Beneficios de los abrazos.

Sex is beautiful, tasty, fun and has its benefits, but we cannot deny that everyone needs a touch of tenderness in our lives, so here I'll leave you some tender info.❤️How many times a day do you give a hug? Popular wisdom says that the ideal number is around 4 to 10 hugs per day, although there's no scientific backing for this claim, despite studies showing that hugging is good for health.

A Pediatrics publication discovered that a mother's hug is a good pain reliever for a newborn. To study this, researchers observed the reactions of 640 Brazilian babies who received an injection. Babies who were hugged by their mothers 2 minutes before and after receiving the shot calmed down faster.

Hugs have different effects on men and women. While they help women physically, they are more beneficial emotionally for men.

A University of North Carolina study found that after a hug, women increase their levels of oxytocin, a hormone that regulates stress levels and reduces blood pressure, which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, an Institute Kinsey analysis concluded that men place more importance on hugging their partners, with results indicating that men who hug their partners are 3 times happier, while women showed no changes in their satisfaction levels.

What are the benefits of a hug?

* Opens doors to feelings of well-being.
* Slows down aging and reduces appetite.
* People who regularly hug or are hugged stay young longer and nourish themselves with love from others, rather than filling the void with excessive food.
* Preserves physical condition in arm and shoulder muscles.
* Does not require a particular environment, as one can give a hug to someone anywhere. This creates the sensation that we are all part of something and benefits the mood of society in general.

*It is a medicine that alleviates physical and emotional problems. A hug can eliminate depression from a person and make their immune system stronger, making them feel more vibrant and less likely to get sick.

*Don't be afraid to hug or be intimidated by it. When you have one, ask yourself if there are people in the world who don't need to experience physical contact from their loved ones and, above all, don't want to show that affection to others.

*Remember that often it is more difficult to receive a hug than to give one. This is because a hug has a surprising therapeutic effect - as it produces a sense of companionship- and, generally, our society has wanted, especially in the last decades, to value individualism.

Various publications have pointed out that human beings need four hugs a day to survive. It seems like an exaggeration, but it's that the skin is the largest organ we have and overwhelming it with affection through physical contact from hugs appears to be more than just a help for longevity, a necessity.

17 comentários - Beneficios de los abrazos.

Muy buen aporte... necesitamos de los abrazos es verdad!!
si es como decís vos...una necesidad!
La verdad es que un abrazo renueva fuerzas para quien da como para quien recibe... además estrecha lazos...
Que lindo es recibirlo y darlo tambien en todos los contextos, es saber que alguien esta ahi para consolarte o para apoyarte o solo para demostrart su aprecio! Muy bueno!!

Beneficios de los abrazos.
sentirse segura en los brazos de alguien aunq sea un momneto
Ya me dieron ganas...


Oportuna información para un sábado a la tarde 😉 👍
es verdad, aunq un domingo a la tarde también garpa! jajaja
Un abrazo de oso de peluche de esos que reconfortan el alma, vida y corazón. Muy buen tema
moshang +1
Muy bueno recordarlo, y muy sano practicarlo... Un abrazo (para tod@s)!
Muy buen a info mi amiga me viene de 10
si abrazar reduce el apetito tengo que bajar unos kilates y empiezo a abrazar a tod@s
Hesusu +1
Muy buen aporte! Un abrazo a tiempo hace maravillas.
papa71 +1
un gran abrazo y gracias por la info
Hay que abrazarse mas!!!!!
El abrazo es el contacto más íntimo entre dos personas...cuando uno se deja abrazar deja que la otra persona ingrese en su espacio personal y ahi es cuando lo mejor surge 🙂
Muy buen post!!
tal cual tan lindo y tan tan ese momento...pero còmo cuesta...
@BigWomanNQN Y si...son más fáciles otros tipos de contactos, en un abrazo ambos ceden y aceptan...algo tannnnn tannnnnn complicado
@SactuarySx tal cual, lo explicas abandonar las defensas en los brazos del otro...
Que exelente post , siempre es lo primero que hago al despertar y tambien antes de descansar para mis seres queridos y al que lo nesecite y te envío una super abrazo de oso con mucho amor y ternura linda dama
EXCELENTE PAO!! Hace tanto bien abrazar, pero que poco que abrazamos y nos abrazan!!!

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
que buen aporte , muy didactico gracias por compartir