Abuso sexual y pedofilia.

Report the abuses!! Dare to do it!!!

The history shows that children only late in life represent an unease for the elderly.

A real problem, which is coming out into public light.

It is estimated that one of every four girls and one of every eight boys will be sexually assaulted before turning 16. In 90% of cases, the abuser is a man, and in more than 80% of cases it will be someone known.

In front of a circle of silence from parents, neighbors, and children who don't want to talk, all possible efforts through communication media are good to arrive at early detection.

In Chile we know that there is an undetermined number of abused children, but it's impossible to distinguish the victims of pedophilia because they are silent. Only when we start talking will prevention begin.

We think it's time to tell parents that pedophilia can happen in their homes, and that they should understand that the sexual abuse of minors usually comes from people close by, not to create panic or irrational distrust, just to talk about the subject, just to prevent.

We have to educate children, and this starts at home first, then with teachers, doctors during periodic checks with children and parents, journalists, so the problem is finally spoken of.

It's not alarming, it's making people aware that the issue exists.

In 1995 the law was modified and left very clear and sanctioned everything related to sexual abuse of minors, but aspects linked to:

1.-Child prostitution
3.-Person who pays for access to a child, child pornography, and its distribution

That's why there are instances that promote interesting and important adjustments to legislation: 1.- Addressing the topic of child prostitution and heavily sanctioning those who maintain the business; 2.- Sanctioning those who pay for access to a boy buys videos and ultimately the one who promotes commerce; 3.-And the offense of pimping, which in doctrine is known as the offense of the person who economically maintains a child to prostitute themselves. It's not the one with the business, but the person who can be the father or mother, exercising certain authority over the minor. 4.- Finally, it's necessary to legislate on the disclosure and use of children in pornography videos. Today, using minors under 12 years old is sanctioned, but what happens with children between 12 and 18 years old? That group remains very exposed because no one can tell them anything they're being used. The proposal aims to raise that age limit to 15 years, considering it's the period when adolescents are awakening sexually and defining their identity, so they could fall into absolute confusion. Those precisely are the ones photographed on the Internet. Definition of sexual abuse. Sexual abuses towards minors are attitudes and behaviors performed by an adult (usually a man) for his own sexual satisfaction with a girl, boy, or adolescent. To achieve his goal, he uses emotional manipulation through blackmail, lies, threats, etc., and sometimes physical violence. Definition of pedophilia. The pursuit of sexual pleasure through sexual relationships with children. International experts indicate that to qualify pedophilia as a sexual disorder it's necessary for the behavior to persist for at least six months, including fantasies, impulses, or sexual behaviors with pre-pubescent or slightly older children, usually under 12 years old. It can take different forms: with regard to orientation, it can be heterosexual, homosexual, or both; with regard to object, this can be exclusively pedophilic or not. The behaviors of pedophilia range from simple exhibitionism to penetration. adult tends to earn the trust and affection of the child and, generally, is someone known or familiar
There are two variants in pedophilia: sentimental homo erotic and aggressive heterosexual.
The sentimental homo erotics have little or no interest in women, all their sexual capacity concentrates on children, concretizing under the form of caresses that provoke orgasm.
The aggressive heterosexuales try to satisfy their impulses with girls, using methods ranging from seduction to violence, ending (very few times) in sadistic-criminal homicide.
How does child sexual abuse occur?
Most sexual abuses occur in the minor's own home, and the perpetrator is generally the father, stepfather, brother, or any close relative who has easy access to the victim. In these circumstances, the sexual abuse is called incest.
What is the incidence?
Sexual abuses are not isolated events. They usually occur over a long period of time, months or years. Moreover, unlike what may be supposed, they occur in all social classes and many girls and boys are affected. Between 20% and 30% of women have been sexually abused in their childhood or adolescence. Around 15% of children also suffer from it. However, the silence and secrecy surrounding these experiences, which allows them to continue repeating themselves, makes us think that they are rare cases. That's why it's so important to talk about the existence of sexual abuses and recognize them as a social problem that needs to be addressed.
