Comprehensive Dictionary of Paraphilias: What's Yours?

Hey, I found this very complete dictionary of all sexual tastes and deviations, what's yours? To start, I think all poringa boys are pornographers or pornophiles. From there on, we'll have several more each @. Hope you like it and if you feel identified with some weird one, comment.Comprehensive Dictionary of Paraphilias: What's Yours?
- A -
* Abasiofilia: Sexual excitement with people with reduced mobility: amputees with orthopedic limbs, wheelchair-bound individuals, people wearing some kind of orthosis, etc.
* Acomoclitismo: Excitation by depilated genitals
* Actirastia: Sexual excitement resulting from exposure to sun rays
* Acrofilia: People who get excited only in high places. Acrofiliacs like to masturbate or have sexual encounters at heights, whether it's a skyscraper rooftop, a helicopter, or a construction site scaffolding.
* Acrotomofilia, Amelotasis or : Excitation by amputated limbs or the absence of body parts. From Greek akron: extremity, tomein: cut
* Acucullofília: Sexual excitement by circumcised penises
* Acusticofilia: Hearing walls, specific sounds
* Adolescentilismo: Sex with almost exclusively adolescents
* Adulterio: Voluntary carnal union between a married person and someone of the opposite sex who is not their spouse. From Latin adulterium
* Afrodisíaco: Drug that stimulates sexual response
* Agenobiosis: Marriage without maintaining sexual relations
* Agonofilia: Excitation resulting from a fight with one's partner
* Agorafilia: Attraction to sexual activity or exhibitionism in public places
* Agrafobia: Fear of sexual abuse. It usually occurs in people who have been victims of rape, or who have witnessed it
* Agrexofilia: Excitation produced by the fact that sexual activity is heard by other people
* Algofilia o Algolagnia: Excitation produced by pain (distinguished from masochism for the absence of erotic component). Algomanía is the perversion characterized by a fondness for feeling pain. From Greek algos: pain
* Alifineur (Aliphineur): Use of lotions, creams, or oils to excite one's sexual partner
* Aloerastia: Excitation of one's partner through the nudity of a third person. From Greek Allo: other Alorgasmia: inability to get excited without thinking of a more desirable person than the one with whom you are having sex.

* Alopelia: experiencing an orgasm only by watching others have a sexual relationship.
* Alorgasmia: excitement resulting from fantasizing during sexual activity with someone other than your partner.
* Alotriorastia: Excitement about sexual couples of other races. The offspring born as a result of interracial sex is called miscegenation.
* Altocalcifilia: Attraction to high-heeled shoes.
* Altruistic sexuality: occurs when a person, due to their disability or fear of loss or abandonment of the loved object, subordinates themselves to the erotic designs of that object even if they do not feel or share them.
* Alveofilia: attraction to having sexual relations in a bathtub. The practice of coitus in a full bathtub is called Coitobalnism (from balneum: bath).
* Alvinolagnia: sexual attraction only to stomachs (bellies), without the need for them to be prominent.
* Amaurofilia: passion for blind couples or those with their eyes covered.
* Amatripsis: female masturbation performed by rubbing the lips of the vulva against each other.
* Amelotastisis: A sadomasochistic form in which gratification is obtained due to a situation in which one of the members of the person participating in the sexual activity is at risk of being amputated and/or receiving cuts. By extension, games with knives and cutting instruments.
* Amiquesis: sexual excitement from scratching your partner during sexual activity.
* Amokoscisia: excitement caused by the desire to punish your sexual partner.
* Amomaxia: excitement only when having a sexual relationship inside a parked car.
* Analism: all sexual activity that prioritizes sexual excitement through the anus. This can be autosexual, homosexual or heterosexual.
* Anafrodisia: absence of sexual desire.
* Anastimafilia: Sexual attraction to people with excessive obesity. To the person who exhibits this paraphilia is colloquially called chubby chaser (chubby: fat, and chaser: pursuer) in the Anglo-Saxon world. It is also used to define attraction to people of different heights than one's own (taller or shorter).

* Androfilia: Exaltation of masculine patterns. Androphobia is the fear of men.
* Androginofilia: Sexual attraction to androgynous people whose external features do not correspond definitively with those of their sex.
* Androidismo: Excitation with human-like dolls, mannequins or robots.
* Andromimetofilia or ginecomimetismo: Attraction only to women dressed as men. The woman represents and behaves sexually like a man, and the man adopts the role of a woman. In anal penetration, the passive subject will be the man and the active one will be the woman.
* Anilingus or anilinguo: Sexual practice that consists in exciting the gluteal and anal erogenous zone with the tongue. Also called anophilemia or black kiss.
* Anime Figure Bukkake: Anglo-Saxon term for referring to the practice of covering popular manga/anime figurines with semen, although it is sometimes used cum condensed, resembling the consistency and appearance of sperm. More info.
* Anisonogamia: Attraction to a sexual couple much younger or much older.
* Anofelorastia: Excitement at profaning objects considered sacred.
* Anomeatia: Penetrating with the penis into the anus of a female partner.
* Anorgasmia: Inability to achieve the final phase of orgasm in sexual excitement.
* Antolagnia: Excitation by smelling flowers.
* Apotemnofilia: Excitement at the idea of being amputated.
* Aracnofilia: Sexual game with spiders.
* Astenolagnia: Attraction to humility, humiliation or foreign sexual weakness.
* Asfixiofilia or Hypoxifilia: Pleasure producing hypoxia. The stimulus is strangling, asphyxiating or drowning the partner during sexual activity, with their consent and without killing them. Also erotic strangulation call. More Info.

