See you, red-haired one 59

Buenos Aires.During an event at the Casa Rosada, President Cristina Fernández signed a decree this afternoon that prohibits the publication of classified ads for sexual offers (known as category 59), minutes before heading the act of promulgating the law that turned human trafficking into a federal crime.See you, red-haired one 59The head of State stated that this type of notices cannot be disseminated, which -as she emphasized- 'leave profits to journalistic companies'. Several ministers participated in the ceremony, including Justice Minister Julio Alak, who has the Office of Rescue and Accompaniment for persons damaged by this crime under his orbit.

'Sexual offer is a crime and deep discrimination against women's condition. That's why mention is made of human trafficking law and anti-discrimination norm, as well as all international protocols subscribed to by the country and approved by Parliament. It is society's duty to fight this crime. It's a giant step against double morality and hypocrisy that often reigns over some sectors', said the head of State.

Personal annotation 1. This decision promotes unemployment.
Personal annotation 2. The president doesn't know that in category 59 there are varieties of gender, not just women.
Personal annotation 3. From now on, this section will be calledCategory 69Personal Note 4.whores


11 comentários - See you, red-haired one 59

me tiene podrido con su discurso pro femenino... como que no hay trabas en el rubro, u hombres ofreciendose...

😩 😩 😩

Muy bueno 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Recomiendo !

Category 59
XDany6X -1
Con este anuncio.. Alfonsin gana en Octubre y en PRIMERA VUELTA!!!! 😀 😀

PD: Convoco a una movilizacion Masculina hacia Plaza de Mayo..
Te dejo unos puntines dulce y te invito a pasar por mi nuevo post! muchas gracias por los tuos besitos
solo pasaba para agradecer por pasar por mis post!

que andes bien!

Si que se extraña esa sección amigo @lord_is!! 😉

Cristina_PUNTOS para VOS