The Top 9 Problems of Women with Large Breasts

The Top 9 Problems of Women with Large Breasts

1 - We need a babero so crumbs from the bread don't reach our cleavage. It's even uncomfortable when we sit very close to the table.

2 - It's hard to find a bra that really fits us well. We see that in smaller sizes there is variety of styles, prints, and colors, but when they show us what's available for us, most of the time it doesn't seem very attractive.

3 - And push-ups usually generate an excessive visual effect or even result in pain.

4 - Going down stairs can be a challenge. If we go fast and with some bounce, the rebound is always uncomfortable...

5 - As much as a quick sprint to catch the bus. Even more so if there are people waiting at the stop.

6 - At the gym, there are exercises that teachers usually warn us about in a humorous way, telling us to self-hug to avoid pain.

7 - Wearing a bikini in triangle shape can be risky (especially when we jump into the pool or get surprised by a wave at the beach).

8 - Sleeping on our stomachs is definitely not our preferred position in bed.

9 - Back pains are quite frequent. So much so that many choose to reduce their bust and it seems they do well: science confirmed that having small breasts generates greater happiness.

6 comentários - The Top 9 Problems of Women with Large Breasts

"...genera mayor felicidad."
Muy cierto, como hombre lo encuentro más atractivo que los bustos de cirujano, los bustos grandes solo si son naturales!!
Una perspectiva diferente, pero no puedo negar mi instinto preferencial siempre ha sido el gran busto, aunque mis problemas de timidez me impidan admirarlos directamente. Sin embargo, ante una cara bonita, el tamaño de los pechos pasa a segundo plano. Animo y ojala que los beneficios superen las molestias.
Tener busto grande si genera limitantes, pero si es natural hay que aceptarlo y adecuarse a lo que se tiene
ni muy grande ni muy chico.. algo acorde es la felicidad para todos!! jaja
coincido con todo!!!! y agrego que cuando tenemos hijos levantarlos del suelo es todo un desafió, si no los separamos de nuestro cuerpo chocan con nuestras pechugotas! 😃