* Asexuality: lack of sexual orientation. Asexuals are people who do not feel desire for sexual pleasure or sexual attraction towards anyone around them.
* Audiolagnia: the main stimulus comes from hearing.
* Audioerotism: consists in listening to intimate conversations, fornicatory sighs, or other forms of sounds that excite the listener's lust.
* Autoabasiofilia: Excitement at being or becoming fuck you.
* Autoasasinofilia: masochistic fantasy of being killed. Theatrical acting with masochistic suicide.
* Autoasfixiofilia: Excitement at being choked during sexual activity.
* Autoagonistofilia or Autogonistofilia: Pleasure at being observed in scenarios. It is the erotic excitement that follows facilitating and achieving orgasm relative to, and dependent on, the fact of being observed, being on stage, or being filmed.
* Autocateterismo: Masturbation through the introduction of objects into the bladder or urethra.
* Autoconsuerofilia: Piercing with a needle and thread some part of the body for sexual pleasure.
* Autocunnilinguo or autocunnilingus: a form of female masturbation in which the woman performs oral sex on herself. More Info.
* Autofelación or autofellatio: a form of male masturbation that consists in orally stimulating oneself.
* Autoflagelation: Self-flagellation with whips.
* Automasoquismo: Pain caused by oneself for sexual excitement.
* Automisofilia: attraction to being soiled or corrupted.
* Automutilación: Loss of part of the body caused by oneself.
* Autonepiofilia or autonefiofilia: The stimulus is using diapers and being treated like a baby.
* Autonecrofilia: Fantasy of imagining oneself as a corpse.
* Autopedofilia: Pleasure with fantasies of infantile caresses.
* Autopederastia: Introduction of the penis into one's own anus. See Video.
* Autoscopofilia: Pleasure at observing one's own genitals.
* Autosexualidad: sex with oneself. Solitary masturbation is one of its forms. Autoerotism or Autoerastia is the practice of sexually self-stimulating.

* Autoungulafilia: getting pleasure by scratching one's own genitals.
* Avisodomía: sexual relation with birds.
* Axilismo: masturbating inside the armpit of a partner. Also called Axilar Copulation.

- B -

* Balloon fetish: Anglo-Saxon term for referring to the taste of watching women inflate, explode, mount, stretch, and play with balloons.
* Bardaje: passive sodomite.
* Basoexia: excitement only produced by kisses.
* BDSM: series of sexual practices and affections related to each other and linked to what is called conventional extreme sexuality. The acronym is formed from the initials of some of these practices: Bondage: B; Discipline: D; Dominance and Submission: D&S; and Sadomasochism: S&M.
* Belonefilia: excitement produced by the use of needles and pins.
* Bestialismo: sexual practices with animals.
* Biastofilia: those who only get excited sexually when they assault someone against their will. Excitement only when the partner does not consent to the sexual act.
* Bigamia: state of a man married to two women at the same time, or of a woman married to two men. If there are more than two spouses or husbands, it is called polygamy.
* Bisexual: person who alternates between homosexual and heterosexual practices. Bisexuality is also known as Anfifilia (term coined by Sandor Ferenczi).
* Blastolagnia: person attracted to very young women.
* Bondage: term applied to erotic bindings executed on a person dressed or undressed. From English to bind: manacle.
* Botulinonia: the use of a food sausage (sausage or chorizo) as a comforter. From Latin botulus: sausage.
* Bouginonia: female masturbation with large objects or dildos to deliberately stretch the vagina. From French bougie: used object to dilate an orifice.
* Bradycubia: anal or vaginal penetration with slow movements.
* Braquioproctosigmoidism or Braquioprosis: introduction of the arm through the anus.
* Bukkake: group sex practice where a series of men take turns ejaculating over someone, whether male or female.
* Burusera: type of Japanese store where young women sell their used underwear. Other types of used clothing, such as school uniforms, jackets, or bathing suits are also sold... Namasera is a variant of burusera in which the woman delivers her underwear directly to the buyer at the point of sale, removing them there.
* Candalagnia or candaulism: sexual excitement from seeing one's partner having sex with another person, usually a stranger. The candaulist puts their partner at the disposal of someone else.
* Capnolagnia or capnogalia: sexual excitement produced by seeing how someone else smokes. Pleasure with cigarettes, tobacco, or pipes.
* Catafilia: sexual excitement occurs only when the man submits to his partner.
* Catatasis: stretching of the penis, usually adding weights attached to the glans.
* Catheterophilia: sexual excitement with the use of some type of catheter.
* Chezolagnia or Defecolagnia: sexual excitement originating from the act of defecation. Masturbating during defecation.
* Celibacy: state of those who do not marry or have a sexual partner. From Latin caelebs, caelibis. One understands celibate as someone who does not want to get married and prefers permanent singlehood for some reason.
* Canophilia: excitement from having sex with dogs. From Greek kinos: dog.
* Ciesolagnia or maieusiofilia: sexual excitement only with pregnant women.
* Chastity belt or Venus belt: belt or iron bra provided with a lock, which was forced to be worn by some women in the Middle Ages to avoid infidelities or Sexual slits. Currently, there are like erotic toys.

* Ciprianofobia: fear of prostitutes.
* Cipridofobia: fear of venereal diseases.
* Clastomanía: obsession with breaking the clothes that your partner wears.
* Claustrofilia: pleasure in closed spaces.
* Clismafilia or Klismafilia: sexual pleasure obtained by injecting liquid into the anal cavity. This practice includes the use of enemas.
* Cleptolagnia: sexual excitement from stealing.
* Cock ring or cockring: English term that translates to penis ring. A ring that is placed around the penis to maintain erection for a longer period of time.
* Cohabitacionismo: living with objects that sexually excite you.
* Coito: copulation or sexual union between two individuals of different or same sex, species animal. From Latin co-iter: march together or go together.
* Coito interfemoral or coito intercrural: the penis or consolator with harness is between the thighs of the couple, perhaps rubbing their vulva, scrotum or perineum, and both participants obtain pleasure through genital friction resulting in simulated penetration.
* Coito a cheval: sex on horseback or with a partner who takes the role of a horse. From French cheval: horse.
* Coitolalia: excitement produced by speaking during sexual activity.
* Coitofobia: fear of coitus.
* Coitolimia: intense sexual desire
* Coitus ferarum: posture in which the woman remains bent and the man penetrates her vaginally from behind. Literally: sex like beasts.
* Coitus interruptus, interrupted coitus, march back or coitus reservatus: method of birth control by withdrawing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.
* Hummingbird: hummingbird is a sexual practice in which the woman gets down on all fours, with her knees and hands on the floor or bed, showing her vagina to the man. He, from behind, places his lips on her vulva. Blow job with the mouth. The vibrations will be transmitted to the woman's sexual organ, thus providing pleasure. More info.

