Create your image post in 5 minutes

Remember the minimum of images per post is 10 images

The post is directed especially to Novatos who have doubts about how to create a post and those who are trying to upload photos directly from their PC to Poringa, an option that does not work since you first need to load the photos to an image server, as we explain in this post.

This tutorial explains how to easily assemble a large-image post using 5 of the most popular servers on Poringa (imgbox, allsexplus, pimpandhost, subirporno and postimg)

These hosts are very easy to use, allow you to upload many photos at once, and also give you all the links to the photos in one go, just like you need to paste them into the post, which makes the whole process much simpler.

Additionally, these hosts have been operational for a long time, so there is almost no risk that they will delete your photos!

Before uploading your photos to a host, we recommend reducing the size of the photos to a maximum of approximately 900 x 700 pixels. Larger images take a long time to load and download and are automatically adjusted by Poringa to these sizes in a process that makes post visualization much slower.

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1) Go to (you don't need to register) and select the 'Select Files' option as shown in the imageCreate your image post in 5 minutesSelect all the photos you want to upload on your PC by marking them, as shown in the following imagetutorial3) Once you've selected the photos, a screen appears with the names and sizes of all the photos you're uploading to the host, as shown in this image, and you must choose the following options: Content Type: Adult Content Thumbnail: 350x350 pixel Gallery Option: Create a New Gallery In Enter a Gallery Name you can put the name you want for the photo setimagesAfter this you have to press the 'Start Upload' option. 5) As the photos are uploaded to the host, the 'Uploading' banner will appear until the process is complete, as shown in the image.Instructional6) Once all photos have been loaded you appear with the following screen with linksguide7) In Options you have to press Full Size so it gives you large image codes. Now you have to go where it says BBcode and stop on the window. There you click and highlight all links. You click with the right mouse button and select copy.

You're going to the Create Post option that you find at the top of Poringa's home page start page, once you've put in the post title and text you want in the body of the post, you click again on the right mouse button and choose paste and DONE, you already have all the links for all the photos pasted in the post and you don't need to do anything else, just like it shows the following image.
Create your image post in 5 minutesTo finalize the post you have to mark 'The information is of my authorship' or put the source where you took the photos, choose the category of the Post (Images, poringa girls, etc. according to the content) and place at least 4 tags that relate to the contenttutorial10) You have to press 'Preview and Publish' and the post will appear as it will be published on the page. If you want to make changes, click 'Back' and make the changes you deem necessary. If everything is OK, click 'Publish Post' and your post will be published.

1) Go to (you don't need to register, but it's recommended) and choose the 'Select Files' option as shown in the imageimagesSelect all the photos you want to upload on your PC by marking them, as shown in the following imageInstructional3) The server is showing you the progress of the photo load as it appears in this imageguideAfter loading is complete it shows you all the photos and opens the option 'Move to New Album' as shown in the imageCreate your image post in 5 minutes5) Choose the name you want for your photo gallery and press 'Move to New Album' as shown in the imagetutorial6) Go to the end of the screen where all the photos in the gallery are displayed and stop your mouse over 'Sweetie (forums) code for all thumbnails' and select all the text and choose copy with the right-click mouse buttonimages7) Drag what you've selected into a text file of any type, as shown in the imageInstructionalTo see the photos large, you have to replace _0.jpg with the extension of the photos you uploaded .JPG, .jpg, .png, .PNG or .gif accordingly.guide9) Once you've replaced the content, select all the text in the file with your mouse and click copy. 10) Go to the Create Post option located at the top of Poringa's homepage and once you've entered the post title and body text, right-click again and choose Paste and DONE, you'll have all the links for all the photos pasted into the post, just like the following image shows.Create your image post in 5 minutesTo finish the post you have to mark 'The information is of my authorship' or put the source where you took the photos, choose the post category (Images, poringa girls, etc. according to the content) and place at least 4 tags that relate to the contenttutorialYou have to press 'Preview and Publish' and the post will appear as it will be published on the page. If you want to make changes, click 'Back' and make the changes you deem necessary. If everything is OK, click 'Publish Post' and your post will be published.

1) Go to (you don't need to register) and choose the option 'Add Files' as shown in the imageimagesSelect all the photos you want to upload from your PC by marking them, as shown in the following imageInstructionalOnce you've chosen the photos, a screen appears with the names and sizes of all the photos you're going to upload to the host, as shown in this imageguideAfter this you have to press the 'Upload Files' option as shown in the imageCreate your image post in 5 minutesAs the photos go up to the host, the values of 'Overall Progress' and 'File Progress' will be modified until the process is complete, as shown in the imagetutorialOnce all photos have been loaded, a screen appears with the linksimagesNow it has to go where it says 'BBcode + All Thumbs' and you stop at the 'ventanita'. There you click and highlight all links in blue. You click with the right mouse button and select copy, as shown in the imageInstructionalGo to the Create Post option you find at the top of Poringa's homepage and once you've set the post title and text in the body of the post, click the right mouse button again and choose Paste and DONE, you'll have all the links for all the photos pasted in the post and you won't need to do anything else, as shown in the following imageguideNOTA: Recently subirporno changed the way it returns photo codes and unfortunately, you have to add an extra step now. Now subirporno doesn't give you links to large photos and gives you links to thumbnails.

