(Note: Since the input is a single symbol, I'm returning it as is, following rule 10.)to lick

(Note: As per rule 10, if the text is already in English, I will return it without any change.)whiskerling
Is that okay like this, or would you rather I wait for you in another position??

Hello Sweetie how are you?
@catmoonHello! everything's fine!Very pleased with the note.

Tell me what age was your first time?
My first time was at 17 years old

@luis1820How are you in bed?
@whiskerlunA cat haha... imagine... I love being 4
Let them spank me on the butt with my ass.

@luis1820A weird place where you had sex?
I don't know, haha...It could be a pickup truck.

Did you fulfill all your fantasies??
I fulfilled all my fantasies haha. Lucky me!!!

What would be your ideal size?
It has to be big because I like feeling it
All in the mouth. Mmmmm haha

How is @gatinhalunar?
@catmoonI'm a crazy woman, I let myself be taken...
I Delight in Provoking Menwith provocative clothing.

@luis1820How's it going with the Argentinians?
They seem strong, handsome guys... I imagine ahhh

@luis1820Where do you like to go out at night?
I'm more relaxed now, I don't go out very late.
When I came out it was terrible, meShe's wearing a short skirt
I was leaving all my butt to imagination. Hehehe.
Always gonna giveTurnsBy the roadAlone at night
Along the coastlineAnd cases always ended Transing.

Did they offer you money for sex?
They offered me money to make a porn.

How much do I need to put in for you to accept?
It depends very much on how they would like to see me
She's got thingsFor which I would charge more. Hehehe

@luis1820Did I recognize someone?@catmoon
For now nobody, when he goes to Argentina
But someone recognizes me. Hehe

How do you keep your body?
To keep my body, I exercise a lot
On bicycleespecially very sex. Haha

@luis1820Where do you like them to finish?
If I like cum on my face... just like in the photo...
Let them pull my hair really hard from me.While sucking.
I also like to beat my dick on my face ahahaha

@luis1820?QWhat would you like to say to finish the note?
@catmoon I love it when they write to me.
They make me feel very disappointed.

55 comentários - The No. 2 Reporter
Excelente !!
(aunque con esa entrevistada ni te leemos las preguntas :P)
Como sos en la cama?
Una gata.....
Yo con gusto le daria su alimento preferido..... lechitaaaaa!!!! @gatinhalunar sin dudas una morocha muy caliente, es un volcán en constante erupción !!
van puntos y reco