* Compulsive sexual behavior: Inability to control sexual impulse.
* Condom or condom: Thin and elastic cover for the penis during coitus, in order to avoid fertilization or possible contagion of diseases.
* Sex toy or dildo: Sexual complement used since time immemorial for masturbation by both men and women.
* Consierofilia: Sewing skin areas with needle and thread to obtain sexual pleasure.
* Coprophemia: Sexual pleasure derived from saying obscenities in public.
* Coprofilia or coprolagnia: The use of feces in sexual practice (for example, smearing feces on the body).
* Coprography: Use of feces for writing or creating graffiti.
* Coprophagia: Ingestion of feces with erotic purposes. The term Esfinterismo is the generic name that covers different paraphilias related to sphincters.
* Coprolalia: Sexual stimulation through the use of bad words.
* Corefalism: Excitement only by practicing anal sex with girls.
* Coreofilia: Excitation through erotic dance. Preferred sex in group dances.
* Cratolagnia: Excitation caused by the power of the couple. The term derives from Greek crathos: power, strength; and lagnia: lust. Those who feel this sexual attraction can get excited being lifted, defeated in an erotic struggle or in a pulse with someone else, usually of the opposite sex.
* Creampie: Activity that consists of observing as semen is expelled from the vagina or anus of a woman after her partner's ejaculation.
* Crematistofilia: Excitation produced by paying for sex.
* Cryptoscopophilia: Excitement at contemplating the conduct (not necessarily sexual) of other people in the privacy of their home.
* Cryptovestifilia: Attraction to women's underwear. attraction to women's black underwear we are talking about melcriptovestimentafilia. From Latin vesti: clothing, and Greek crypto: hidden.

* Crurofilia: sexual attraction to legs. From Latin cruro: leg.
* Cruralafilo: collector of pin-ups (photographs or drawings of beautiful girls in suggestive poses).
* Crush fetish or fetishism of crushings: paraphilia in which excitement is found in crushing or seeing others crush objects, food, people, insects, or small animals. More Info.
* Cunnilalia: excitement from talking about female genitalia. From Latin cunnis: vulva. Term coined by J.E. Schmidt.
* Cunnilingus or Cunilinguo: oral sex towards women. Erotic licking of the vulva and adjacent regions performed with the partner's mouth. If the clitoris is licked, we are talking about Clitorilingus.

- D -

* Dacrifilia or dacrilagnia: sexual excitement from seeing tears in one's partner's eyes. Sex crying.
* Dendrofilia: eroticization by contact with plants; for example, rubbing against trees.
* Diaperism: use of diapers by an adult.
* Dipoldismo: Excitement from hitting children's buttocks. Term in honor of the German Andreas Dippold.
* Disciplina inglesa: sexual practices related to flagellation as erotic content.
* Dismorfofilia or teratofilia: attraction towards deformed people (dwarfs, people with congenital anomalies, mastectomized, hunchbacks, etc).
* Docking: English term referring to mutual masturbation between men in which the tip of the penis, circumcised or not, is inserted into the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis. More Info.
* Dogging: Anglo-Saxon term for the practice that consists of having sex outdoors, both in cars and in forests, always in secluded places where attendees can look on or participate. In Spain it is known as cancaneo.
* Dominatrix: woman who adopts the dominant role in BDSM practices. From Latin dominatrix: sovereign or lady. Its masculine equivalent is the master.

* Dorafilia: sexual excitement from touching animal, synthetic, or other types of skin.
* Dracofilia: sexual excitement with fantasies about dragons and snakes.

- E -

* Ecdemolagnia: excitement resulting from traveling or being away from home.
* Ecdiosis: excitement only produced by undressing in front of strangers.
* Ecoteurism: hearing or imagining sexual acts through voices, equipment. Listening without consent to other people having sex. From French ecoteur: listening.

* Efebofilia: sexual attraction of an adult towards a teenager between 13 and 18 years old. Some authors apply the term for attraction towards teenagers who have passed puberty, leaving the term hebefilia for attraction towards pubescents. From Latin ephebus and Greek Efebo: young man. Currently, the terms are used without distinguishing the sex of the minor.

* Elefilia: sexual obsession with tissues.
* Electrofilia or electrocutofilia: excitement only produced by using soft electric shocks during sexual practice.
* Emetofilia or Vomerofilia: sexual excitement resulting from vomiting. The act of vomiting on the partner is called Roman Shower. See Video.

