With pornstars like Tawnee Internet became more interesting, what happened to her?In the last days of 2010, the news of Tawnee Stone's supposed death shocked fans who had enjoyed this American porn star for a decade. According to morning rumors, the young actress had died in a car accident without further details.
Her death caused resonance for a simple reason: Tawnee Stone (Tammy Saris) had revitalized the world of pornography by exploiting softporn and teen porno concepts over the Internet.
It all began when Saris, born in 1982, left her parents' home in Crystal Lake, Illinois, and moved to Phoenix, Arizona to study accounting at that state's university. There, during her studies and as a way to pay for them, Saris responded to a newspaper ad by Steve Jones seeking models for nude photos, according to Useless Junk.
Eventually, the photos of that young girl dressed up as a porn star or any other similar theme were becoming more explicit, and the response from consumers was very favorable, as she became a real girl who went to school and also made pornography.

But while I leave them with a gallery of images for them to remember it like in their good times:

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