Trucos para elegir un buen amo en BDSM

The decision to be submissive and have a dominant who can potentially become a master in BDSM is not for everyone. There are many aspects that must be evaluated by those who want to get involved in this type of submission-domination relationships. Maybe the first question the submissive should ask themselves is, how far does he want that relationship with the dominant to go? Because this type of relationship generally establishes over a long period like any other relationship, it's vital to have clear individual and couple expectations. To do this, it's crucial to communicate with the person chosen to maintain this type of relationship, in order to elaborate a plan on how to handle that dominant-submissive relationship. It's important to consider that when choosing a master in BDSM, he must meet some basic conditions.Tips for choosing a good master in BDSM-Honesty
-Take decisions in an adequate and effective manner
-Be worthy of trust
-Sexual skillfulness
-Attractive to the slave
-Humor sense
-Able to exercise authority
-Able to exercise control
-Conscious of all necessary safety aspects for each practice
-Open to dialogue
-Disposition to fulfill contract rules, limits and duties

Slaves in BDSM are people who voluntarily surrender to their masters and can recover their freedom at any moment they desire, even if urban legend says a slave cannot be free without their master's permission. Although the slave exercises the submissive role, the master is obligated to care for their slave, make them happy, and satisfy them to the maximum, dominant-submissive relationships in BDSM are reciprocal, so both parties enjoy different practices.

It is important to know the dominant well before converting them into a master in BDSM relationships, before receiving the coveted collar it is necessary to be sure that person is the master you have been searching for and will be a good, generous, and demanding master who will provide well-being and respect the limits established in the relationship contract.

5 comentários - Trucos para elegir un buen amo en BDSM

Me gusto tu post. buena info!.. si podes posteate algo de amos principiantes. saludos
Ser abierto al diálogo

Buen aporte.... son masomenos las cualidades que debe tener un buen dominante, aunque eso siempre va a variar de acuerdo a lo que cada sumiso este buscando.
A favor, aunque claro como en todo siempre hay ecepciones
"Disposición para cumplir las reglas, límites y deberes del contrato..." ese punto es suuper importante, sobre todo para nosotras, las esclavas!
Muy buen post 😘