* Enditofilia or enditolagnia: excitement only produced by seeing the partner dressed.
* Enema of Gold: urination with the penis in the rectum or introduction with an enema of urine in the rectum. A Clean Enema is one that does not come into contact with intestinal feces (usually because a cleaning enema has been applied to clean the intestines). Dirty Enema is related to scatophilic practices where it is played or played. ingest feces and liquid at its exit.
* Eopareunia: having sex with someone very young.
* Episioclisia: suturing of the major labial folds of the female vulva.
* Erotofonofilia: erotic excitement achieved through fantasizing about killing one's sexual partner (from Greek phonos: crime).
* Erotomania: excessive attraction to everything sexual. The opposite term is erotophobia: aversion to everything sexual.
* Erotolalia: sexually stimulating oneself only by talking about sex.
* Erotografomania: sexually stimulating oneself by writing love poems or letters. Grapheroticism is the erotic excitement from exchanging letters.
* Escatofilia or Scatology telephone: sexual pleasure in transmitting obscenities over the phone.
* Escopofilia or escopolagnia: the excitement depends on openly looking at other people performing the sexual act (not secretly like voyeurism). From Greek scopo: to look, observe. It is erroneous to use the term Escoptophilia: the prefix scopt means to mock. Also used is the term Mixoscopia, from Greek mixis: coitus.
* Escrotismo: Excitement at palpating the scrotum.
* Espectrofilia: excitement produced by the image in the mirror.
* Espermofilia: fetishism in which male semen is the element of pleasure. True sperm baths are sought after. It may manifest itself related to anthrophagia, in which case it involves ingesting large quantities: spermatophagy. Spermophobia is the aversion to semen.
* Estenolagnia: paraphilia in which sexual excitement is produced by demonstrations of strength or the exhibition of human muscle (the latter fetish also known as muscle worship). The term comes from Greek sthenos (vigor, strength) and lagnia (lust); it was coined by German sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). Those who feel this sexual attraction can become excited at physical contact with people having very developed muscles. Mas info. * Estigmatofilia: excitement at tattoos, piercings, sacrifices or scars. * Sexual esthesiopathies: are those sexual disturbances where erotic interest focuses on the senses. * Eurotofobia or colpophobia: irrational and unhealthy fear of female genitals. * Exhibitionism: search for sexual pleasure by showing one's sexual organs. This also includes the enjoyment of having sex in a place where there is a risk of being seen or discovered by others, also known as Apodisofilia or Lady Godiva syndrome. * Exophilia or neophilia: sexual excitement at unusual things. * Anal ejaculation or squirting anal: practice in which cum (or another liquid) is introduced into the rectum through an injection and then expelled through the anus at will. More Info. * Premature ejaculation: lack of control over the ejaculatory reflex; therefore, it is a disorder of the orgasm phase during sexual relations. - F - * Facesitting: Anglo-Saxon term for referring to the practice of sitting on one's partner's face. In queen-ing, the woman presses her genitals against the man's face. In king-ing, the man presses his genitals against the woman's face. * Falophilia: attraction to large penises. The fear of the penis is Falophobia. * Fellatio, felatorismo or fellation: oral sex towards a man, stimulation of the penis by mouth. The person performing fellatio moves while the one being fellated remains passive. Irrumation (from Latin irrumatio) is a variant of fellation in which the irrumated person (the man whose penis will be sucked) performs all the movements, situated above or to the side of the person doing the irrumating, who - usually lying down and in a passive position - receives the penis in their mouth. In ancient Rome, irrumation was considered a form of humiliation. * Felching: Anglo-Saxon term for referring to the practice in which one person licks the semen that comes out of a woman's (or man's) vagina or anus. Homosexual relationships).
* Fetichism: A sexual deviation that consists in fixing some part of the human body or a related item as an object of excitement and desire. There are authors who reserve the term partialism for attraction to parts of the body, leaving fetishism applied only to fetishes: physical objects, or specific and concrete circumstances that replace people as primary objects of desire.
* Figefilia: Sex with cards.
* Philateliophilia: Sexual pleasure with stamps. Do not confuse with philately.
* Fisting: An English term referring to the partial or total introduction of the hand into the anus or vagina of the partner. Auto-fisting is the practice of fisting oneself. More Info.
* Flatofilia, Eproctofilia, or Eproctolagnia: Excitement from the smell of one's own or partner's intestinal gases. See Video.
* Phonophilia: Sexual inclination to listen.
* Formicophilia: Sex with insects, flies. Sexual excitement at crawling insects or small animals (ants, snails, worms, etc.) on genitals. From Latin formica: ant. Also known as Entomocismophilia, from Greek entomo: insect. The use of insects for sexual practices is called entomocism.
* Fornifilia: A paraphilia in which pleasure is obtained by objectifying the passive partner, adding it to a piece of furniture or converting it into part of the furniture. It's a form of sexual cosification taken to the extreme, aiming at erotic domination of the partner. More Info.
* Phobophilia: Sexual pleasure through fears, phobias, or moods.
* Fratrilagnia: Attraction to incestuous sexual relationships with siblings. Excitement at imagining sex with one's brother.
* Frenasticofilia: Fixation on people who suffer from some mental retardation.
* Frotismo or froteurismo: The person obtains sexual pleasure only by rubbing their genitals against unknown people. sexualizing other people. * Furtling: Anglo-Saxon term for referring to the act of inserting a finger through a hole cut in the genital area of a photo or drawing. - G - * Gamofobia: fear of marriage. * Garganta Profunda o Deep Throat: fellatio in which the entire penis is inserted into the mouth of the fellator, reaching her throat. More info. * Gendoloma: use of sexual fantasies to accelerate orgasm. * Genofobia: irrational and unhealthy fear of sex. * Genufalacion o Genuphallatio: insertion of the penis between the knees of the couple for masturbation. From Greek phallate: practicing coitus; phallation: movement of the penis during coitus. * Gerontofilia: sexual attraction of a young person to one much older. From Greek gerontos: old man. The attraction of young people to milf women is called graofilia or anililagnia. Attraction to people of a very different age from the subject is called chronophilia. * Gigolo: Man who maintains sex in exchange for money. * Gimnocriptosis: Women talking among themselves about their sexual life with their respective husbands. * Gimnofilia o nudomanía: excitement by nudity. From Greek Gymno: naked, uncovered, without protection. * Gimnofobia: fear of seeing a nude body. * Ginofilia: Exaltation of feminine patterns. * Ginofobia o misoginia: rejection of women. * Ginecofilia: eroticization by women with very developed physical features (proportionally large breasts, prominent buttocks, etc.). * Ginemimetofilia: excitement will only occur if the couple is a transvestite. Sexual pleasure with people with ambivalent sex. From Greek giné: woman, and mimetós: imitable. * Ginonudomanía: compulsion to rip off the woman's clothes. * Glory hole o agujero glorioso: a hole opened in a partition that is used either for observing how others practice sexual acts without being seen (voyeurism) or for two people situated on both sides of the partition Maintain anonymous sexual relations. More info.

* Gomfipotico: excitement at the sight of teeth.
* Grafolagnia or pictofilia: stimulation occurs only before erotic photos or drawings. Passive iconophilia is a behavioral expression of sexuality in which pleasure is obtained from viewing graphic representations of drawings, figures, or photos. It is also known as iconolagnia (Sirlin). When erotic pleasure is found in posing or being drawn or photographed, it is called active iconophilia.
* Gregomulcia: excitement at being fondled by an unknown person in a crowd. From Greek greg meaning flock or Latin gregarĭus.
* Gum Job: term used in the Anglo-Saxon world to refer to fellatio performed by a person without teeth, usually an elderly woman. See Video.
* Gyno Fetish: Anglo-Saxon term for attraction to practicing gynecological exams. It is part of medical fetishism.

