10 Enfermedades que previene el sexo

Having regular sex improves all bodily function.

10 Enfermedades que previene el sexoWhat sex is good we already knew but what diseases can you prevent really? During intercourse and thanks to the orgasm, the body manages tostrengthen its defenses andimprove our mood, and it has a special effect against certain ailments. Two orgasms a week keep the doctor away!1.Reduce the risk of prostate cancerAccording to what is seen, men who have had more than 20 sexual partners throughout their life have fewer chances of suffering from prostate cancer. Specifically, a study found that men with over 20 sexual partners had a 30% lower risk of developing the disease compared to those with fewer partners.28% less possibilitieswho have only had one or two sexual partners..Natural antidepressantVarious studies maintain that seminal fluid is a natural antidepressant. By practicing fellatio and ingesting the seminal fluid of our partner, we are improving our mental state. The antidepressive properties are due toOxytocin, thestronaand theSerotonin. 3Better than an ibuprofen for a headacheacheA group of neurologists from the University of Münster say thatTo have an orgasm is equivalent to taking two aspirinsDuring the climax we release endorphins, our body's natural analgesic, which helps against headaches.4.Prevents agingThe sex has a direct effect on our skin, making it look younger and not lose elasticity. Psychologist David Weeds explains that during intercourse, it secretesGrowth Hormonesthat keep our body young.5.Fight Urinary IncontinenceThrough contraction of genital muscle during orgasmWe work on the pelvic floorStrengthening the pelvic floor can help prevent urinary incontinence and facilitate natural births, as well as a faster recovery afterwards.6.A good cardio exerciseSex is all an exercise that exhausts us and causes as many knots as a training session. Of this kind,We improve our circulation and strengthen our arteriesWith all the benefits of conventional sports.7.Cure for insomniaUpon arriving at orgasm, both men and women leave the body relaxed, prepared to rest in a rejuvenating sleep session. Apart from physical fatigue, coitus also facilitates the release of Melatoninthat regulates sleep.8.Relieves muscular and joint painsLike it happens with a headache, sex helps us forget our troubles in muscles and joints for a moment. In these cases, our entire body focuses on the sexual activity, and pushes awayput the pains to the background. 9The best remedy against fluWe're run down, we can't separate ourselves from the handkerchief and, despite that, during sexWe breathe without problems Has it never happened to you? During sex, our entire body is working at higher revolutions, and we can't let snot bother us.10.Stress ReliefJust like it helps to reconcile sleep, sex is a powerful remedy against stress. A group of researchers from Princeton University have discovered thatTo have sex regularly reduces cortisolthe 'stress hormone'.

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