Hello to all, this is my first post, and I wanted to share with you some material that I've been collecting from various pages on a topic that I'm passionate about, mythology. In this case, and according to the page we're on, I'll bring you a small summary of what the most well-known mythological sexual demons are.
Among the many demons that sexually attack men and women, perhaps the most fascinating ones are the Incubiand theSuccubiterrible creatures that roam the world since the Middle Ages and can poison your mind, extract your sexual and spiritual energy, demonize you, drive you mad with terror and pleasure, and if you don't take action, even make love to your life to send you straight to hell without hesitation or trial.Incubus (from the Latin incubare - 'to lie' - proceeds the name of this demon, which means 'to lie on').
Description: It's about a male demon that attacks women at night in bed, almost always while they're sleeping.The appearance of the incubus is not necessarily attractive, as it does not seek to seduce but to awaken in its victim the most lowly and primitive sexual instincts.Depending on the country, the incubus is represented sometimes as a stout dwarf, other times as a tall, thin, and hairy gentleman, other times as a handsome young man well-dressed, and even as a bird of fire. In all cases, it always has an enormous member.
If the woman becomes pregnant she can give birth to deformed children, easily controlled by evil or with special abilities(like the magician Merlin, son of an incubus and a prostitute, according to one of the many versions of his birth, another version of the legend says that the mother was a nun seduced by the demon, another version sustains that the mother was a celibate daughter of a minor king of South Wales)The incubus sucks the bodily energy of the person during copulation, thus living or becoming stronger. In extreme cases, according to those who study it, it can even stop the victim's heart and kill her due to the caused energetic suction, leaving the victim weak or sick.Names:Attend to names like Zabulón, Leviatán, Belaam or Alpiel Efelios and, although there are various theories on the subject, it is supposed that both they and the succubus descend from the Nefelines, fallen angels in disfavor who engendered a degenerate race.
The incubus sears into the female mind and sows lust, inducing her to have wet dreams, deviant or exaggerated lubricity thoughts, in order to corrupt her before attacking. After several nights of warming up, the incubus materializes and copulates with the woman in savage and pleasurable coits that melt humanity in a thousand orgasms, sometimes interrupted by lucid moments that derive into genuine horror. The next morning, the affected person hardly remembers anything, only that she had a wet dream, brutal, and strange, and that, judging by the amount of semen and blood in her orifices, it was not entirely an unreal experience. Moreover, the victim feels weakness and depression, as the incubus has begun to extract her erotic energy through coitus.
Victims: Incubi attack all types of females, regardless of their age, physical appearance or marital status: it's the same to them whether she is beautiful or ugly, tall or short, a widow, single or married, pregnant or infertile, sick or healthy, nymphomaniac or anorgasmic: the case is that she be a woman and have a minimum sexual energy to feed on her, stealing from her night after night, so that the demon becomes stronger and stronger while his victim (who, hooked on pleasure, is capable of leaving her husband and everything for herself) weakens progressively, sometimes suffering heart attacks or violent death caused by the intense sexual pleasure that her consumed body cannot bear.

Consequences: In the event that the victim becomes pregnant, she may give birth to dead or mentally retarded babies, but also to abortive offspring with a half-human, half-animal appearance, deformed and perverse creatures with a special inclination towards evil. It is said that Antichrist himself could be engendered by a lustful demon, although there are theories that maintain that these aberrant ejaculations can produce beings with incredible magical powers: it's no wonder that experts swear that the wizard Merlin was the son of an incubus and a prostitute.
Succubus (from Latin succubus, from succubare - 'to lie beneath')

