Penis enlargement, or penile augmentation, refers to a variety of techniques aimed at increasing the size of the human penis, whether in circumference or length, without loss of rigidity, that is, its erectile capacity.
Procedures vary from manual stretching exercises to devices and surgical procedures, with reports worldwide of both successes and failures.
Little legitimate scientific research has been done specifically on the topic of non-surgical penile enlargement. Significant and permanent enlargements are generally anecdotal, unverified by objective investigation, and may be biased by the interests or emotions of the source. There is no proof yet of any non-surgical technique that permanently increases either the thickness or length of a normal penis. Some research has been done regarding the safety and effectiveness (or lack thereof) of various pharmaceutical or quasi-pharmaceutical ingredients sold with this objective, but so far, nothing has emerged to determine whether conventional medicine can adopt any of them. There are also inherent risks in some of the more invasive procedures, with negative results ranging from skin tearing and scarring to permanent loss of sexual function. Due to the speculative nature of any hope for improvement, the social controversy caused by the sexual nature of the topic, and numerous known cases of permanent injuries related to this pursuit, many medical professionals are skeptical about the subject and tend to avoid working in that field.
However, there is a scientific study that claims that the penis can be enlarged. The penis can be enlarged, the study was published in the famous international British Journal of Urology BJUI(British Journal of International Urology), whose translation of the conclusions are the penile extenders, or penis extenders should be considered as an effective treatment option for enlarging the body of the penis in patients seeking treatment for a small penis
Most of the commercialization of penis enlargement treatments is based on unproven claims that a larger penis improves sexual potency and general attractiveness to potential partners.
The expansion of a normal penis distinguishes itself from the recognized medical condition known as micropene, where surgery to increase the size of the organ is sometimes necessary to effectively fulfill urinary or sexual purposes. In extreme cases, anxiety about one's own penis size can be a psychological/psychiatric disorder; these cases are better treated by qualified doctors.
There are several surgical treatments, all of which carry important risks of complications. In most cases, patients do not wish to proceed with surgery when properly informed of the probable results and risks of complications.
For approximately 50 years, there have been different surgical techniques for increasing the penis. Here, it is necessary to differentiate between techniques for lengthening and techniques for increasing thickness. Often both are performed during an operation.
The surgical procedures for penile lengthening, known as phalloplasty for increase, have experienced significant modifications and improvements over the past 15 years. This improvement in the quality of results and patient safety is particularly due to the interdisciplinary cooperation of the four leading surgeons in Europe: Dr. Roos from Vienna, Dr. Siana from Copenhagen, Dr. Jethon from Darmstadt, as well as Dr. Konstantinidis from Athens. It differs notably from the old surgical techniques described in specialized medical literature as a reference method3 Through the use of microsurgical techniques, the inner part of the organ is extracted outside for the patient to experience, depending on the length of exit and the angle of inclination of the iliac bone, an elongation of up to 8 cm in the visible external part, although results are established between 3 and 6 cm on average. The visible exterior scar has been reduced by a fifth due to new techniques, making it almost invisible on the penis shaft. Penis thickening is achieved through a costly autologous transplant of adipose tissue, which should not be confused with a mere injection of said tissue. Modern penile lengthening surgery is an operation with little risk as long as it is performed by experienced surgeons, but it is not risk-free. Therefore, it should only be performed when the patient's penis is objectively smaller than what indicates the average. Patients with a totally normal-sized penis should not be helped to achieve a giant penis. Caution is urged when choosing the clinic that will perform the operation. Since modern procedures are costly in terms of material, personnel, and training, old surgical procedures with high risk are often offered at a reduced price, claiming they are the same techniques. easy for herself alone should be carried out by experienced specialists.
Injection of biomaterials
This method involves injecting PMMA, silicone, or other compounds into the body of the penis to increase its diameter (engorgement). It is necessary to perform a circumcision surgery before performing the procedure.
