Cuando te toman fotos en la intimidad...

Can someone publish your photo even if that person is the one who took it?

Cuando te toman fotos en la intimidad...

According toAGRAthe Moral Rights (of) the Graphic Reporters Association of the Argentine Republic)Art. 51 and 52) Only belong to the photographer. 

Intellectual Property Law (Copyright) 11.723

Art. 17 of the National Constitution says:

Every author or inventor is the exclusive owner of their work, invention, or discovery for the term established by law...

Law 11723 grants photographers moral and patrimonial rights to their work, requiring only that it be original.

1. Moral Rights (arts. 51 and 52) are perpetual and inalienable, belonging solely to the photographer and cannot be ceded or negotiated.

Paternity Right: The author must always be mentioned alongside their work whenever it is exhibited or published.

The author is a physical person, never an agency, image bank, or company.

Right of Integrity: The author is the only one who can allow alterations to the work in terms of content and context.

2. Patrimonial Rights (Art. 2) The author enjoys exclusive economic rights over their work.

When works were made on commission, the invoice must contain specifications about the authorization for use.

When works were made within the framework of a dependent relationship, patrimonial rights are subject to the negotiated conditions in the labor contract (Art. 28).

3. Period of Protection for the Work
Currently we have a 20-year patrimonial protection period starting from the first publication (art. 34), after which the work passes into public domain payable and the National Endowment of Arts is in charge of collecting a fee for the use of photographs, being able to dispose of any economic benefits that may arise from it.
The rest of works (scientific, literary or artistic) have a protection period of 70 years following the author's death (art. 5), which are perpetual and inalienable, belonging only to the photographer
Ley de Derecho de Autor (Intellectual Property) 11723
Art 17 of the National Constitution says
“Every author or inventor is the exclusive owner of their work, invention or discovery for the term set by law…”
The law 11723 grants the photographer moral and patrimonial rights to their work, requiring only that it be original

Now the right of a person over their image implies that to portray them, make their portrait public and put it in commerce, is necessary to have their consent according to what I read

Photography vs. Photographed
Treating a photograph of a person, two different rights must be taken into account: the right of the photographer over their work and the right of the photographed person over their own image.
A person's right to their image implies that in order to portray them, make their portrait public, and put it on sale, consent is necessary. However, even if they have given their consent, the photographed person may change their mind and revoke it at any time. In such a case, they must answer for the damages they may have caused.
This right to intimacy has exceptions: if the person was photographed and the publication of the portrait is done for cultural purposes or with motive of public events or those that developed in public.
Right over your image according

Right to the image. To capture or reproduce the image or voice of a person, in any way it is done, requires their consent, except in the following cases: a. when the person participates in public acts; b. when there is a priority scientific, cultural, or educational interest and sufficient precautions are taken to avoid unnecessary harm; c. when it is about exercising regular reporting on general interest events.

In other words, those are the terms for someone to publish a photo that was taken of you. In summary, the photographer is owner of their work but the person photographed has legal right over their image, permission is needed to publish their photo.


That's all, I have posts about various things...thereThe links below


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private photos

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