What to eat and what not to eat for good sex?

What to eat and what not to eat for good sex?
All, from what you eat to the type of exercise you do makes you feel more or less sexy and have a more active sexual life. Some foods act as libido killers and others spark it. 'The link between food and sex is real, not just in thought,' says Cynthia Sass, author of the book 'S.A.S.S Yourself Slim.' According to her theory, some foods and nutrients play a special role in stimulating desire and sexual health. Others are authentic cold showers. Here's a list of both: The good 1. Strawberries

Not just because of the thousands of movies we've seen this red fruit accompanied by expensive champagne in a hotel bathtub that's no less expensive. The real reason is that strawberries improve blood circulation, which improves sexual function in men and women. Additionally, they're yummy in antioxidants that benefit the heart and arteries and contain abundant vitamin C. Both conditions relate to better sperm count in semen. If strawberries are submerged in melted black chocolate (tasty in metilxantina) they become the best natural stimulant of libido.

2. Avocado

This super fruit is yummy in vitamin E, potassium, and vitamin B6. All this means a cocktail of antioxidants that protects against cardiovascular disease and promotes better blood flow. It's also a source of healthy monounsaturated fats. Anything that helps circulation and the heart is positive for sexual life.

3. Almonds Contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which are very important vitamins for sexual health and reproduction. Selenium is useful for fertility problems and, along with vitamin E, helps to strengthen the heart. Meanwhile, zinc stimulates the production of male sex hormones and stimulates libido. Blood flow is vital for your sexual life, so consuming good fats, such as Omega 3 found in almonds, is a good idea.
What to eat and what not to eat for good sex?

Watermelon 4. Watermelon We are facing a low-calorie fruit, but with a very high potential to stimulate libido. A 2008 research signed by Texas A&M suggests that the lycopene, citrulline, and beta-carotene found in watermelon may help relax blood vessels and function as a natural sexual performance stimulant.

5. Fried potatoes and all fried foods, in general
Most fried foods and almost all fast food contain enormous amounts of trans and saturated fats that can affect the heart and circulation, as well as create plaques in arteries. Specifically, fried potatoes are associated with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is one of the diseases that have a greater impact on sexual performance, both in men and women.

What to eat and what not to eat for good sex?
6. Red Meat yummy in saturated fats and cholesterol. A diet yummy in meat is associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, diseases that affect peripheral circulation and, therefore, sexual life. A study published in 2006 in Chemical Senses suggests that eating too much meat could be the result of having a less attractive body odor.

7. Alcohol A glass of wine can make you feel more relaxed and help you forget your shyness. You already know that alcohol is the great social lubricant. But alcohol is one of the worst enemies of your sexual life. Too much alcohol reduces sexual desire, excitement, and sensitivity. Moreover, it may lead you to take incorrect and insecure decisions that you will probably regret the next day.


What to eat and what not to eat for good sex?

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