What are the abusive behaviors or forms of presentation?
Abusive behaviors range from actions that do not involve sexual contact such as verbal proposals or exhibition of genital organs, to anal or vaginal penetration.
Some of these behaviors are: Exhibiting oneself naked in front of the minor in order to sexually excite. Watching the girl get dressed or undressed or when she's in the bathroom, urinating, etc (with the same purpose). Telling her, kissing her, holding her. Forcing her to watch images or movies, listen to sexual conversations, pose for photographs, watch or witness sexual activities. Oral or vaginal sex. Being subjected to unnecessary medical treatments. It's important, especially, to consider that a behavior is abusive when it's lived and felt this way by the girl, boy, or adolescent, when it's looked at or touched in a way that makes them feel intimidated. How do you know? Most girls and boys who are victims don't tell anyone because they think people will think it's not true. Sometimes they even lack the necessary vocabulary to talk about the topic and therefore can't express themselves adequately. Although they generally don't verbalize it, they do so through some changes in their behavior. We must be alert when a girl or boy suddenly starts exhibiting simultaneously several of the following behaviors: Resisting going to a certain place or staying with a certain person. Sleep disorders (has nightmares, wets the bed, fears sleeping alone, needs a light on all night, etc.) Eating disorders (no appetite or sudden increased appetite) Feeling new fears and needing to be calmed down much more than before. Returning to an immature behavior, like a baby's. Suddenly rejecting the father or mother. Sometimes self-mutilating or attempting suicide. Fleeing home to avoid further abuse. Deteriorating school performance and changing social behavior. If a girl or boy suddenly changes and exhibits several of these symptoms, there is a high probability that they are or have been suffering from sexual abuse. What effects do sexual abuses produce in the long term? young adults who have been sexually abused during their childhood or adolescence often carry problems throughout their lives and usually need specialized psychological support to overcome them. The most common effects of sexual abuse are: * Hate for one's own body, feeling dirty. * Personal devaluation, poor self-esteem. * Depression, phobias, anxiety, and psychosomatic problems. * Relationship problems with others, socially and sexually. * Fear of intimacy and inability to set limits and assert oneself. * Self-aggressive behaviors, mutilating oneself with cuts, burns, or blows and attempting suicide. * Establishing many abusive relationships, even domestic violence. Male victims tend to be abusers and batterers, while female victims tend to be battered and abused again. * Playing beyond typical mother-father or doctor; inserting objects into the vagina or anus. Generally, they draw hypersexualized pictures or do not include eyes, genitals, or mouth. Or girls are drawn as adults, painted, and with makeup. What to do if a girl (boy) tells you she is being sexually abused? An adult should not wait for a child to reveal what's happening; they would have to be very mature and strong. That's why child rights campaigns are important, explaining to them that they must take care of their bodies, telling them that no one can touch them unless they want it. Discovering that you've abused a girl or boy can be too anguishing for anyone. However, our first reaction is very important for the victim, as many times they don't tell because they think people won't believe them. So: * Believe her, give credibility to her words. Something essential is believing the child at the first sign. Never tell him he's lying, because he can't deceive with something like that. The second thing is to offer help to the caregiver of the victim and warn her that she can get support so the aggression does not continue to occur with the victim and other minors. We must be aware that the child never has the fault, nor imagine the idea of having done something to provoke it.

It's not easy to discover, because the victim confuses abuse with seduction games, and because there are often threats from the aggressor. They enter a dynamic of sword and wall, the abuser manipulates emotions a lot: If your mom finds out, you'll get in trouble because of me and you'll be punished. Or they tell them that they do it because they love them.