Description:A female demon that attacks men at night to steal their semen. Unlike the incubus, the succubus does adopt an attractive form, as it knows that men get excited by sight and fall more easily under the feet of a sexy girl. According to the geographical area, the legend varies and, although always about beautiful women, some characteristics and ways of doing evil change: some mythologies speak of male demons taking the form of dead women to consume the man; others, of beauties traveling on donkey back and possessing toothed vaginas with which they castrate the man who penetrates them; others, of winged women that, like praying mantises, eat the living man during sexual intercourse... There are also paintings that depict succubi as hybrid beings, human women mixed with beasts, wearing horns, fangs, horse helmets, Cthulhu wings and other nightmare accessories that accentuate their rare beauty.
In some countries, succubi are demons that take the form of women with opulent figures to seduce men,especially cures, by their vow of chastityHer actions usually lead to problems for the priests, who are severely punished; or expelled from the order, leaving these demons with a double victory (one victim and defeating a servant of God). They also like posing for painters to be portrayed, and then having relationships with them, as artists are considered more sensitive people.Often they have membranous wings, Booty and hooves and goat horns.
Names: Succubi respond to nicknames as exotic as Ábrahel, Lilit, Rusalka, Florina Vasordiel or Iutzi.
Modus operandi: It is similar to that of the incubus, although it has the advantage that man has fewer barriers, thinks more with his penis and is easier to seduce, so almost always, it does not need to be warmed up and can be attacked directly under an attractive form, full of curves and roundness. After a night of many erections and ejaculations, mixed with stabs of fear and vertigo, the low tide will come: a morning of weakness, fatigue and hazy and morbid but unsettling memories. As Professor Manuel Carballa says in his terrifying book The Maligno Syndrome, “unless there are remnants of semen or blood found between the sheets, the victim will only remember the experience as a dream”. At first, then it will become an obsession, and many times, even conscious of being under the influence of a succubus, man cannot help but spill his seminal energy every night, leaving work, women, children and lovers to surrender body and soul to his nocturnal demon... until death.Victims: Succubi attack all types of men, although they have a preference for the more spiritual ones, especially artists and religious people. Just take a look at the classic Gothic novel The Monk, written by Matthew Gregory Lewis in 1796, in which a priest ends up in hell due to a demon disguised as a beautiful woman.
Consequences: According to the Malleus maleficarum or Hammer of Witches (the most important guide for witch hunting during the Renaissance) succubi do not ejaculate their victims' semen, but instead collect it and use it to impregnate women and create monsters. In other texts from the period, it is specified that succubi, upon receiving the semen inside them, develop a penis and transform into incubi in order to later reinject that same semen into female victims.
Different theories about lustful demonsAlthough Judeo-Christian tradition and that of other monotheistic cultures have considered incubi and succubi as malevolent beings, monstrous projections of the sleepers' lust, tremendous metaphors for the fantasies that cause nocturnal emissions or sleep paralysis, modern theories have dismissed them, labeling them as superstitions or (in Jung's case) directly relating them to the archetype of the 'anima'.
On the other hand, there are profane theories that view lustful demons as beings that can be dominated and used to achieve high forms of sexual pleasure and altered states of consciousness. William Burroughs is one of the few modern writers who treated and redefined the theme in his books, art booties, and interviews. In his novel The Place of Dead Roads (1984), a character of Burroughs speaks of Japanese spirit-zorros, demons capable of adopting any form (man, woman or child) to seduce their victims, and in a conversation with Victor Bockris the writer himself said:
The incubi and succubi can be harmful and destructive. Like any sexual situation, the danger depends on how you manipulate it. All sex is potentially dangerous because our sexual feelings make us vulnerable. How many people have been ruined by a lover? Sex involves an invasion point, and the succubi and incubi simply make us intensely aware of this. (...) Sex is physical. If it were possible for anyone to press a button that would bring up an incubus or a succubus, I think most people would prefer to have sexual relations with one of these demons rather than the boring copulations with real people.
If a man could choose what's probably the safest option, he would likely choose a succubus as his sexual partner, a willing and eager companion to fulfill each other's most intimate fantasies, enjoying a full and wild sexuality... Of course, the price to pay for that pleasure is very high.
Normally, after an encounter with a succubus, a man will have the sensation of having had a very vivid sexual dream, since his memories will be hazy and disconcerting. After a night of multiple ejaculations, in a wild frenzy full of desire and fear, he will find himself extremely tired and weak, obsessed by the morbid recollections of what He dreams. Being still conscious of being under the influence of a succubus, the man will continue to maintain relationships and spilling his semen, night after night, making this relationship everything in his world, leaving all else aside, allowing it to feed on him until his death.
The invocation of incubi and succubiButtons to call incubi and succubi, for now there are none, but in the tantric school Kaula there exist complex rituals to invoke this type of sexual demons. Also in the universe of magic there are rituals to attract incubi and succubi, for example through liminal gnosis (an intermediate state between sleep and reason where one can control oniric action and make astral travels), shamanic practices (in certain African tribes there are wizards capable of invoking lustful demons inside a mirror to then exterminate them) or erotic evocation (accumulating energy and sexual imagination through pornography, orgasm-free masturbation and other techniques, to concentrate on the mental creation of a shadow-form with which to make love).
Additionally, there are spiritual experts who, like Burroughs, have spoken about the use and mastery of incubi and succubi, that is, grasping the devil by the horns to use him for personal gain, whether for self-exploration, pleasure or to assign him determined actions, either in the psychic plane (divination, solving mysteries etc.) or physical (assigning him determined tasks).
However, all these practices are little recommended for individuals not seasoned in a thousand magical and spiritual battles. Invoking and playing with a succubus or incubus can be very detrimental to health and sanity, not only because the entity sucks up a lot of energy (because it absorbs it) but also because working in certain states of consciousness is exhausting, and the great sexual pleasure achieved by the invoker may lead him to generate a dependence that hooks him to the copulations with the demon, thus dragging him down to physical and mental ruin.How to Get Rid of an Erotic DevilIt is extremely difficult to get rid of (or under) a lustful demon, first because it requires a great force of will: no one gets tired of sweets and the orgasms that can be achieved in copulations with these beings are supernatural, so the first step is to have determination and decide to free oneself from the demon at all costs, ignoring its siren songs and rejecting its sexual offers.
It's also possible to get rid of these demons by using liminal gnosis to reabsorb the qualities and name of the entity into your own body, eliminating all erotic association, even through cold showers or ice on genitals. Although it may sound unusual, it's not a technique that's much different from what's usually used to exorcise flesh-and-blood lovers.
I hope you enjoyed and found the information useful.I apologize for the editing, as it is adapted and translated from other pages, and 'neutral Spanish' may bring difficulties to read. Plus I repeat that this is my first post, and I'm not very up-to-date on how to make a good post, but I think I'll get better with time :PTo finish,

