The Truth About the Hymen and Virginity!

When are you a virgin and when aren't you?A maybe you think the answers are very simple, although in reality, there is a lot of confusion about what virginity is, and not only among teenagers, but also among adults. The answer to this question is very simple: you're a virgin if you haven't had sexual relations, and if you have already had them, then definitely you're not a virgin.

The word virginity changes in meaning from person to person, because it has to do with education, the way of living sexuality and many other things. Let's agree on defining some terms so there is no confusion: coitus or sexual act, is when the penis penetrates the vagina and crosses the hymen.

Now let's see what the hymen is. The hymen is a membrane in the woman's body, some people describe it as a flexible membrane around the vagina... Imagine for a minute if it were a membrane like that consistent? How could the flow during menstruation pass through it? That's why some young women say it must be an elastic membrane with a small opening around it where the menstrual flow comes out. The hymen is not a closed membrane.
Where is the hymen?This is another question you could use to beat anyone during a knowledge game, because half of our population has the wrong answer believing that the hymen is located deep in the vagina, but this is not true.

In summary, the hymen is a fine pink tissue with an asymmetrical shape and contracts when the vagina opens; it does not fully close. You will wonder what its purpose is. Well, its main function is to partially cover and protect the vaginal opening. In some cases, the hymen (which only exists in women's bodies) can stretch or tear during childhood while performing activities such as ballet, riding a bike, gymnastics, among others.

An important fact: in most girls, the hymen opening allows for easy insertion of an internal absorbent, and the risk of damaging the hymen is minimal. But this is not the case with penile penetration, we cannot compare sizes.

When a girl or woman has sex for the first time, the fine membrane of the hymen will expand or break a little in one or two parts. Sometimes there is no bleeding, and you may feel a bit of pain or nothing. This does not mean that the hymen disappears; you have it throughout your life.

When you're at a pelvic or gynecological exam, you can tell the doctor to show you your hymen through a mirror; but if telling him makes you uncomfortable, you can do it privately.

Are you ashamed or embarrassed by all this information? Wow! Despite the times we live in, many people find it uncomfortable to talk about this topic because there are many myths about the hymen.

After reading this information, you will realize that virginity is not just a simple anatomical case. Maybe as women, we can understand it better without forgetting that virginity has a special seal for each person.

When you read this case, reflect on Not much and think about how important it is to know your body and think about what terms you face in life. Only an example: a girl who has had relations against her will, could decide that she is really a virgin until she has the first sexual relationship by her own disposition.
Pictures and images of the Hymen:

La verdad sobre el himen y la virginidad!


Use the word vulvaI hope it has been useful for you!

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4 comentários - The Truth About the Hymen and Virginity!

Buen aporte. La verdad si hay muchos mitos aún con la virginidad.
Hay gente que practica el sexo anal para preservar su " virginidad ". Otras que solo lo hacen oral.
Es como hacer fraude pues al tener intimidad ya no eres virgen aunque no haya penetración vaginal.
Es un tema que da mucho que hablar y discutir. Saludos.
Buen aporte, sobre todo estoy muy de acuerdo con esa parte en la que mencionas que virgen no es quien conserve su himen sino mas bn quien no halla tenido relaciones..Me gusto, Buena info..!
Muchas gracias por compartir, excelente información!!!!