The English word squirting defines female ejaculation. Some women have the ability to ejaculate in a way similar to men, expelling a large amount of liquid when stimulated at the correct point.
It seems that this particularity is now a common thing. A few years ago, it wasn't something that many men or women were interested in, or at least it seemed that way, it was a rather unknown and taboo topic. But as with everything, things change and people's minds open up to new experiences.
There are still many speculations about what squirting really is. Many people who see it as female ejaculation believe it's just urine loss, perhaps that's where the lack of acceptance and prejudices come from.
Some women when they reach orgasm release or shoot liquids like men do, and it's because women also ejaculate. But there's no clear definition of female ejaculation, but sexologist Francisco Cabello Santamaría doesn't hesitate to give an answer to female ejaculation by exposing that most women ejaculate, but there are variations in the amount of liquid emitted and the direction it's emitted, more specialists prefer to stay out of it until there are more data.
The milky liquid a woman releases is composed of substances like glucose, post-aspartic acid phosphate, prostate-specific antigen, urea, and creatinine.
Among the most recent studies, one conducted at Florida State University has highlighted that 82% of women declared having experienced fluid release from the vagina during orgasm.
The female prostate is actually a collection of paraurethral glands. These glands surround the female urethra on all sides and empty into it through many. small openings. Parauretral simply means near the urethra. The paraurethral glands are also called Skene's glands.
The largest of these glands - there may be thirty or more - are located near the urethral opening and in some cases can open into the vulva. The number, size, and location of these glands vary from woman to woman. During sexual excitement, the paraurethral glands fill with fluid and in some cases it can be felt through the vaginal wall.
These glands produce the same alkaline fluid as the male prostate gland.
Research suggests the possibility that all women produce female ejaculation, even if they are not aware of it. The expelled fluid is not urine, but an alkaline liquid secreted by the paraurethral glands.
The paraurethral glands produce an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and glucose (a sugar). These substances have been found in much greater quantities in female ejaculation than in urine.
The fluid from the paraurethral glands is expelled or released during orgasm as a result of pelvic contractions. This can occur without stimulation of the G-spot or paraurethral glands, and may even happen in the absence of orgasm. The glands simply overflow with fluid and it flows out slowly.
The paraurethral glands produce an alkaline fluid. In some cases, all the fluid emitted by the female urethra is ejaculation. In other cases, the liquid is likely to be a mixture of ejaculation and urine, or just urine.
There has not been sufficient research to clarify exactly what the fluid is in each case. The research that has been done frequently has had contradictory results. There are studies that conclude it is only ejaculation or that it is mostly urine with traces of ejaculation.
However, it is clear that most, if not all women produce the alkaline fluid at least in small quantities. It can flow slowly instead of being released and be confused with sweat and vaginal lubrication.
There is no exact way to determine whether a woman is releasing urine voluntarily, experiencing incontinence, or ejaculating during orgasm. All these fluids exit the body through the urethra, so the visible source is the same for all of them. I am not aware of any test of color, taste, or smell that can be applied to the expelled liquid to distinguish it exactly from one another. We have no choice but to consider them as indistinguishable, the same.
How Much Liquid is Released?
The amount of fluid released by the paraurethral glands is reported to vary from a few drops to almost two cups, 15 ounces (444ml). Two cups is a lot of liquid, can it really be that much? The paraurethral glands surround the urethra in an area approximately half an inch (1.25 cm) wide by 1.5 inches (almost 4 cm) long. An area of this size, when filled with water, can retain 0.163 oz (4.8 ml).
Even if the paraurethral glands had to swell to fill an area of 2 x 5 inches (5 x 12.5 cm), they could only retain 0.87 oz (26 ml). If the paraurethral glands can store less than 1 oz of liquid, where do the remaining 14 ounces come from?