SOURCE: parejas.net, shochan.com, leyendasycuervos.com, portaldelmisterio.com, fantasiasmiola.blogspot, barca-laoliviadepopeye.blogspot


* In Brazil it is known as Boto, a young and beautiful being, wearing white clothes, white shoes, and its characteristic white hat that seeks to cover part of the face and the hole on top of his head.
* In the Chilean province of Chiloé it is also known as the Trauco, represented as a dwarf who seduces young girls in puberty, sometimes the Trauco is used to explain unwanted or sudden pregnancies, especially in unmarried women.
* In Colombia it is called El mohán, and they describe him as short-statured with long hair. He seduces women with large eyes and long hair while they are bathing or combing their hair by a river. He is also characterized for playing the flute or drum.
* In Ecuador it is called Tintin, and he is often described as a dwarf. Short-statured, he seduces women while they are bathing or sleeping who commonly live in large or old trees, which is why pregnancies are explained.
* In Guatemala it is known as El Sombrerón, a being of reduced stature, gallant, who wears black clothes, uses small boots and an enormous hat (from which his name comes), seduces young women, enamoring them with beautiful songs.
* In the Chilean province of Chiloé it is also known as the Trauco, represented as a dwarf who seduces young girls in puberty, sometimes the Trauco is used to explain unwanted or sudden pregnancies, especially in unmarried women.
* In Colombia it is called El mohán, and they describe him as short-statured with long hair. He seduces women with large eyes and long hair while they are bathing or combing their hair by a river. He is also characterized for playing the flute or drum.
* In Ecuador it is called Tintin, and he is often described as a dwarf. Short-statured, he seduces women while they are bathing or sleeping who commonly live in large or old trees, which is why pregnancies are explained.
* In Guatemala it is known as El Sombrerón, a being of reduced stature, gallant, who wears black clothes, uses small boots and an enormous hat (from which his name comes), seduces young women, enamoring them with beautiful songs.
If the woman becomes pregnant she can give birth to deformed children, easily controlled by evil or with special abilities(like the magician Merlin, son of an incubus and a prostitute, according to one of the many versions of his birth, another version of the legend says that the mother was a nun seduced by the demon, another version sustains that the mother was a celibate daughter of a minor king of South Wales)The incubus sucks the bodily energy of the person during copulation, thus living or becoming stronger. In extreme cases, according to those who study it, it can even stop the victim's heart and kill her due to the caused energetic suction, leaving the victim weak or sick.Names:Attend to names like Zabulón, Leviatán, Belaam or Alpiel Efelios and, although there are various theories on the subject, it is supposed that both they and the succubus descend from the Nefelines, fallen angels in disfavor who engendered a degenerate race.

