10 mentiras de las peliculas porno

10 mentiras de las peliculas porno
Lies N°1: all men are XL
In pornographic films, most actors have large-sized penises. “While this is true, the myth here lies in believing it's normal,” says Dr. Fabián Gómez, urologist specializing in sex and scientific advisor to Boston Medical Group. “Those proportions are not a measure of the common man. It's important to clarify this topic to avoid odious comparisons and future frustrations for the man and his partner,” he adds.

Lies N°2: men go straight to it... and women like it!
In porn, we often see how the relationship quickly ends in genitality without stopping at kisses, caresses, or any type of previous play. “Explicit sex is just that, pure sex lacking eroticism, that is, all the condiments that enrich a sexual encounter. What's not seen is the time actors take to 'get hot' to be convincing in front of the camera. Let's not forget it's cinema and, as such, the story must dispense with accessory circumstances,” warns Dr. Walter Ghedin, psychiatrist and sexologist.

Lies N°3: all endings are happy
“It's common to see the male actor ejaculate a large amount of semen. It's not the normal average for the population, since the usual amount of ejaculated is 1.5 to 4 ml,” details Gómez. With women, it's similar. “Female ejaculation is a white secretion that can be abundant and appears before or during orgasm. Not all women have this type of secretion and there's no pathology, it's a physiological response that may appear or not,” explains Ghedin.

Lies N°4: we practice human parabolic
“In XXX films, we can see various positions for sexual intercourse. We must consider that actors and actresses are trained for these types of roles. There are positions that are really very uncomfortable and have a great visual impact, but that aren't” They necessarily make sex more enjoyable, but quite the opposite, explains Gómez.
Lie #5: all women are multiorgasmic
Female characters often put on an exaggerated display of reaching climax. In reality, the orgasmic response is changing: sometimes it's intense in pleasure, other times less so, some times there are multiple orgasms and others not. In short, sexual response is variable and influenced by different factors such as stress, desire, and sexual skill of the couple, type of stimulation received, menstrual cycle phase, and routine, lists Ghedin.
Lie #6: strong sex is liked by everyone
In porn movies, you can see many violent (hard sex) or really aggressive scenes. According to my experience, most patients and their partners prefer to be treated gently and sweetly for sexual intercourse, or at least with a lot of intensity and passion, but not violently, Gómez says.
Lie #7: everyone has a sexual toy at home
In porn movies, certain fetish nods appear: erotic lingerie, stylish shoes (with heels or stilettos), stockings, and costumes, among others. Even the scenery impresses deliberately 'kitsch', like usual hotels, describes Ghedin.
Lie #8: improvising a threesome is very easy
Let's imagine a scene from porn movies: the woman finds her partner having sex with her friend and joins in to practice a furious menage à trois. Dr. Gómez debunks it: let's think about how absurd the situation is and bring it to our daily lives: what would happen if our partner found us having sex with our friend? Is it more likely that they'll join us in bed or eliminate us from their life?
Lie #9: gay men are men and lesbians make men
In porn movies directed at a gay audience, men are stylized, muscular, stereotype of the rough and well-endowed male. The previous game is very short and the relationship has penetration as its object, which does not occur so in reality, Ghedin notes. Lesbians are also lied to. The reason: men who like to see two or more women having sex consume them. Films do not show reality and always expose one of them 'acting like a man', that is, assuming an active role, and the other woman, with a passive role, adds the doctor.

Lie #10: the pizza delivery guy is a potential lover

In XXXs, maids, gardeners, secretaries, salesmen, and sewer workers, to give some examples, are always beautiful and have spectacular physiques. Not only that, but they're also willing to have sex with the protagonist. As we can quickly guess, although it may happen occasionally, this is not usual in real life, Gómez points out.

15 comentários - 10 mentiras de las peliculas porno

postazo una gran verdad y aun faltan muchas mentiras mas a favoritos
si amiga claro q es una pelicula y todo eso q dice el doctor,es verdad cuando uno mira una porno sabe q entra en un mundo imaginario y no real,es solo q keremos q sea asi, imaginate una ecena q tarde 2 horas hasta q se le pare y acabe el pibe? te aburre....
Me acabas de tirar el mundo abajo!!! Y yo que pensaba meter una mina a la cama a la hora que llega mi mujer a ver si se sumaba!!!
jajajaajajajajajajajajaa por eso me aburre el porno, porque con mi cabeza imaginadora estoy viendo el making off y no la peli en sí!!! pero que lindo encontrar un chongo que la tenga grande en la vida real...ñamñam
diega72 +4
y falto agregar que ni siquiera todos los hombres son pijudos....La cosa es que la mayoria de las actrices porno son muy chiquitas... entonces una pija mediana, les queda gigante en las manos.
muy buena informacion!!! jejeje esclarecedora realmente, buen aporte
Graciasssss no sabes el alivio que ahora siento jajajajajaja

Buenísimo tu post !!!
Mentira N°1: todos los hombres son XL

La mia es L por lo menos !

Mentira N°2: los hombres van al grano… ¡Y a las mujeres les gusta!

Ea verdad ! La mi se calienta en segundos ! y va al grano !

Mentira N°3: todos los finales son felices

Leche para todos en mi caso !

Mentira N°4: practicamos la parabólica humana

Nosotros hacemos todas las poses de las porno y mas !!

Mentira N°5: todas las mujeres son multiorgásmicas

Catarata de orgasmos tiene la mia,

Mentira N° 6: el sexo fuerte le gusta a todos

No se si a todos, pero a la mia le encanta !!

Mentira N° 7: todos tenemos en casa un juguete sexual

Masajeador y huevito vibrador ! Y todo lo que tiene forma adecuada se convierte en jueguete, forro de por medio.

Mentira N° 8: improvisar un trío es muy fácil

Bastante facil !

Mentira N° 9: los hombres gay son “machos” y las lesbianas “hacen de hombre”

Desesperada por morfarse una mina y no es lesb

Mentira N° 10: el repartidor de pizza es un amante en potencia

No pedimos pizza delivery
Películas porno eran las de antes, las de los 80s. Ahí si había calidad. lesa recomiento a todos y a todas que si les sobra un poquito de timepo vean una de esas
y de los '70.
El mundo nesecita porno eso es la verdad