Please note that these glands continue to produce fluid as long as the woman remains sexually excited, and as a result, a woman could produce more than 1 oz of ejaculation if there is a release of fluid multiple or continuous. A study found that women produced 30 to 50 ccs (7 to 15 oz) (~200 to ~450 ml) in a period of 30 to 50 seconds. To produce so much fluid, the glands would need to fill and empty one or more times per second.
This means that the paraurethral glands They would need to produce 3 to 5 ccs (0.23 to 0.30 oz,)(~7 to ~9 ml) per second on average. If the paraurethral glands have the ability to fill and empty quickly, that would explain the large volumes of fluid registered by some researchers.
Also, I would like to say that the longer a woman's orgasm lasts, the more she will ejaculate, as occurs generally. If all this is true, it is possible that a woman may ejaculate a considerable amount of fluid without it being urine or bladder liquid. Obviously, it needs to be researched further to clarify this, perhaps using ultrasound (echograms) to observe the glands during sexual excitement and orgasm.
How to Locate the Paraurethral Glands?
How are these paraurethral glands located? It's very simple, you locate the urethra. The urethral opening is located directly above the vaginal opening, below the clitoris.
You can see it with your naked eye, although it may be difficult to find in some cases. The urethra extends from the urethral opening, meatus urinarius, towards the inside of the body, along the frontal or superior wall of the vagina for 1.5 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm). While you can see the urethral opening, you cannot see the paraurethral glands themselves.
Using a speculum, you could see the paraurethral glands swollen projecting inside the vagina through the vaginal wall. Adventurous people can slide one or two fingers into their partner's or own vagina while urinating and feel the urine passing through the urethra. This will help them locate its exact position. Once you have located the urethra, you already have the basis for searching a possible area along it that is very sensitive to stimulation, a zone or point-G.
How to Stimulate the Paraurethral Glands?
Then now that you have an idea of the location of the point-G, how do you stimulate it? The most versatile tools are yours Fingers. They are firm but flexible. They have sensitivity and give you feedback.
However, for solo exploration the fingers can be a problem. They're not very long. Plus, if one hand is stimulating your clitoris, it limits access to your vagina with the other hand. So, besides fingers, to find and stimulate the G-spot, usually you need dildos and/or vibrators. There's a considerable chance you'll have to try many different dildos to find just the right one.
Learning to Ejaculate (Only for women)
Passing ejaculation only requires some minor changes in technique. First, empty your bladder; you'll have to let go without a full bladder producing pressure or urgency.
The urgency still needs to develop, but it shouldn't be the result of a full bladder.
The urge to ejaculate may not occur without stimulation of your paraurethral glands. This is likely to require the use of a dildo if you're alone.
While massaging your clitoris, using your fingers or a dildo stimulate your urethra by massaging the upper part of the vagina, starting with only light pressure.
Massage along the length of the urethra, from the vaginal opening to about two inches (5 cm) inside.
Keep massaging your clitoris. Try different pressures and touches.
Massaging the urethral opening can also feel pleasant. Stimulating your uretra may cause you to feel the need to urinate, as desired.
Don't fight it. Follow the flow, literally.
Relax and breathe deeply. If you find a highly sensitive zone, focus on it, but you may also find it too sensitive to stimulate directly. If your G-spot is very sensitive, you may find that you can only tolerate its stimulation when you're very close to orgasm, when your pain threshold has increased. Keep massaging your clitoris and urethra.
Continue until The point of orgasm. A slow accumulation with much play can help produce the most grandiose desires and the strongest orgasm. When orgasm occurs, relax the bladder and press as if urinating.
If you ejaculate, you will likely feel a new and strong sensation; if not, you'll experience a strong orgasm, so don't lose out. You may not notice any moisture until after you've finished the orgasm. It can take practice to be able to ejaculate, even if you can release urine during orgasm. Not all women may be able to ejaculate, so you have to try it. Anyway, it should be pleasant.