Surgery of the suspensory ligament
The section of the suspensory ligament of the penis, near its insertion in the pubis until the middle level of the perineal aponeurosis, and its subsequent fixation on the anterior surface of the symphysis, allows for the advancement of the penile axis distally through which a length increase of 2 to 4 cm can be achieved in resting state. It is a relatively simple surgery with local anesthesia, where the suspensory ligament is partially sectioned, freeing a segment of approximately 3 cm inserted internally in the pelvis, achieving an increase in the external length of the penis, especially when it is flaccid. A extensor device must be used to avoid postoperative problems of cicatricial retraction.
Pills and supplements
Pills, patches, and ointments for penile elongation are commonly offered through the Internet. While some products contain harmless ingredients, many others have not been proven safe or do not contain secondary effects, and none of these products has been demonstrated effective for the sought-after objective. It is impossible to lengthen the penis using pills or creams. The penis is a complex organ formed by different types of tissues that reaches its full development at the end of puberty.
Physical techniques
A wide variety of physical therapy techniques have been used in an attempt to enlarge the human penis. None of them has been scientifically proven effective. Generally, the techniques involve stretching, elongation using small weights, or increasing blood flow and/or pressure. arterial in the penis. There are also important overlapping between techniques aimed at increasing the size of the penis and those aimed at reversing impotence, the duration of erections, those aimed at increasing sexual climax, etc.
The vacuum pump for penis is a cylinder that is placed over the penis, with a manual or motorized pump to create partial vacuum around the penis, causing blood to fill and erect the penis. A wide variety of penis pumps has been designed by manufacturers. As the vacuum increases, the pressure inside the penile blood vessels increases, therefore excessive vacuum causes vascular damage.
The penis pump can be used to temporarily overcome symptoms of impotence, but not to cure that condition. A ring that acts as a tourniquet is applied to keep the blood trapped inside the penis, otherwise the erection immediately decreases. The pumps may act even if there is no real vascular damage, preventing natural erection, but excessive or prolonged use (for hours) will cause permanent damage.
The pumping must be done with great care to avoid serious injuries; excessive enthusiasm in pumping can burst blood vessels and form blisters.
The effectiveness of penis pumps for permanent penile enlargement has been studied. Experts studied 37 men with penises less than 10 cm long. After these men used the pumps for six months, they did not find any significant change in the length of their penises, although they found a 30% satisfaction rate with the method. The conclusion of the work stated that vacuum treatment of the penis is not an effective method for penis enlargement, but provides psychological satisfaction for some men.
In the United States, penis pumps may be covered by medical insurance if considered medically necessary. Bombs have been used successfully to treat men with Peyronie's disease, which produces an unusual shortening of the penis, as well as its curvature. A study conducted by the urology departments of St Peter Hospital and the Institute of Urology in London on 31 patients found: 'a clinically and statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle of curvature, and pain after 12 weeks of vacuum pump use'. In this study, subjects with Peyronie's disease performed two 10-minute sessions per day for 12 weeks. The additional length of the penis, averaging 0.5 cm, was an unexpected side effect found in approximately one-third of the subjects and not a planned outcome of the study. 7 Positive studies on the supposed effectiveness of devices for penile elongation without surgery must be verified as these, on the one hand, refer to a very reduced number of cases and, on the other hand, some authors of those studies distance themselves from their work. On the other hand, European countries with strict legal regulations have banned by law that sellers of such elongation devices make certain claims about their safe effectiveness. It is presumed that some manufacturers of these elongation devices, originally developed for physiotherapeutic application after a successful penis operation, began to claim that these devices would be in a situation –with a significantly low total price– of performing penile elongation without surgery to increase their sales volume. Although these devices have been sold on the internet worldwide for around 20 years, there is no serious scientific study with an adequate number of cases or correct scientific design that demonstrates their effectiveness. Manual exercises Jelqing It is called Jelqing a technique that aims to achieve The natural enlargement of the penis, through increased arterial pressure and circulation within it. It is carried out in several sessions, gently squeezing the penis and at the same time performing a movement from the base of the cavernous bodies of the penis towards the glans. Devices have also been created to achieve this same effect. The movement can be described as 'milking'. According to an article published in BJUI (British Journal of Urology), the technique has ancient Arabic origins.
