The 'Argentine Male': Myth or Reality?

It's a character that many men, if not all, carry inside: the one who is born knowing about sex. However, these supposed knowledge in many cases leads them to constant frustrations in their sexual life.The 'Argentine Male': Myth or Reality?There's no turning back to give - he comments at the bar table to another man, beer in hand, in a rare act of sincerity - 'They know more'. In his thesis on this topic, this man claims that women, having had to take care of their menstrual cycle since they were girls and bearing the stigma of being the weak sex (which makes them have to strengthen themselves), are better informed about sex than men. And in part it is true: the sexual revolution that started a few decades ago knocked down taboos built over centuries, especially around female eroticism.

They had to learn and largely took charge. Meanwhile, what has happened on the male side? Although today's world is so different from that of their parents and grandparents, many cases (fortunately not all) still have the Argentine man being the same as before: the one who knows everything about sex, always ready like a Boy Scout for conquest and practice, even at twenty years old or seventy. In local mythology, the archetype of the male Argentine is still alive, the question is if it enjoys good health.

Well, just as the attitude of the male Argentine usually turns out to be empty talk, it's not surprising to find that this idol of popular mythology has clay feet. And it's built, precisely, by myths that scientific knowledge and greater openness about sexual life have knocked down a while ago, even if they still persist.sexA myth: knowing about sex is a characteristic of masculinity

No true Argentine man who values himself will admit in public his ignorance on sexual life topics. This would be equivalent –in their troubled imagination- to admitting that his sexual life is not as radiant as he promotes it at the coffee shop or beer hall.

But here we are facing a chain of false myths: neither is it true that whoever practices most knows most (or the most reliable source from which to inform oneself), nor does the desire to learn (which begins when the person recognizes they don't know something) imply a dent in masculinity, but rather the opposite. What's suspicious is just that figure who knows without ever having learned.

This myth turns the sexual world of men into a two-sided coin that –for worse- complements each other perfectly. On one side, the chat with friends where stories of imaginary exploits shine, and on the other, the silence and anxiety with which they evaluate the distance between them and that Argentine man during sexual intercourse.

In general, men usually know much less than women about sex, or take it less seriously. Justly, many of their problems arise from a lack of information.

Another myth: it's all about size

This is an absolutely unfounded belief for several reasons. As far as anatomy goes, the main responsible parties for female sexual pleasure during coitus are the nerve terminals located at the entrance of the vagina, around the first four centimeters of its extension. Therefore, the length of the penis would be, in principle, irrelevant to achieving it.

The space of the vagina adapts according to the size of the penis, so that the surfaces of both genital organs almost always manage a good contact, regardless of the measure of the erect penis or The vagina at rest.

The dimensions are an obsession of the 'Argentine male'. In reality, the average size of the penis in erection is between 12 and 16 centimeters. One of over 22 centimeters only occurs frequently in some pornographic films.

XXX Cinema and other sources of information

The sources of consultation that most men have about sex are:

* Pornography. How much can you learn about medicine by watching Vidas al límite or Dr. House? If the obvious negative answer is, then why do so many people believe everything they receive from a movie? What leads a man to think that an X-rated film can give him true information when, although physical contact between actors is real, situations are fictional and time is not real? This genre may serve to stimulate imagination, but the information it provides about sexual life should be located on the side of fiction.

* Conversations with friends. One can talk to many people who will tell you the same thing, but if they all got their information from the same wrong source, the result is that false data continues to be reproduced. And this happens a lot in male sexuality.

* Internet. You have to understand it's a tool, which can be very good or very bad depending on how you use it or not. Again: trying to learn about sex by watching a pornographic film is like wanting to learn to fly by looking at Leonardo Di Caprio in El aviador.

* Personal experiences. Not just sexual ones, but all life experience. Education received, sociocultural context in which one has developed, how sexuality was treated in one's family and many other factors can be a source of false information about sex.

* The couple. Another source of the 'Argentine male', perhaps the most terrifying but one of the most influential in the end, is the eventual comparison that women They can do with other couples that have had it. What should be taken into account in those cases is that the couple has chosen you, so something must be doing well. None of these sources guarantees reliable information, and most of the time they end up reproducing prejudices that have no foundation. For all these reasons, it's important to seek trustworthy and real data, plus consult a specialist at the first symptom of sexual problems.

1 comentários - The 'Argentine Male': Myth or Reality?

a lo mejor es cuestión de despojarse de motes y tener la mente abierta, cualquier mujer con dos neuronas te dirá que no es cuestión de tamaño, sino de uso, pero bueno, sería interesante que un día los machos argentinos dejaran de focalizar el sexo en su propio pene y aprendieran de que se gustó el post!