* Leave very clear that she is not to blame for what happened. The adult is responsible.
* Tell her and thank her for telling you.
* Convey that you feel sorry she went through this experience and that other girls and boys also went through it. Tell her you'll help and protect her. Encourage her calmly to talk about it and not get angry because she might feel guilty for having told you.
* If it's not her mother, ask permission to talk to her or seek professional specialized help.

It is especially painful for a mother to know that the abuse was committed by her husband. In this case, she is also another victim. She will have to decide whether to make a medical recognition of her daughter or son if they present it, whether to file a complaint and whether to sue the aggressor judicially. All these decisions she must take after a sexual abuse case are very difficult. To assume this terrible fact and take the necessary measures, she also needs support.

It is common for mothers to systematically deny the conflict despite the signs sent by their child.

How are sexual abusers?
Sexual abusers are not always the old greens we imagine. They are people considered normal from almost all points of view. Many times they are respected people, even appear to have firm moral values. and religious. Sometimes, the aggressor is a young minor. Signs of a pedophile The pedophilia covers a sector of sexual abusers who opt for fixing on children of certain age. They do not obey a determined psychological profile, can be very functional in some areas and are not of extreme personalities. They are emotionally immature people with little capacity to connect with others, centered on their needs. Even they are socially valued - clarify. To this we must add the ability to maintain their aggressions in secret. Most pedophiles are men, less aggressive than rapists; many of them are alcoholics or psychotics with a dull or asocial mind, and their age fluctuates between 30 and 40 years; generally, they have strong religious convictions. In general, they are weak, immature, solitary, and filled with guilt The personality of the aggressor of middle or older age is that of a solitary individual with difficulty establishing normal heterosexual relationships, usually has low self-esteem, few resources to face stressful situations, and frequently abuses alcohol and/or substances. However, it does not present psychopathological disorder. However, it has been seen that two-thirds of mature pedophiles who were imprisoned committed this behavior during periods of stress. The pedophile may feel guilty but is unable to stop because he addictively starts needing other children around him. Little is known about the causes, but one of them is said to be the learning of negative attitudes towards sex, such as experiences of sexual abuse during childhood, feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem, difficulty in personal relationships, etc., which facilitates adult-child relationships. As for conditioning, it does not extinguish under gratifying conditions Most of these aggressors deny the abuse vehemently. Only under evidence. Legals and pressure, some accept partial accusations, but claim: 'it was nothing serious, of no importance'. 'I didn't hurt them'. 'It was their fault'. When they're caught, they usually say they feel very sorry, that it will never happen again, that it happened because they were drunk or high. Sexual aggressors are very convincing, to the point that maybe we'll seriously doubt the youngest ones. But remember that girls and boys don't lie about such a serious matter, since they knew little or nothing about sex and its language. Despite the remorse that sexual aggressors may feel, we know they usually relapse and repeat their abuse, unless someone intervenes to stop them. Practically none will voluntarily give up without judicial intervention. How can you prevent girls and boys from being sexually abused? How can you protect them from sexual abuse? It's difficult to protect your children from sexual abuse by family members or close friends, but you can be aware of many potentially dangerous situations. Be aware of where your child is and what they're doing: your attentive supervision is your best protection against sexual abuse. Of course, you can't be with them all the time. Ask another responsible adult to take care of them when you can't. If you can't find adult supervision, make arrangements for the children to walk or play during these periods. Get to know your children's friends, especially those a little older than your child or child. Teach your children to look out for their own safety. Teach them not to accept money or favors from strangers. Warn them never to go for a walk with someone they don't know. Tell them what to do if someone approaches them. scare. Explain to them that it is correct to call attention, scream and create a scandal in these situations. Remember that many children are victims of people they know. Tell them that they don't have to agree with demands to maintain close physical contact. Assure them that it's totally fine to say no even to close relatives and friends. Encourage them to tell you or another adult immediately if anyone touches or approaches them in a strange way. Speak to them without scaring them. If you've given your children frequent rules for their safety, such as: How to cross a busy street?, What to do when they have an accident? And other things like that?, the precautions related to sexual abuse become a natural part of their conversations about general safety. There are appropriate rules for each age of child and they change as the child grows. These prevention measures must begin at an early age, since many cases of sexual abuse occur in preschool children. The following guidelines will help you discuss topics according to your child's age: Prevention plan according to each age 18 Months.- Teach your child the appropriate names of body parts. 3-5 Years.-Teach your child their private body parts and to say NO to any sexual offer. Give them direct answers to their questions about sex. 5-8 Years.-Explain safety away from home and the difference between good and bad affection. Encourage your child to talk about experiences that have scared them. 8-12 Years.-Teach personal security. Explain the family's accepted sexual conduct rules. 13-18 Years.-Highlight personal security. Explain rape, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. They know how to achieve it without their child feeling scared or annoyed. Their pediatrician understands the importance of communication between parents and children. Their doctor is trained to detect signs of sexual abuse. Ask your doctor for advice on protecting your children.