Consequences: In the event that the victim becomes pregnant, she may give birth to dead or mentally retarded babies, but also to abortive offspring with a half-human, half-animal appearance, deformed and perverse creatures with a special inclination towards evil. It is said that Antichrist himself could be engendered by a lustful demon, although there are theories that maintain that these aberrant ejaculations can produce beings with incredible magical powers: it's no wonder that experts swear that the wizard Merlin was the son of an incubus and a prostitute.
Succubus (from Latin succubus, from succubare - 'to lie beneath')

Description:A female demon that attacks men at night to steal their semen. Unlike the incubus, the succubus does adopt an attractive form, as it knows that men get excited by sight and fall more easily under the feet of a sexy girl. According to the geographical area, the legend varies and, although always about beautiful women, some characteristics and ways of doing evil change: some mythologies speak of male demons taking the form of dead women to consume the man; others, of beauties traveling on donkey back and possessing toothed vaginas with which they castrate the man who penetrates them; others, of winged women that, like praying mantises, eat the living man during sexual intercourse... There are also paintings that depict succubi as hybrid beings, human women mixed with beasts, wearing horns, fangs, horse helmets, Cthulhu wings and other nightmare accessories that accentuate their rare beauty.

Modus operandi: It is similar to that of the incubus, although it has the advantage that man has fewer barriers, thinks more with his penis and is easier to seduce, so almost always, it does not need to be warmed up and can be attacked directly under an attractive form, full of curves and roundness. After a night of many erections and ejaculations, mixed with stabs of fear and vertigo, the low tide will come: a morning of weakness, fatigue and hazy and morbid but unsettling memories. As Professor Manuel Carballa says in his terrifying book The Maligno Syndrome, “unless there are remnants of semen or blood found between the sheets, the victim will only remember the experience as a dream”. At first, then it will become an obsession, and many times, even conscious of being under the influence of a succubus, man cannot help but spill his seminal energy every night, leaving work, women, children and lovers to surrender body and soul to his nocturnal demon... until death.Victims: Succubi attack all types of men, although they have a preference for the more spiritual ones, especially artists and religious people. Just take a look at the classic Gothic novel The Monk, written by Matthew Gregory Lewis in 1796, in which a priest ends up in hell due to a demon disguised as a beautiful woman.
Consequences: According to the Malleus maleficarum or Hammer of Witches (the most important guide for witch hunting during the Renaissance) succubi do not ejaculate their victims' semen, but instead collect it and use it to impregnate women and create monsters. In other texts from the period, it is specified that succubi, upon receiving the semen inside them, develop a penis and transform into incubi in order to later reinject that same semen into female victims.
Different theories about lustful demonsAlthough Judeo-Christian tradition and that of other monotheistic cultures have considered incubi and succubi as malevolent beings, monstrous projections of the sleepers' lust, tremendous metaphors for the fantasies that cause nocturnal emissions or sleep paralysis, modern theories have dismissed them, labeling them as superstitions or (in Jung's case) directly relating them to the archetype of the 'anima'.