It seems that this particularity is now a common thing. A few years ago, it wasn't something that many men or women were interested in, or at least it seemed that way, it was a rather unknown and taboo topic. But as with everything, things change and people's minds open up to new experiences.
There are still many speculations about what squirting really is. Many people who see it as female ejaculation believe it's just urine loss, perhaps that's where the lack of acceptance and prejudices come from.
Some women when they reach orgasm release or shoot liquids like men do, and it's because women also ejaculate. But there's no clear definition of female ejaculation, but sexologist Francisco Cabello Santamaría doesn't hesitate to give an answer to female ejaculation by exposing that most women ejaculate, but there are variations in the amount of liquid emitted and the direction it's emitted, more specialists prefer to stay out of it until there are more data.
The milky liquid a woman releases is composed of substances like glucose, post-aspartic acid phosphate, prostate-specific antigen, urea, and creatinine.
Among the most recent studies, one conducted at Florida State University has highlighted that 82% of women declared having experienced fluid release from the vagina during orgasm.
The female prostate is actually a collection of paraurethral glands. These glands surround the female urethra on all sides and empty into it through many. small openings. Parauretral simply means near the urethra. The paraurethral glands are also called Skene's glands.
The largest of these glands - there may be thirty or more - are located near the urethral opening and in some cases can open into the vulva. The number, size, and location of these glands vary from woman to woman. During sexual excitement, the paraurethral glands fill with fluid and in some cases it can be felt through the vaginal wall.
These glands produce the same alkaline fluid as the male prostate gland.
Research suggests the possibility that all women produce female ejaculation, even if they are not aware of it. The expelled fluid is not urine, but an alkaline liquid secreted by the paraurethral glands.
The paraurethral glands produce an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and glucose (a sugar). These substances have been found in much greater quantities in female ejaculation than in urine.
The fluid from the paraurethral glands is expelled or released during orgasm as a result of pelvic contractions. This can occur without stimulation of the G-spot or paraurethral glands, and may even happen in the absence of orgasm. The glands simply overflow with fluid and it flows out slowly.
The paraurethral glands produce an alkaline fluid. In some cases, all the fluid emitted by the female urethra is ejaculation. In other cases, the liquid is likely to be a mixture of ejaculation and urine, or just urine.
There has not been sufficient research to clarify exactly what the fluid is in each case. The research that has been done frequently has had contradictory results. There are studies that conclude it is only ejaculation or that it is mostly urine with traces of ejaculation.
However, it is clear that most, if not all women produce the alkaline fluid at least in small quantities. It can flow slowly instead of being released and be confused with sweat and vaginal lubrication.
There is no exact way to determine whether a woman is releasing urine voluntarily, experiencing incontinence, or ejaculating during orgasm. All these fluids exit the body through the urethra, so the visible source is the same for all of them. I am not aware of any test of color, taste, or smell that can be applied to the expelled liquid to distinguish it exactly from one another. We have no choice but to consider them as indistinguishable, the same.
How Much Liquid is Released?
The amount of fluid released by the paraurethral glands is reported to vary from a few drops to almost two cups, 15 ounces (444ml). Two cups is a lot of liquid, can it really be that much? The paraurethral glands surround the urethra in an area approximately half an inch (1.25 cm) wide by 1.5 inches (almost 4 cm) long. An area of this size, when filled with water, can retain 0.163 oz (4.8 ml).
Even if the paraurethral glands had to swell to fill an area of 2 x 5 inches (5 x 12.5 cm), they could only retain 0.87 oz (26 ml). If the paraurethral glands can store less than 1 oz of liquid, where do the remaining 14 ounces come from?
Please note that these glands continue to produce fluid as long as the woman remains sexually excited, and as a result, a woman could produce more than 1 oz of ejaculation if there is a release of fluid multiple or continuous. A study found that women produced 30 to 50 ccs (7 to 15 oz) (~200 to ~450 ml) in a period of 30 to 50 seconds. To produce so much fluid, the glands would need to fill and empty one or more times per second.