However, the seriousness of this study should be questioned since on a scientific map of average penis length, men from Arab countries do not have outstanding penis length. This assertion that the Jelquing technique has Arabic origins is likely to be a publicity stunt, as stories from the East always carry a certain mystique. Citation required.
Cosmetic approaches
Instead of trying to change the actual size of the penis, some only try to make it appear larger; for this they practice pubic hair trimming or weight loss.
Most of the commercialization of penis enlargement treatments is based on unproven claims that a larger penis improves sexual potency and general attractiveness to potential partners.
The expansion of a normal penis distinguishes itself from the recognized medical condition known as micropene, where surgery to increase the size of the organ is sometimes necessary to effectively fulfill urinary or sexual purposes. In extreme cases, anxiety about one's own penis size can be a psychological/psychiatric disorder; these cases are better treated by qualified doctors.
There are several surgical treatments, all of which carry important risks of complications. In most cases, patients do not wish to proceed with surgery when properly informed of the probable results and risks of complications.
For approximately 50 years, there have been different surgical techniques for increasing the penis. Here, it is necessary to differentiate between techniques for lengthening and techniques for increasing thickness. Often both are performed during an operation.
The surgical procedures for penile lengthening, known as phalloplasty for increase, have experienced significant modifications and improvements over the past 15 years. This improvement in the quality of results and patient safety is particularly due to the interdisciplinary cooperation of the four leading surgeons in Europe: Dr. Roos from Vienna, Dr. Siana from Copenhagen, Dr. Jethon from Darmstadt, as well as Dr. Konstantinidis from Athens. It differs notably from the old surgical techniques described in specialized medical literature as a reference method3 Through the use of microsurgical techniques, the inner part of the organ is extracted outside for the patient to experience, depending on the length of exit and the angle of inclination of the iliac bone, an elongation of up to 8 cm in the visible external part, although results are established between 3 and 6 cm on average. The visible exterior scar has been reduced by a fifth due to new techniques, making it almost invisible on the penis shaft. Penis thickening is achieved through a costly autologous transplant of adipose tissue, which should not be confused with a mere injection of said tissue. Modern penile lengthening surgery is an operation with little risk as long as it is performed by experienced surgeons, but it is not risk-free. Therefore, it should only be performed when the patient's penis is objectively smaller than what indicates the average. Patients with a totally normal-sized penis should not be helped to achieve a giant penis. Caution is urged when choosing the clinic that will perform the operation. Since modern procedures are costly in terms of material, personnel, and training, old surgical procedures with high risk are often offered at a reduced price, claiming they are the same techniques. easy for herself alone should be carried out by experienced specialists.
Injection of biomaterials
This method involves injecting PMMA, silicone, or other compounds into the body of the penis to increase its diameter (engorgement). It is necessary to perform a circumcision surgery before performing the procedure.
Surgery of the suspensory ligament
The section of the suspensory ligament of the penis, near its insertion in the pubis until the middle level of the perineal aponeurosis, and its subsequent fixation on the anterior surface of the symphysis, allows for the advancement of the penile axis distally through which a length increase of 2 to 4 cm can be achieved in resting state. It is a relatively simple surgery with local anesthesia, where the suspensory ligament is partially sectioned, freeing a segment of approximately 3 cm inserted internally in the pelvis, achieving an increase in the external length of the penis, especially when it is flaccid. A extensor device must be used to avoid postoperative problems of cicatricial retraction.
