Prevent Sexual Diseases

Prevenir enfermedades de transmisión sexualSexually transmitted diseases can be contracted through vaginal or anal penetration, both in heterosexual and homosexual individuals. However, contact between the mouth and genitals can also transmit them if there are lesions that leave exposed cavities or wounds where the virus can enter. The type of relationship with the highest risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is anal sex, as it generates more muscular trauma and the mucosa of the anus is more fragile than vaginal, for example. There are also risks of contagion during oral sex if semen comes into contact with the mouth. In the case of practicing oral sex on a woman, there are serious risks of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and it is therefore of utmost importance to use protective channels that interfere with vaginal flow. Use of condoms To avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, it is essential to use condoms in all types of relationships, whether they are anal, oral or vaginal. If you start a relationship and are not protected because you do not have condoms with you, you can opt for practicing oral sex using pieces of latex or plastic bags to avoid direct contact, although this is only advisable in extreme cases and you must still be extremely careful. You should not feel ashamed if you choose not to maintain sexual relations without a condom. Remember that safe sex will protect your life and that of whoever is with you in intimacy, and never will it be more opportune than the well-known popular saying: a man who takes precautions is worth two. Myths and truths about insects and HIV There is a myth that the HIV virus is transmitted through insect bites such as mosquitoes, but it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. However, other types of diseases that are not sexually transmitted, such as dengue or malaria, among others.

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