- H -

* Haptolagnia: known as this denomination genéyummy to the use of touch sense for achieving erotic excitement. From Greek hapto: to touch.
* Haptosis: non-consensual sexual touching.
* Harén: designates at the same time the group of women (concubines or simply beautiful women) that surround an important character as well as the place where these reside. The Oriental sense given is the meaning of “forbidden to men”. The term harem derives from the word harâm, which serves to designate everything that is taboo, prohibited by religion.
* Harmatofilia: pleasure at frequently breaking rules.
* Harpaxofilia: experiencing pleasure at being robbed. From Greek harpax: robbery.
* Hebefilia: sexual preference for pubescent individuals (adolescents in the puberty stage). In Greek mythology, Hebe was the goddess of youth.
* Hedonofobia: persistent, abnormal and unjustified fear of feeling pleasure. Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure, loss of interest or satisfaction in almost all activities.
* Hemotigolagnia: sexual attraction to used tampons.
* Hermafrodita: person with male and female sexual characteristics. They get their name from Hermafrodito, the son of Aphrodite and Hermes, who was born with breasts, penis, and testicles. Also called Ginandromorfo (from Greek giné: woman, andrós: man, morfos: form).
* Heterofilia: excessive preference for the opposite sex. Heterophobia is irrational and unhealthy fear of the opposite sex.
* Heterosexualidad: preference for a same-sex partner.
* Hierofilia: sexual attraction to crosses. Pleasure with religious objects.
* Hibristofilia: pleasure with people with criminal records. Sexual excitement fantasizing about having relations with a rapist.
* Hifenofilia: pleasure in touching or feeling skins, hides.
* Hifefilia: the excitement depends on possessing an alien object such as clothing, hair, skin, etc.
* Higrofilia: preferred pleasure with human bodily fluids like tears, saliva, semen, or mucus. From Greek igrós: humidity.
* Hipnofilia: excitement in contemplating people asleep.
* Hiperfilia: excessive sexual desire.
* Hipofilia: inhibited sexuality.
* Hirsutofilia: attraction to hair.
* Homofilia: exclusive pleasure with people of the same sex.
* Homofobia: hatred towards homosexuals.
* Homosexualidad or Homofilia: erotic attraction towards individuals of the same sex. From Greek homo: equal. The term gay is often used to refer to male homosexuals. Also, the term Iterandria, from Latin iter: repetition, and Greek andros: man, is used. The term lesbian is used to refer to female homosexuals.
* Homilofilia: erotic pleasure provoked by listening or giving sermons, conferences, or speeches. It is said that Hitler got sexually excited during his speeches. From Greek omilía: sermon.
* Homicidofilia: lustful murder.
* Hoplofilia: attraction to weapons. Japanese brothel where prostitutes wear a specific type of image: police officers, nurses, high school girls, etc. Sometimes includes thematic decorations. More Info.

* Impotence: inability of a person to perform the sexual act. Erectile dysfunction or impotent erigendi is the inability to maintain an erection for sufficient time to ejaculate inside the vagina.
* Incest: carnal relationship between relatives within the degrees prohibited from marriage (usually first and second degree of consanguinity).
* Infantilism or anaclitism: pleasure adopting childish behaviors.
* Infibulation: genital mutilation consisting of a clitoridectomy followed by vaginal closure with suturing. Only a small opening is left for urination and menstrual blood discharge.
* Erotic inflation: sexual pleasure obtained by gas absorption. Blowing air into the vagina, anus, or urethra.
* Inspectionism: psychiatric term for voyeurism. Also used to refer to the sexual stimulation caused by meticulous and detailed examination of one's partner's body, commonly the genitals.
- J -
* Jactitation (of boasting and excitement): excitement produced by recounting one's own sexual exploits. The paraphilia is known as Jactitafilia.
* Pathological game: sexual excitement through playing games.
* Juvenalism or juvenilism: the only excitement comes from personifying a baby, child, or teenager.
- K -
* Kabbazah: Arabic term for the practice where the man takes on the passive role and the woman the active one.
* Kagaseya: Japanese term referring to the practice of spending time with a young girl to put one's head between her legs and inhale her intimate odors.
* Karezza: form of prolonging coitus by avoiding ejaculation. Small coital movements are performed for this purpose, characteristic of Hindu tantrism.
* Kokigami: the art of dressing up a penis with a paper disguise.
* Knismolagnia: paraphilia that consists in finding sexual pleasure by giving or receiving tickles.
* Kolpeurintomanía: stretching of vaginal lips. From Greek kolpós: crotch, fold, vagina.
* Lacantropía: form of sadomasochism where the individual identifies with a vampire or wolf.
* Lactancia erótica, Fetichismo de cum materna, galactofilia and lactofilia or Lactafilia: terms that refer to sexual pleasure revolving around human breastfeeding. Sexual pleasure with maternal milk.
* Lagnolalia: use of luxurious language to achieve sexual excitement, either before or during coitus. In the Anglo-Saxon world, it is commonly known as Dirty talk.
* Lambitus: genetic taste to achieve erotic excitement.
* Latexfilia: sexual pleasure with latex objects, condoms.
* Latronudia: excitement from undressing in front of a doctor, usually pretending an illness.
* Lectolagnia: the only excitement comes from reading erotic texts. Logophilia is the behavioral expression of sexuality that one enjoys reading.
* Leptosadismo: mild form of sadism.
* Lesbiana: woman who feels romantically, affectively, and/or sexually attracted to people of her same sex. The term used in ancient Greece to refer to lesbians was tríbada, from tribo: rubbing. See Video.
* Ligerastia: being excited only in the dark. From Greek lygo: shadow, darkness.
* Limerencia: emotional, cognitive, and involuntary state in which a person feels an intense romantic desire for another person, the limerent object.
* Lluvia dorada: sexual practice that consists of urinating on the partner.
* Macrofalo or macrofalosomía: penis with large dimensions (over 20 cm).
* Macrofilia: the only stimulus is people who are large rollizas. * Mamilinguo or mamilingus: oral contact consistent in the application of lips and tongue on breasts including suction of the same. * Mangina: man who hides his genital organs to simulate a woman's pubis. From English Man: man, and Gina: vagina. * Martimaclia: excitement from being observed by others during sexual relations. * Matrimonofilia: sexual pleasure playing at marriage. * Thai Massage: massage applied by friction and pressure with the entire nude body of the masseuse. * Compulsive Masturbation: inability to control masturbatory impulses. * Maschalagnia: fetishism or partialism revolving around armpits. From Greek maschal: axilla. * Masochism or duololagnia: pleasure through pain. Pleasure linked to one's own humiliation or physical (slaps, lashes, pinches) or moral (humiliation) suffering. It differs from algomania by the presence of an erotic component. Term in honor of Austrian novelist L. Sacher-Masoch. * Matutolagnia: sexual desire during morning hours. * Matrilagnia: sexual attraction to one's mother. Matrincesto refers to incestuous relationship between a mother and her son or daughter. * Matronolagnia: sexual excitement provoked only by women much older. * Mazofilia: partialism revolving around the female bust. From Greek mazos: breast. * Mechanoreotism: excitement through vibrators, dildos, etc. * Medolalia: excitement from speaking about the penis. * Medomalacufobia: fear of losing an erection. * Medortofobia: fear of a standing penis. Fear of having an erection is called Itifalofobia. * Melolagnia: sexual excitement provoked by music (not necessarily erotic music). * Menstruofilia or menofilia: sexual attraction to menstruating women. Menofagia is the realization of cunnilingus when a woman menstruates. * Merintofilia: sexual excitement from being tied up. * Mesalinism: any woman who Seduce (appearing with great sexual desire) every male who could serve her purposes. Term in honor of Valeria Mesalina, the wife of Emperor Claudius.