Pills and supplements
Pills, patches, and ointments for penile elongation are commonly offered through the Internet. While some products contain harmless ingredients, many others have not been proven safe or do not contain secondary effects, and none of these products has been demonstrated effective for the sought-after objective. It is impossible to lengthen the penis using pills or creams. The penis is a complex organ formed by different types of tissues that reaches its full development at the end of puberty.
Physical techniques
A wide variety of physical therapy techniques have been used in an attempt to enlarge the human penis. None of them has been scientifically proven effective. Generally, the techniques involve stretching, elongation using small weights, or increasing blood flow and/or pressure. arterial in the penis. There are also important overlapping between techniques aimed at increasing the size of the penis and those aimed at reversing impotence, the duration of erections, those aimed at increasing sexual climax, etc.
The vacuum pump for penis is a cylinder that is placed over the penis, with a manual or motorized pump to create partial vacuum around the penis, causing blood to fill and erect the penis. A wide variety of penis pumps has been designed by manufacturers. As the vacuum increases, the pressure inside the penile blood vessels increases, therefore excessive vacuum causes vascular damage.
The penis pump can be used to temporarily overcome symptoms of impotence, but not to cure that condition. A ring that acts as a tourniquet is applied to keep the blood trapped inside the penis, otherwise the erection immediately decreases. The pumps may act even if there is no real vascular damage, preventing natural erection, but excessive or prolonged use (for hours) will cause permanent damage.
The pumping must be done with great care to avoid serious injuries; excessive enthusiasm in pumping can burst blood vessels and form blisters.
The effectiveness of penis pumps for permanent penile enlargement has been studied. Experts studied 37 men with penises less than 10 cm long. After these men used the pumps for six months, they did not find any significant change in the length of their penises, although they found a 30% satisfaction rate with the method. The conclusion of the work stated that vacuum treatment of the penis is not an effective method for penis enlargement, but provides psychological satisfaction for some men.
In the United States, penis pumps may be covered by medical insurance if considered medically necessary. Bombs have been used successfully to treat men with Peyronie's disease, which produces an unusual shortening of the penis, as well as its curvature. A study conducted by the urology departments of St Peter Hospital and the Institute of Urology in London on 31 patients found: 'a clinically and statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle of curvature, and pain after 12 weeks of vacuum pump use'. In this study, subjects with Peyronie's disease performed two 10-minute sessions per day for 12 weeks. The additional length of the penis, averaging 0.5 cm, was an unexpected side effect found in approximately one-third of the subjects and not a planned outcome of the study. 7 Positive studies on the supposed effectiveness of devices for penile elongation without surgery must be verified as these, on the one hand, refer to a very reduced number of cases and, on the other hand, some authors of those studies distance themselves from their work. On the other hand, European countries with strict legal regulations have banned by law that sellers of such elongation devices make certain claims about their safe effectiveness. It is presumed that some manufacturers of these elongation devices, originally developed for physiotherapeutic application after a successful penis operation, began to claim that these devices would be in a situation –with a significantly low total price– of performing penile elongation without surgery to increase their sales volume. Although these devices have been sold on the internet worldwide for around 20 years, there is no serious scientific study with an adequate number of cases or correct scientific design that demonstrates their effectiveness. Manual exercises Jelqing It is called Jelqing a technique that aims to achieve The natural enlargement of the penis, through increased arterial pressure and circulation within it. It is carried out in several sessions, gently squeezing the penis and at the same time performing a movement from the base of the cavernous bodies of the penis towards the glans. Devices have also been created to achieve this same effect. The movement can be described as 'milking'. According to an article published in BJUI (British Journal of Urology), the technique has ancient Arabic origins.
However, the seriousness of this study should be questioned since on a scientific map of average penis length, men from Arab countries do not have outstanding penis length. This assertion that the Jelquing technique has Arabic origins is likely to be a publicity stunt, as stories from the East always carry a certain mystique. Citation required.
Cosmetic approaches
Instead of trying to change the actual size of the penis, some only try to make it appear larger; for this they practice pubic hair trimming or weight loss.
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