Read this sentence carefully and do what it tells you to do without ignoring the steps it asks you to follow, because if not you will only get the opposite results of what you ask. Think about the person you want to be with and say their name three times. Think about what you want to happen with that person in the next week and repeat for six times. Now think about what you want with that person and say it once. And now say... Ray of light, I invoke you to unearth -person's name- from where they are or who they're with and make them call me today enamored and repentant. Unearth everything that is preventing -their name- from coming to me -our name-. Separate all those who contribute to us aparting and for him not to think about other women, but only about me -our name-, so he calls me and loves me. Thank you, thank you for your mysterious power that always fulfills what is asked of it. Then you have to publish the prayer three times, in three different places. With a lot of faith and beforehand I appreciate your mysterious help!
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