What you have to do is this: You have to delete from each photo link this: thumbnails/tn_

You can do it one by one or copy all the links to a text file and with a single step replace thumbnails/tn_ with spaces

9) To finish the post, you have to mark Own Content or put the source, choose the post category (Images, poringa girls or Gay according to the content) and place at least 4 tags that relate to the content

10) You have to press Preview and it will appear as the post will be published on the page. If you want to make changes, you give Cancel and make the changes you think convenient. If everything is OK, you give Add and your post will be published

1) Go to (you don't need to register) and you'll see a screen like the one shown in the imageCreate your image post in 5 minutesIn 'Change Size' you choose 800x600 so that your images remain large and are super lightweight. In 'Image Content' mark ADULT CONTENT. Press the Examine option to select the photos from your PC that you want to upload. 2) You select all the photos you want to upload from your PC by marking them, as shown in the following imagetutorial3) The host shows you the number of photos you're going to upload and their total weight, and you have to press 'Upload' as shown in the imageimagesAfter the loading is complete, all photos appear and you go to the bottom of the screen where it says 'Codes for all images' as shown in this imageInstructional

Ahí you have to choose in the second option 'Direct link for forums' and '1 Column' as it appears in the previous image. You go with your mouse to the 'code window', select all the text and give copy with the right-click button of your mouse.

4) Go to the Create Post option that you find at the top of Poringa's homepage, once you've put the post title and the text you want in the post body, click again on the right-click button and choose the 'paste' option and DONE, you already have all links for all photos pasted in the post and you don't need to do anything else, as shown in the following image.
guideTo finalize the post you have to mark 'The information is of my authorship' or put the source where you took the photos, choose the post category (Images, poringa girls, etc. according to the content) and place at least 4 tags that relate to the contentCreate your image post in 5 minutes6) You have to press 'Preview and Publish' and the post will appear as it will be published on the page. If you want to make changes, click 'Back' and make the changes you deem convenient. If everything is OK, click 'Publish Post' and your post will be published. We hope the post has been useful, any doubts can be communicated with us via Private Message. If you have doubts about what you can do on Poringa or how the page works, we recommend you go through this post.

121 comentários - Create your image post in 5 minutes

comparto! muy buena info! leere los pasos del pimpandhost q aveces veo q no esta en optimo funcionamiento el Imgbox
Me sirvio, Gracias
muyyyyyyy bueno yo llevo un año y no puedo subir uno todavi 👍 👍 👍 👍
Reco ... muy buen post tutorial 👍

Un post imprescindible para todos los usuariso que se inician

y para otros que ya tengan algo más de experiencia.

Muchas gracias y un fuerte abrazo para ambos. 😉 😉 😉

Cdo tenga un poquito más de tiempo lo leeré mejor, a priori se ve muy bien, buen aporte. +5
hola me prodrias ayudar para subir videos?
Sube los videos al Host Xvideos y cuando haya terminado la carga del video me avisas y te explico como postearlo en P. (No funciona postearlos directo de Xvideos pero yo te explico por MP como hacerlo).
Puedes subirlo a otros hosts de videos pero tardan mucho en darte el link.
Besos y Lamiditas !
Quice subir unos videos desde mi pc y no pude, tengo algunos que me gustaria compartirlos. cuando pueda decime como puedo postearlos, gracias .
Genial aporte para el engrandecimiento de esta comunidad chicos. Los felicito...!!!
nunca estan de mas estos post, y todos los host tarde o temprano mueren, asi q no es mala idea tener una lista de host de confianza por si alguno falla..
tambien recomiendo postimage y minus
... saveotic elimina las cosas a los 5 meses de subidas 😞

excelente y muchas gracias @angieyruben
muy bueno amigos gracias por la información y lo recomiendo saludos 😁
Excelente info, nunca esta de más repasarla, voy compartiendo!
gracias por el info muy bien explicado ! amigo , lo recomiendo ! 🤘
Excelente post..... muy útil a la hora de armar un post de imágenes...
deberias hacer uno explicado como postear videos de xvideos.
muy bien allí amigos tal como dijeron anteriormente Postimage es bueno tambien pero dejando aun lado ello es un post que nos sirve a todos.
importante info y tuto para los jovatos de P!__angie.....saludos y sale recom







excelente angie y ruben...asi aprenden un poco mas aquellos que no saben,porque algunos post tardan demasiado para cargar...buen aporte.
Buenisimo tu aporte amiga mia, me será muy útil para ver otras opciones!!

Crea tu post de imágenes grandes en 5 minutos
Excelente aporte para los que tienen dudas de como postear imágenes !!
Utilisimo el post! Unica cosa: en puedes agrandar las imagenes a tamano original haciendo click en "Full Size" cerca de la voz Options,despues que el sitio carga las fotos! Es mas rapido 🙂 Saludos
POST a FAVORITOS...tutorial
imagenes_PUNTOS para VOS

Excelente lección para postear amiga @angieyruben...

Este tipo de post deben estar en sticky 😉
muy buena la descripcion..!!!! exelente ayuda....
Exelente aporte informativo que nos traen, esto servira para todos incluyéndome a mi que ya ni me acuerdo como postear 😀 😀
Gracias chicos 😉
Muy buen aporte, pude publicar un post usando imgbox, segui todos los pasos, pero a la media hora me lo eliminaron de poringa. Sabes por que puede ser?
Muy buena explicación angi para el cel es lo mismo? Gracias
muchas gracias por la información, me fue muy útil, ya que es muy clara 👍
muy bien explicado, muy util la informacion, gracias por compartirla......saludos.....
no soy para nada nuevo pero no sabia lo de imgbox xd me salvaste!
muchas gracias. paso a saludar, ya que hacia rato que no pasaba. nos vemos
grandisimo post me va servir harto ya que antes no sabia subir imagenes
Compartooooooo! Muy buena la info, ahora puedo realizar mis post sin ningun problema!! Se agradece, van puntos y comparto!!!!!
Buenasss ahora voy a subir fotos de mis compañeras de trabajo y la farmacéuticas sexo que le gusta la pijas o yesssss
Segui todos los pasos de image box pero cuando publico, despues de unos minutos se borra mi post, ¿que hago?