This means that the paraurethral glands They would need to produce 3 to 5 ccs (0.23 to 0.30 oz,)(~7 to ~9 ml) per second on average. If the paraurethral glands have the ability to fill and empty quickly, that would explain the large volumes of fluid registered by some researchers.
Also, I would like to say that the longer a woman's orgasm lasts, the more she will ejaculate, as occurs generally. If all this is true, it is possible that a woman may ejaculate a considerable amount of fluid without it being urine or bladder liquid. Obviously, it needs to be researched further to clarify this, perhaps using ultrasound (echograms) to observe the glands during sexual excitement and orgasm.
How to Locate the Paraurethral Glands?
How are these paraurethral glands located? It's very simple, you locate the urethra. The urethral opening is located directly above the vaginal opening, below the clitoris.
You can see it with your naked eye, although it may be difficult to find in some cases. The urethra extends from the urethral opening, meatus urinarius, towards the inside of the body, along the frontal or superior wall of the vagina for 1.5 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm). While you can see the urethral opening, you cannot see the paraurethral glands themselves.
Using a speculum, you could see the paraurethral glands swollen projecting inside the vagina through the vaginal wall. Adventurous people can slide one or two fingers into their partner's or own vagina while urinating and feel the urine passing through the urethra. This will help them locate its exact position. Once you have located the urethra, you already have the basis for searching a possible area along it that is very sensitive to stimulation, a zone or point-G.
How to Stimulate the Paraurethral Glands?
Then now that you have an idea of the location of the point-G, how do you stimulate it? The most versatile tools are yours Fingers. They are firm but flexible. They have sensitivity and give you feedback.
However, for solo exploration the fingers can be a problem. They're not very long. Plus, if one hand is stimulating your clitoris, it limits access to your vagina with the other hand. So, besides fingers, to find and stimulate the G-spot, usually you need dildos and/or vibrators. There's a considerable chance you'll have to try many different dildos to find just the right one.
Learning to Ejaculate (Only for women)
Passing ejaculation only requires some minor changes in technique. First, empty your bladder; you'll have to let go without a full bladder producing pressure or urgency.
The urgency still needs to develop, but it shouldn't be the result of a full bladder.
The urge to ejaculate may not occur without stimulation of your paraurethral glands. This is likely to require the use of a dildo if you're alone.
While massaging your clitoris, using your fingers or a dildo stimulate your urethra by massaging the upper part of the vagina, starting with only light pressure.
Massage along the length of the urethra, from the vaginal opening to about two inches (5 cm) inside.
Keep massaging your clitoris. Try different pressures and touches.
Massaging the urethral opening can also feel pleasant. Stimulating your uretra may cause you to feel the need to urinate, as desired.
Don't fight it. Follow the flow, literally.
Relax and breathe deeply. If you find a highly sensitive zone, focus on it, but you may also find it too sensitive to stimulate directly. If your G-spot is very sensitive, you may find that you can only tolerate its stimulation when you're very close to orgasm, when your pain threshold has increased. Keep massaging your clitoris and urethra.
Continue until The point of orgasm. A slow accumulation with much play can help produce the most grandiose desires and the strongest orgasm. When orgasm occurs, relax the bladder and press as if urinating.
If you ejaculate, you will likely feel a new and strong sensation; if not, you'll experience a strong orgasm, so don't lose out. You may not notice any moisture until after you've finished the orgasm. It can take practice to be able to ejaculate, even if you can release urine during orgasm. Not all women may be able to ejaculate, so you have to try it. Anyway, it should be pleasant.
here I leave some links so you can see what this is about, if any of you or anyone gets to happen to them with their partner... 😊 honestly don't hesitate to share it with us!! 😉
here I leave all girls a video with the explanation of how to achieve this, hope you're interested in the topic and succeed.
link:[/swf]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obtxIi_Fv54[/swf]" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obtxIi_Fv54[/swf]
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