemente, pero sin presionar... a veces nos copamos y no nos damos cuenta.. hay que dar un paso atras, esperar un poco y continuar.

En el caso de que ya sospechamos.. hay que continuar como si nada.. creo yo.. seguir haciendo lo mismo.. buscar el tema de conversacion pero siempre con pies de plomo.. a ella siempre le va a quedar la duda de cual va a ser tu reaccion al enterarte de que te esta haciendo cornudo..

Entonces hay que buscar la manera de que ella se convenza y gane confianza, que se haga normal cosas como que te diga que le parece lindo un flaco cuando estas paseando con ella en la calle... osea, dejar que se valla soltando y que tus reacciones siempre siempre siempre sean positivas...

Un comentario mas arriba dice que el le dejaba preservativos a disposicion.. bueno yo fui los compre delante de ella y le hize que los lleve siempre en su mochila... por las dudas... obvio que sus respuestas siempre fueron negativas y que jamas uso "esos" preservativos... pero la idea estaba planteada...

Gracias gracias, aunque aún no estoy ni cerca de que acceda o de enterarme todo lo expuesto me ayuda. Hay más de estos post instructivos.... quiero leerlos
Creo que estoy lejos o no veo aún los indicios, pero también le regale una caja de preservativos jeje
jaja Prime y Tulipan contentos! Cuando quieras escribime y charlamos!
Un maestro del cuckold. Sus palabras son irrefutables.
Jaja muchas gracias genio! Tratamos de compartir lo que aprendimos por experiencia y observación durante varios años. Con modestia y buena onda. Abrazo!
Como siempre, simplemente excelente la explicacion y toda la persepción de como es la vida de cuckold. Justamente yo comence de esta manera, primero fui cornudo inconciente, hasta que siegui por otra etapa de enterarme y despues de consentir. Llegando a convenir monton de cosas de mano del dialogo hasta que nos entendimos. Hoy soy yo el que tengo la obligación de buscar y de reclutar amantes, y mi mujer de decidir y eleguir.
La verdad te felicito muchísimo por no enojarte con ella y lograr algo tan genial como lo que contás. Felicitaciones por aceptarlo en lugar de enojarte!
Shiwwo1 +1
Muy bue n post, el tema es si te hace cornudo porque no te quiere mas. Muchos casos de infidelidad se dan por desgaste/monotonia/ etc. En cambio como decis si es porque no la complaces bienvenido sean los cuernos!!!!
Sin lugar a dudas. Cómo decimos al principio del post, muchas veces la infidelidad viene de la mano con venganzas, con enojos, con que ella no se siente querida, deseada, cuidada, etc. Sin dudas. Abrazo y muchas gracias por pasar!
Justo mi historia ayer, ayer me paso eso, me fui de rumba con unos amigos, regrese le había dicho que no llegaría a dormir y la encontré con otro.
Uff! Y terminó todo en buenos términos o no? Te gustó la situación?
Cune23 +3
A nosotros nos paso !!! Sabia que podia e iba a pasar pero ella se adelanto sin decirme nada y se garcho s su ex ( quien hoy es su fijo ) a los dias mientras fantaseabamos me conto todo !! Casi me muero !!!!!
Bueno, los recontra felicito por haber podido continuar la situación como pareja cuckold. Que hermoso momento debe haber sido. Muy genios ambos. Felices cuernos! A disfrutarlos, y siempre te quedará el placentero morbo de saber que antes del cuckold, ella igual eligió a otro para coger. Yo al menos lo disfrutaria un montón.
muy buen post en mi caso me entere sin querer ahora y soy cornudo consiente ac muchoooosss años
Fabuloso!! Fuiste cornudo en las dos modalidades entonces jaja! Abrazo genio!
Van puntos. Buenísimo post, muy explicativo. Me gustaría ponerme en contacto con vos y hacerte algunas consultas. Saludos!
Cuando quieras 😉😉
Y muchas gracias por los puntos y la buena onda! 👍
No es mi caso pero a mi esposo esto seguro que le gusta
Y bueno, puede ser.
Cuestión de charlarlo con un rico aperitivo, buena música y un lindo clima nocturno.
es lo mejor del enojo a la locura !!!
Te pasó?
Mi mujer estuvo un tiempo follando con un primo mio con el cual yo y el nos veíamos bastante todos los días y nunca sospeche nada de que se estuviera follando a mi mujer lo descubri un dia por el tlf de mi mujer. A ella se le olvido un dia bloquear su tlf