Frida kahlo erotismo y libertad sexual

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954).
It is one of the most recognized Mexican artists of all time.
Intimidating and magnetic figure...with great personality...Only she resembled herself and in her provocation, she was a being distant from all stereotype. Symbol of feminism, she is a female reference and inspiration.Free of prejudices had the audacity to have lovers and try new things...

Here a series of nude photos of a very young Frida that emanates eroticism and sensuality...

Frida kahlo erotismo y libertad sexual

Androgynous and bisexual, are attributed with a countless number of lovers (not all confirmed). Some show signs of aBisexualitythat she never bothered to deny it. However, Frida hadtwo great loves in her life: his fathera Hungarian photographer who had ended up in the American country fleeing family misunderstanding, and also a painterDiego RiveraConsidered one of the greatest exponents of Mexican muralist painting.

Frida, like us, but in a much more conservative society...stood out for her natural tendency to transgress, to decide for herself, to go against the forbidden, to experiment with the new and be at the forefront.

Erotic art

Sexual freedom was her hallmark and she reclaimed an unusual breadth of mind for a woman of that time.Free of prejudices had the freedom to have male and female lovers...
Frida had some unconfirmed intimate friends among them Chavela Vargas...Frida Kahlo wrote in a letter to poet Carlos Pellicer: 'today I met Chavela Vargas. Extraordinary, lesbian, it seemed more erotic to me. I don't know if she felt the same way. But I think it's a woman liberal enough that, if she asked me, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to undress in front of her'Choose a lover who looks at you as if you might be magic...

Frida kahlo erotismo y libertad sexual

13 comentários - Frida kahlo erotismo y libertad sexual

tanno4 +1
Te felicito por el post,muy bueno,dejo puntos y gracias por compartir.
muchas gracias!!
Muy bueno, en su casa se cocinaba la politica y el arte del principio de siglo 20
es cierto..aunque dolorosa, tuvo una vida fascinante y se codeó con personajes muy importantes.
gracias por los puntos que me dejaste.
inotle +1
gracias por tu comentario y por lospuntos que me diste.
Este es el mejor aporte tuyo hasta el momento, felicitaciones..!!
Muchas gracias por tu opinión y por lospuntos que diste!!! @jorgehindami
Frida fue genial!! no asi Rivera, quien creo no estuvo a la altura de estar con semejante mujer, mas alla de su talento artistico como muralista que es innegable, hablo estrictamente de su rol de hombre, con respecto al amor y el respeto hacia ella...prefiero imaginarla como amante de Trotsky, jejeje
una figura maravillosa es bien entró en ese mundo por él, brilló con luz propia..y realmente él fue bastante mierda con ella.