Maybe your child doesn't know the danger they can run into when attending people who grab their attention and whom they don't know. The attentive supervision of the child is the best protection against sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse affects thousands of children every year, and in most cases, the perpetrators are people they know and trust, making it difficult to prevent them from these types of attacks.

What's most important is that we talk about the existence of sexual abuses by familiar and known people, not just those committed by unknown people. They can also abuse family members, friends, neighbors. 85% of abuses occur at the hands of known people.

We often teach children to always obey adult people, making them believe these adults always know what's right. Sometimes we force them to kiss people when they don't want to. This education contributes to the occurrence of abuses. To avoid them:

* Talk to girls and boys about the existence of sexual abuses and how they occur.
* Teach them that they have the right to privacy over their bodies. No one should touch or look at it in an unpleasant way. They can refuse.
* If someone looks at or touches them in a way they don't like, they should tell you immediately. Let them know they can trust you, you'll believe them and protect them.
* Explain how perpetrators try to intimidate them into keeping the abuse a secret. Teach them that they never have to keep this type of secret, even if someone asks or threatens them.
* Recognizing the existence of sexual abuses is a way to prevent them.
If you've suffered any sexual abuse, don't silence it, seek help! Sexual incest is not a taboo, it's an aggression and a crime.

29 comentários - Abuso sexual y pedofilia.

angieyruben dijo:Muy bueno el aporte !!!

opino = q los chicos!!, super recomendado!!!, para q se to me conciencia!!! ;)
Abuso sexual y pedofilia.
Excelente aporte!!!!!!!!! DENUNCIEMOS LA PEDOFILIA Y EL ABUSO A MENORES !!!!!!
Excelente aporte muy interesante lo tuyo, en verdad hay que animarse.
buena info

detengamos juntos la pedofilia y la pornografia infantil

gracias por compartir saludos CARDENASX
xxonexx +4
que les hagan lo mismo, que consigan un consolador gigante y se los metan por el culo y la boca, que sientan como les rompen el ano, que sientan lo que sus victimas sienten!!
kikele +2
A denunciar se ha dicho, muy buen post...
Muy buen material,me alegra que este en en Poringa.
Muy bueno el informe. Es increible e inentendible que haya gente de ésta calaña...pero lamentablemente los hay...
Exelente aporte, denunciemos todos podemos
damga +1
en esa caga de ares esta lleno no lo usen
ed6969 +1
tienes mucha razon evitemos q se sigan abusando menores
yajser +1
mi fierro se vino abajo cuando leyo esto *_*
No miremos para el otro lado, denunciemos!!!!!
Gracias por compartir la info! sigue asi! 🙂
Aqui en colombia ya deberian echar a andar de una vez por todas, la cadena perpetua para violadores de menores y de adultos tambien o la castracion. te dejo +5
Muy buen aporte si pudiera dar puntos te los dejaba 🙄
brujayo +1