Sexo y dinero: cuenta grande, más placer

Sexo y dinero: cuenta grande, más placer

Money isn't everything... But it helps, sang the Auténticos Decadentes. And it seems that, at least between the sheets, something like that must be true. A review of several investigations would lead us to this conclusion: being with a wealthy man ensures we enjoy the best sex, achieve more orgasms, and have a future project. Of course, that would be a too rapid and superficial reading of the results. Let's see them one by one.

According to an survey conducted in 2007 by Prince & Associates Inc., around 70% of multimillionaires recognize they enjoy their adventures in bed more. They say that wealth gives them better sex, which they define as having relations with more frequency and with more partners. On the other hand, 88% of women think having more money ensures them encounters of higher quality.

The benefits of money reach the sex, agrees Dr. Walter Ghedin, psychiatrist and sexologist. Men with a good economic position emphasize all pleasant activities, including erotic ones. Besides being less stressed and with better mood, they have more time for sexual encounters, he adds in an interview with Entremujeres.

What's the secret of orgasm?

A study conducted in 2009 at Newcastle University (UK) tried to go further. It discovered that as the monetary income of male couples increased, so did the frequency of women's orgasms. The reason would be related to evolution, since they would choose between men those who have the best provider potential.

When the partner's income increased, we noticed a highly positive effect on the frequency of orgasms reported by the same women, notes Thomas Pollet, psychologist and author of the research. He explains this fact because more desirable partners cause women to have better orgasms. Ghedin seems to be quite in agreement. “It has been proven that women of 'privileged' men enjoy sex more and have more orgasms. The erotic capital also increases: they go to gyms, do sports, and aesthetic treatments, wear branded clothing, have more skills for conquest. They are very concerned with their image because it reinforces their personal valuation”, he notes.

No self, no partner

Money wouldn't just help with luxurious relationships, but also with building a long-term bond. Having an auto, savings, stocks, and bonds could increase the chances of getting married. At least that would be the case in the United States, according to a study conducted at Princeton University and published in the American Journal of Sociology.

As a closing note...

After reading the studies, we are left wondering: is fortune the basis of sexual happiness? “Not all success laurels, especially not for couples”, recognizes Ghedin. “The positive reinforcement that money provides expands the self and generates narcissistic behaviors: exaltation of one's own abilities, lack of empathy, pride, interpersonal relationships to gain an advantage and elevate status, under loving commitment, infidelity, etcetera. A full wallet and a good life attract. And women know the 'gains and losses' they can obtain by choosing a man with these characteristics”, concludes the psychiatrist and sexologist.

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