* Microfalo or micropene: penis less than 7 cm in erection: a 0.6% of penises fall into this category.
* Microfilia: sexual attraction to small or dwarf people.
* Microgenitalism: excitement by small penises.
* Misofilia: sexual attraction to dirty clothes. Sexual activity in a dirty or rotten environment.
* Misogyny: hatred towards women.
* Mixoscopia bestial: observing the couple having sex with animals.
* Morfofilia: fixation on people with certain physical characteristics (only blondes, only fat, etc).
* Momification erotica: BDSM practice where a person is immobilized by wrapping them from head to toe with fabrics, bandages, adhesive tape, force shirts...
* Moriafilia: excitement caused by sexual content jokes.
* Mucofagia: ingestion of mucus.
* Multifilia: incessant search for new partners.
* Sex doll or inflatable doll: sexual toy that mimics the size and shape of a human couple's body (almost always with feminine characteristics). In ancient times, it was called fornicatory doll. Sailors used a Dame de voyage (French for lady of the sea).
* N -
* Nafefilia: excitement by touching or being touched.
* Nanofilia: sexual attraction to small people.
* Nasofilia: sexual excitement obtained by licking, biting, sucking, or touching the nose of the partner.
* Nasolingus: sexual practice consisting of sucking with the mouth and licking with the tongue the nose or nasal openings of the partner.
* Narratofilia: sexual excitement only when listening to erotic stories.
* Neolagnia: appearance of sexual desire during puberty or adolescence.
* Nyotaimori: Japanese practice consisting of eating sushi or sashimi served on the body naked woman. If it is used for the same purpose with a man, then it is called nantaimori.
* Necrofilia: sexual attraction to corpses, morgues. Already in antiquity, the Egyptians described this pathology, and it was recommended not to deliver the cadavers of beautiful women to embalmers until several days after their death to avoid this way their sexual profanation. It is called Necroclesis to practice the act of sex with a female corpse. Hirschfeld used the term necrostrupatio to refer to copulation with a corpse. If the morbid pleasure is only the contemplation of corpses, it is called necromancy.
* Necrosadism: sexual attraction to mutilating and dismembering corpses.
* Nepiofilia or nepiolagnia: the couple must be an infant of the opposite sex.
* Nepirastia: excitement resulting from having a baby lifted, sometimes experienced by older women without children.
* Nefiofilia: sexual pleasure playing at being parents.
* Ninfofilia: sexual attraction of an adult to a teenager.
* Ninfomanía or Andromanía: hyperfeminine psychosocial disorder characterized by absolute inhibition of sexual instincts and an extraordinary number of sexual partners as evident symptoms. In the past, it was known as furor uterinus. The nymphs were characters in Greek mythology who had relationships with satyrs.
* Ninfolepsia: trance state induced by erotic fantasies.
* Normofilia: excitement exclusive to acts considered normal by one's own religion or society.
* Nosolagnia: excitement resulting from knowing that the partner has a terminal illness.
* Nudismofilia: sexual pleasure preferred in nudist camps. Tocating and sometimes trying to penetrate the ocular zone. We will call oculolingus the practice of licking an eye with the tongue. More info.

* Odontofilia: Sexual pleasure preferred with teeth, biting.
* Odaxelagnia: Excitation from biting or being bitten by one's partner.
* Odofilia: Excitation produced by travel. From Greek odos: journey.
* Ofidiofilia: Excitation caused by snakes.
* Ofidicismo: Sexual excitement with reptiles of all kinds.
* Olfactofilia u Olfatofilia: Sexual pleasure through human body odors, mainly from genital areas. From Latin olfacto: to smell. Also used is the term Osmolagnia, from Greek osme: odor. Sigmund Freud used the term osfresiolagnia. Ozolagnia is used for sexual excitement by strong smells, almost always of animal nature. Barosmia refers to excitement through smell.
* Olisbo: Realistic dildo that includes testicles. From Greek olisbós.
* Omolagnia: Excitation caused by nudity.
* Onanism: The book of Genesis mentions Onan who was punished for interrupting coitus by spilling semen on the ground instead of fertilizing his brother's wife, who had died without leaving descendants. By levirate law, he should have fertilized her so that his dead brother would have children. Therefore, onanism is synonymous with interrupted coitus, in other words, onanism is the interruption of coitus to make ejaculation extrauterine, non-fecundating. This is deduced from the fact that onanism is not synonymous with masturbation. Interrupted coitus should not be confused with techniques of ejaculatory continence.
* Oneirogmofobia u Onirogmofobia: Fear of wet dreams.
* Onirofilia: Sexual pleasure with sleeping people.
* Ondinismo o Albutofilia: Sexual pleasure in pools, hot tubs, beaches, baths, and hot showers. Exciting oneself in water.
* Oralism: The use of the mouth in sexual activity instead of coitus.
* Erotic milking: Milking ( In the Anglo-Saxon world, it is the extraction of maternal cum in a submissive woman by her dominant partner. They are related BDSM practices with lactophilia. More info.

* Sexual orgy: Group sexual activity. Gang bang or gangbang is a particular type of orgy where an individual, man or woman, maintains sexual relations with several people by turns or at the same time. When a man has sexual relations with several women, it is known as inverse gangbang.
- P -

* Paraphilia: Sexual deviation. Literally means love on the side, collateral love.
* Paraphobia: Fear of different sexual behaviors.
* Partialism: Sexual preference for a specific part of the body.
* Parentenofobia: Fear of young girls, usually virgins.
* Pareunolalia: Obscene language related to coitus.
* Patrolagnia: Sexual desire of a daughter towards her father.
* Partenophilia: Attraction to virgins.
* Partial unbirthing: Anglo-Saxon term for a paraphilia that some have classified as a form of vorarephil, also known as female genital vorare or vaginal vorare. The sexual excitement is produced by the idea of putting one's head inside a woman's vagina, simulating a kind of reverse birth.
* Pedophilia: Attraction to dolls.
* Pecatifilia: Sexual pleasure from intentionally sinning.
* Pederasty: Sexual abuse committed with children. Originally applied to anal penetration of male children. In one of its meanings, it also refers to the sexual pleasure of being penetrated through the anus (sodomy).
* Pedophilia or paidophilia: Attraction to children (people who have not yet reached puberty). From Greek paidós: child. The inclination of certain lesbian milfs towards impubescent girls is known as corofilia (term coined by Magnus Hirschfeld). More info.
* Penis captivus: Strong grasping of the penis vaginal muscles. It requires certain prior training and is usually part of traditional Thai sexual practices.

