ETS's e ITS's Información Importante para toda la Comunidad

ETS's and ITS's: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Problem for Everyone.Good nights community of P!, forgive me for being a nuisance, it's my first post and I hope to be, even if only in something, useful.

If well I know that most of those who enter P! is to have a good time and have fun, look at some photos, comment and warm up, we must not forget that, As a community, we must also have the fullest possible consciousness regarding the theme that unites us all and which is Sex.I couldn't help but notice in most of the videos and images I've enjoyed during these almost three years that I'm registered, the almost complete absence of protection measures to prevent the transmission of 'sexually transmitted diseases', or better known as 'STDs'I know it's not my role or function to sermonize or reprimand anyone, nor is that really what I aspire to, but rather the mere possibility of being able to inform as many people as possible within this community about the possible risks of contracting STIs (sexually transmitted infections) during our activities.Poringa boys and Poringa girls PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!! TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER!!!Many people don't know the true risks of sexual activity. While many of us have regular partners we fully trust, others don't or don't as much, but The most important thing is information, because with it we can make our mere intentions or impulses more responsible actions that allow us to take control and consciousness of ourselves and the scope of our acts at the same time..While I would like to elaborate more on the topic, I know that many of you don't enter P! to read medical artíbooties or anything similar, but honestly it seemed to me of utmost importance to do something for the community, something that's different, but just as important as uploading photos to feed the forum.Some extremely important data to take into account are:- Women have much more risk of contracting STIs than men due to their greater exposure when having sex.: The vagina and mouth, like the anus, can easily be injured forming small wounds that are not noticeable but large enough to allow infectious agents to pass into the body. Generally, the penis also suffers these small injuries but to a lesser extent.CONTRACEPTIVES ARE AGAINST PREGNANCY BUT DO NOT CARE ABOUT SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES: THE ONLY CONTRACEPTIVE THAT CARES IS THE CONDOMthat prevents 95% of pregnancies and in a 99% of STIs and ITSs. -There are condoms with flavors at the same price as normal ones for oral sex.REMEMBER THAT IF YOU DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER AND ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER, IT'S POSSIBLE IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME FOR EITHER OF YOU AND YOU MUST HAVE BEEN WITH SOMEONE ELSE BEFORE!There's no way to know if either of the two is a carrier of some STI,LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER. The HIV virus has a window period:THIS WANTS TO SAY THATOne can infect and infect others almost practically for an entire year without anyone realizing the disease is being spread!!!!This clarification is valid for most of the diseases and not only STIs, that's why it's so important to take care becauseTo Care for Oneself is Also to Care for the Other- HIV is only one of the possible ETs that can be transmitted.There are many, many, many ETS and some are not well-known to people in general. Below is a link where you can enter to investigate a little more than on Wikipedia.


This is not specifically about ETS's and ITS's but since we are here, it's worth mentioning. A good diet also helps your baby develop completely, in fact one of the most important factors for the development of intelligence (in reality it's for the formation of more efficient neural circuits) is nutrition, both during pregnancy and our adult life.



apologies for having stolen so much of your time writing such a long and somewhat boring post but I thought it was really necessary to do so.We should not forget that we are a community and as such, one of our missions must be to share our qualities, our information, and to be able to transmit and create the healthiest possible environment for the development of all and each of its members. We cannot also leave aside the reality that many, many minors enter our community, and since they are still children, they will take their elders as a model. If we don't set an example, no one will do it for us.Thank you very much for your time, any questions or doubts can be asked of me; I'm leaving a simple information page about the topic

12 comentários - ETS's e ITS's Información Importante para toda la Comunidad

Nunca podemos tener demasiado conocimiento de como protegernos a nosotros y a nuestra pareja.

Blow job

La salud es lo primero y está en nuestra mano cuidarla.

Gracias Aussie! 😉 😉 😉

Safe Sex
aasm09 +1
Te felicito, eres una persona madura, ya que al cuidarte y postear esta información, denota tu preocupación por todos los descuidados, que estés bien y cuídate, saludos.
AJaaa. hay otras enf. transm. genital como la hepatitis C que se contrae muuuucho mas facilmente que el vih y es tan cronica como el vih
Sí, es muy cierto, pero la incidencia del contagio de Hepatitis C por transmisión sexual es mucho más baja que en el caso del HIV.
Muy posiblemente te podès estar confundiendo con la hepatits B que sí se transmite por el semen al igual que el HIV.
La hepatitis A, se contagia por ciclo Fecal-Oral, esto es por contaminacion de heces de personas infectadas.

"La hepatitis C es una enfermedad peligrosa , dado que no presenta síntomas y el virus que se halla presente en la sangre , ataca y dete