The incubi and succubi can be harmful and destructive. Like any sexual situation, the danger depends on how you manipulate it. All sex is potentially dangerous because our sexual feelings make us vulnerable. How many people have been ruined by a lover? Sex involves an invasion point, and the succubi and incubi simply make us intensely aware of this. (...) Sex is physical. If it were possible for anyone to press a button that would bring up an incubus or a succubus, I think most people would prefer to have sexual relations with one of these demons rather than the boring copulations with real people.
If a man could choose what's probably the safest option, he would likely choose a succubus as his sexual partner, a willing and eager companion to fulfill each other's most intimate fantasies, enjoying a full and wild sexuality... Of course, the price to pay for that pleasure is very high.
Normally, after an encounter with a succubus, a man will have the sensation of having had a very vivid sexual dream, since his memories will be hazy and disconcerting. After a night of multiple ejaculations, in a wild frenzy full of desire and fear, he will find himself extremely tired and weak, obsessed by the morbid recollections of what He dreams. Being still conscious of being under the influence of a succubus, the man will continue to maintain relationships and spilling his semen, night after night, making this relationship everything in his world, leaving all else aside, allowing it to feed on him until his death.
The invocation of incubi and succubiButtons to call incubi and succubi, for now there are none, but in the tantric school Kaula there exist complex rituals to invoke this type of sexual demons. Also in the universe of magic there are rituals to attract incubi and succubi, for example through liminal gnosis (an intermediate state between sleep and reason where one can control oniric action and make astral travels), shamanic practices (in certain African tribes there are wizards capable of invoking lustful demons inside a mirror to then exterminate them) or erotic evocation (accumulating energy and sexual imagination through pornography, orgasm-free masturbation and other techniques, to concentrate on the mental creation of a shadow-form with which to make love).
Additionally, there are spiritual experts who, like Burroughs, have spoken about the use and mastery of incubi and succubi, that is, grasping the devil by the horns to use him for personal gain, whether for self-exploration, pleasure or to assign him determined actions, either in the psychic plane (divination, solving mysteries etc.) or physical (assigning him determined tasks).
However, all these practices are little recommended for individuals not seasoned in a thousand magical and spiritual battles. Invoking and playing with a succubus or incubus can be very detrimental to health and sanity, not only because the entity sucks up a lot of energy (because it absorbs it) but also because working in certain states of consciousness is exhausting, and the great sexual pleasure achieved by the invoker may lead him to generate a dependence that hooks him to the copulations with the demon, thus dragging him down to physical and mental ruin.How to Get Rid of an Erotic DevilIt is extremely difficult to get rid of (or under) a lustful demon, first because it requires a great force of will: no one gets tired of sweets and the orgasms that can be achieved in copulations with these beings are supernatural, so the first step is to have determination and decide to free oneself from the demon at all costs, ignoring its siren songs and rejecting its sexual offers.

POEM TO THE INCUBI - Oliveiro Girondo-
He was squeezing me between his chubby arms and sticking to my body, with a violent sliminess like a mollusk. A sticky secretion was wrapping around me, slowly, until it immobilized me. From each of his pores emerged a kind of nail that pierced my epidermis. His nipples began to boil. A phosphorescent exudation illuminated his neck, hips; until his sex - full of spines and tentacles - lodged in mine, precipitating me into a series of exhausting spasms. It was useless for me to spit at his eyelids, the concavities of his nose. It was useless for me to scream my hatred and disdain. Until the last drop of semen didn't detach from my neck, for it to perforate my spine like a melted wax droplet, his gums continued sucking in my desperation; and before leaving me, he left behind millions of nails sunk into the flesh, and I had no other remedy but to spend the night pulling them out with tweezers, so I could put iodine on each one of the wounds... What a nice party being a sleeper who enjoys the predilection of succubi!

SOURCE: parejas.net, shochan.com, leyendasycuervos.com, portaldelmisterio.com, fantasiasmiola.blogspot, barca-laoliviadepopeye.blogspot

9 comentários - Íncubos y Súcubos! Demonios sexuales