Educacion sexual (esta vez hombres)

Hello dear friends of P! Today I'm dropping by with my first post! Thanks to all for accepting me in this great community!.. Well, we're all lovers of sex to some extent, whether it's with men or women, or with men and women, we love living it to the fullest, practicing it with those we love, or having it with someone who seems attractive to us.. We love enjoying sex.. But there's something in most men that often inhibits us.. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, our dear penis.. Whether it's size, shape... how long we last.. But there are also other complications when it comes to relationships.. The case I'm presenting today is not very common but does exist, phimosis.. for those who don't know about the topic, here's a bit of info, and for those who suffer from it too..The phimosis is an anomaly of the cutaneous appendages of the penis that alters the mechanics of this organ. Phimosis is due to the stenosis of the preputial orifice that prevents the complete retraction of the foreskin to leave the glans exposed, actively during penile flaccidity or passively during erection. Or even simpler, phimosis is the narrowing of the foreskin, i.e., the glans cannot be exposed. It's normal for the glans to be able to expose itself in order to clean it in a flaccid state and have non-painful and pleasant sexual relations... To summarize, it's when you've got the foreskin stuck je.. there are several types: It usually has several degrees, from a painful constriction during erection that leaves the glans exposed, to a pinpoint stenosis that makes urination difficult. A classification of phimosis has been made into 3 categories: Punctiform Phimosis: that in which the preputial orifice is of minimum diameter, barely appreciable, with normal-looking and thickness surrounding skin. Cicatricial or non-retractable annular Phimosis: that in which the skin surrounding the preputial orifice is hardened or thickened, usually due to previous balanoposthitis. Annular Phimosis: those cases that cannot be included in either of the two previous groups, with the foreskin being constricted to a greater or lesser extent and complications or failure to retract existing.It is believed that the cause of phimosis is congenital, but it can also be due to forced retraction of the foreskin in babies during parental hygiene, which creates fibrous rings and balanoprepial adhesions. In adults, the causes of phimosis are usually varied, including chronic or recurrent balanopostitis, especially in diabetics, xerotic obliterating balanitis, and trauma (direct, violent sexual acts, urological manipulations).... Here complications and treatments:ComplicationsPainful Sex:due to the lack of gliding of the foreskin over the glans and penis.Balanitis:it is the infection of the penis, due to the accumulation of smegma in the balano-preputial space.Urinary Infections:If the smegma infection ascends through the urethra.Urination Problems:that oscillate from dysuria, to acute retention of urine and repetition that require urinary catheterization.Balanoprepucial adhesions:It is the union of the foreskin with the glans, which complicates phimosis more and can be present in the absence of phimosis.Penile cancer:It is a rare complication, with a minor incidence of less than 1/100,000 men per year, which may be due to the persistence of phimosis after puberty.Paraphimosis:It occurs when the glans passes forcefully through a narrow phimotic ring, then it becomes edematized, inflamed, and cannot return to its normal position. The progressive inflammatory changes continue in the retained part under pressure (glans) and will not cease until manual or surgical reduction. It should be avoided with proper manipulation upon the existence of phimosis.


Phimosis is usually treated with medical circumcision, performed by a urologist in aseptic conditions with necessary surgical material, or with prepucioplasty, an alternative operation that leaves the foreskin intact, suitable for some cases of phimosis.

It is usually done from three years of age, as most preputial constrictions are reversible before then. After three years, the child's own daily hygiene and later masturbation allow the solution of most supposed phimoses.

Before resorting to surgery, treatment with topical corticosteroids indicated by the pediatrician from three years old for two or three months with gentle retraction can solve phimosis.

Less than 2% of adult men who suffer from phimosis. It could be reduced even more, as the treatment lacks risks in most cases, as circumcision is not always necessary.
Well, this concludes my first post, which I hope will be helpful or to get to know each other a bit better... You already know that consulting with the doctor doesn't cost anything and is totally confidential... Besides, it's for improving your sexual life and enjoying it fully!Greetings!!

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