* Penectofilia: exhibition of the penis.
* Penealism: includes the use of the penis as an erotic medium for copular activities - pseudo-coitus - in different regions of the body.
* Petting: an anglicism to designate any type of sexual relations except coitus. It can be the simulation of coitus between dressed or semi-dressed people. The word comes from the English verb to pet: to mimic, caress. In Argentina and Uruguay, it is used as a verb franelear. In Spain, expressions such as darse el lote or enrollarse are used.
* Pegging: an English term referring to sexual practice in which a woman penetrates anally a man using a strap-on dildo with straps.
* Picacism: sexual excitement caused by introducing food into one of the body cavities for the couple to recover with their mouths.
* Pietofilia: eroticization before pious images.
* Pigmalionism: sexual attraction to naked statues or mannequins. It comes from Pigmalión, a mythological Greek character who fell in love with a statue he created himself. Other terms used are agalmatofilia (from the Greek agalma: statue), galateísmo or monumentofilia.
* Pigophilia: excitement caused by contact with buttocks.
* Piotripsis: excitement caused by rubbing or massaging buttocks.
* Pink eye: an English term referring to the practice of ejaculating on the open eyes of a partner. If multiple people ejaculate, it is called bukkake eye.
* Pyromania: sexual pleasure produced by fire/combustion.
* Pyrosadism: a specific form of pyromania where one obtains pleasure or excitement from causing burns to another individual, especially in the context of sexual relationships where the act can be directly enjoyed.
* Pyromasoquismo: Specific masochism where pleasure is obtained by suffering burns or heat action in the context of sexual relationships. Usually with candles, hot wax, cigarettes or lighters applied to genitals, nipples, soles of feet or other parts of the body.

* Pyrolagnia: Sexual excitement from contemplating fire.
* Sexual pluralism: Refers to the preference and/or need for some individuals to have more than one person as simultaneous or successive companions for erotic pleasure, whether heterosexual, homosexual or mixed.
* Podophilia: Pleasure with feet. From Greek podos: foot.
* Polyandry: State of a woman married or paired simultaneously with two or more men. From Greek poli: many and andros: man. The sexual relationship between a woman and two men is called Biandria or Bivirism.
* Polygamy: Situation in which a man is married to several women.
* Pollution (wet dream): Ejaculation during sleep, sometimes without touching. It's an involuntary response to an olfactory stimulus. Also used is the term espermatorrea.
* Politerophilia: Ritual repetition of sexual activities. Need for having a series of consecutive sexual partners before achieving orgasm.
* Pomosexual: Neologism applied to people who reject being labeled regarding their sexual orientation. The prefix pomo is a contraction of postmodern.
* Pornomania or pornophilia: Preferential pleasure with pornographic objects. Pornoscopy is the activity linked to seeking pleasure, preferably or exclusively, through the contemplation or reading of pornographic material.
* Primeisodophobia or esodophobia: Fear of losing one's virginity or first sexual relationship.
* Proctophobia: Rejection of anal coitus.
* Prostitution: Performing the sexual act in exchange for money.
* Prostitutophilia: Pleasure only with prostitutes. The sexual act with a prostituta is called Ciprieunia.
* Psycrophilia: excitement due to cold or seeing people with cold.
* Psycrocismophilia: sexual pleasure with rain or snow.
* Psycholagnia: sexual excitement induced by thoughts of sexual content.
* Ptialinism: pleasure in absorbing the saliva of a partner.
* Pubefilia or ginelofilia: excitement produced by contemplating public hair.
* Pungofilia: need to be pinched for sexual pleasure.

- Q -

* Quadoshka: sexual practice similar to tantric sex among Native American Cherokee.
* Quinunolagnia: sexual excitement from putting oneself in dangerous situations. Term coined by Sollier and Courbon, J Roux used the term fobophilia.

- R -

* Raptofilia: sexual pleasure with fantasies of rape.
* Rabdofilia: excitement from being flagellated. From Greek rhabdo: rod.
* Renifleurism: excitement due to the smell of urine, especially from a partner. Term coined by Ambroise Tardieu.
* Retifism: fetish for shoes. Term in honor of Nicolas-Edme Rétif.
* Rinofilia: sexual pleasure through specific smells.
* Rímming: Anglo-Saxon term for the practice of anilingus.

- S -

* Sadism: experiencing erotic pleasure from causing physical pain or humiliation to a partner. Distinguishes itself from algolagnia by the presence of the erotic component. Sadism exists independently of the partner's consent.
* Sadomasochism: reciprocal interaction of pleasure and pain.
* Salirofilia: excitement from ingesting sweat from a partner (fluids containing some salt content). Sexual pleasure in the midst of sweat.
* Saliromanía: sexual pleasure in the midst of dirt or deformities. A sexual disorder primarily occurring in men, characterized by the desire to damage or dirty the body or clothing of a woman or a representation of a woman.
* Sarmasofobia or Malaxofobia: fear of courtship, flirting, and sexual games.
* Satiriasis, Satirismo, or Donjuanism: hyperophilia. Masculine disorder characterized by the compulsion to have relations with different people indiscriminately and without any emotional component. It is named after the satyr: a character from Greek mythology. It is distinct from Casanovism, which corresponds to hypererotic men who are satisfied in leaving their women content and not abandoned lovers like Don Juan.

* Pseudolust: The practice of obtaining orgasms through fantasies about sexual activities, specifically because they are fictions.
* Group sex: Participation of several people.
* Intergenerational sex: Sexual relationship between two people where one has at least twice the age of the other (20-40, 30-60, 40-80).
* Ritual sex: Sex that follows a characteristic ritual.
* Sitophilia: Paraphilia in which sexual excitement is achieved using food for erotic purposes or as an element of sexual games. More info.
* Clerambault syndrome: Mental disorder in which a person maintains the illogical belief that another person, usually of higher social status, is in love with them. It is also known as erotomania.
* Sifnianize: Masturbating through the anus, usually with the finger. Is it from Latin sipho meaning tube and anus meaning anus?
* Sinforophilia: Sexual pleasure simulating disasters.
* Snowballing, semen swapping or semen transfer: Practice of passing semen from mouth to mouth (it is indifferent whether this has been collected directly from the male member or after practicing felching).
* Sodomy: Anal sexual practice. It can be heterosexual (anomeatia) or homosexual (androsodomia). The term comes from Sodoma, a Palestinian city on the shores of the Dead Sea that mythology claims was destroyed by Divine fire due to lack of hospitality towards strangers (and not due to the promiscuity of its inhabitants). In several Western languages, the gentilic Sodomite is used to designate those who practice various forms of 'sexual aberrations' from a Christian perspective, such as: homosexuality, anal sex, sadomasochism, vampirism, etc. Anal penetration is also called phallate per rectum, Pedication, Sadism, Coitus analis or copula anal.

* Somnophilia: caressing or performing oral sex on a person until they wake up. The hypnofiliac is the one who masturbates while contemplating people sleeping.
* Spanking or erotic whippings: whipping the partner's buttocks with the hand or an instrument such as a whip, strap, rod or paddle.
* Squashing or erotic crushings: BDSM practice where the passive subject allows themselves to be crushed by the weight of one or more women who will climb on top of them. It differs from facesitting (sitting on the partner's face) in that it does not necessarily revolve around the submissive's face. More Info.
* Stretching: sexual pleasure with tight clothing.
* Strip poker: card game where losers remove their clothes piece by piece.
* Striptease: erotic dance where the participant undresses to the rhythm of music.
* Succubus: according to medieval Western legends, a demon that takes the form of a beautiful woman to seduce men, especially monks, in their dreams, for sexual relations with them. From Latin succŭbus, from succubare: to rest beneath.
* Sucusturpation or automamilingus: masturbation practiced through the suction of one's own breasts.
* Sudorophilia: attraction to the sweat of the partner.
* Swinging: consensual exchange of couples. From English swing: change.

- T -

* Taboo menstrual: separation of spouses during menstruation days.
* Tacorgasmia: rapid orgasm, premature ejaculation. From Greek takos: rapidity.
* Tafofilia: Sexual pleasure in cemeteries.
* Erotic tattoo: Sexual pleasure showing or using tattoos.
* Tafefilia: Excitement from being buried alive.
* Tamakeri: Japanese porn subgenre where one or more women kick a man's testicles. Related to sadism. More info.
* Telefonicofilia, Telefonismo or Telefonofilia: Sexual pleasure through telephone conversation.
* Tesauromanía: Collecting objects belonging to the loved person. From Greek thesauros: storage.
* Tickling or erotic tickling: Giving or receiving tickles as part of sexual games.
* Timofilia: Coins, bills. Attraction to people who represent social values such as power, fame and fortune.
* Tlipsosis or zlipsosis: Excitement from pinching. From Greek thlipsis: intense pressure.
* Toucherismo: Attraction only produced by touching unknown people.
* Tragolimia: Compulsive sexual desire without considering the attractiveness or age of the partner.
* Transexual: Person who, through hormonal treatment and surgical intervention, acquires the sexual characteristics of the opposite sex.
* Transexofilia: Sexual pleasure with a false transexual.
* Transvestismo or deolismo: Sexual pleasure wearing clothes of the opposite sex. Not considered a paraphilia in the case of a transexual who only adapts their clothing to their gender identity. Also used is the term Eonism, in honor of the French travesty Chevalier D'Eon.
* Transvestofilia: Sexual pleasure with people who dress differently from their sex.
* Tribadismo: Lesbian practice consisting of rubbing female genitalia together. From Greek tríbo: friction or rubbing. In Spain it is colloquially known as making scissors.
* Tricofilia: Paraphilia in which sexual excitement is achieved by caressing someone's hair. Also called fetishism of hair. The trichophile is the one who enjoys feeling how someone massages or washes their scalp.

* Triolism: the excitement depends on observing one's own partner having relations with a third person. It is also considered triolistic for a single person to have simultaneous sexual relations with more than one person (threesome or menage à trois), or in the presence of more than one person. Also known as triolism (from French trois: trio).
* Tripsofilia or tripsolagnia: excitement from being massaged or washing hair.
* Boobs fuck (masturbation Boobs fuck, masturbating to Boobs fuck): Penile masturbation between breasts. Also known as Cuban masturbation, mazophallate, intermammary coitus, or mammillary coitus.

- U -

* Uranista: a term from the 19th century attributed to people with a feminine psyche in a male body who feel sexually attracted to men. Later extended to include what is now known as transgender women and other types of sexuality.
* Urofilia or urolagnia: excitement exclusively with the use of urine during sexual practice. The act of drinking urine is known as urodipsia.
* Uretralism: introducing objects into the urethra.
* Uretroplomofilia: sexual pleasure from introducing lead objects into the urethra.

- V -

* Vampirism: sexual excitement resulting from suction or vision of blood. It is a form of sadism as these individuals suck the blood from the wounds they cause to their victims in their sexual frenzy.
* Venustrafobia or caliginefobia: rejection of beautiful women. Apolofobia is the rejection of handsome men.
* Vincilagnia: excitement from being tied up. From Latin vincio: tie, bind. Related to bondage.
* Videophilia: preferential sexual pleasure with erotic/particular videos.
* Violation: forcing someone to have sexual relations without their consent using violence in the action or threat of using it.
* Virginitifobia: fear of the violation.
* Vorarefilia: a paraphilia where sexual excitement is produced by the idea of being eaten alive, or eating someone alive.
Sexual cannibalism is sexual excitement at ingesting parts of another person's body.
* Voyeurism: excitement at seeing other people engaged in sexual activity in a secretive manner. Also called mironism.
From French voir: to see.
- W -
* Wakame sake: consists of pouring sake over the closed legs of a naked woman and drinking it directly from the triangle formed by her pubis and thighs.
* Wet and Messy (dirty and wet): an Anglo-Saxon term referring to sexual practices in which participants get dirty or cover themselves with low-to-medium viscosity liquids. It includes games with lubricants (lotion play in the English-speaking world).
- X -
* Xenofilia: excitement only produced by couples from different countries. Sexual pleasure with strangers.
- Z -
* Zigatrílagnia: sexual love of a father for his daughter. From Greek thygater: daughter.
* Zoophilia: sexual excitement is produced solely with animals.
* Zoolagnia: oral contact with animals.
* Zoosadism: causing pain in animals to produce sexual excitement.

4 comentários - Comprehensive Dictionary of Paraphilias: What's Yours?

que laburo te mandaste aqui buen post 😁
las mias a ver? Coitolalia, Strip poker, un buen fellatio y mas jaja 😉
Soy Devotee de Argentina y busco mujer disca en Buenos Aires