Rules for category !poringa girls!

Rules for category !poringa girls!😬PoringaThe POSTS that apply to the categoryPoringa Girlsthose who have at least 10 photos taken for PORN and have at least 2 certified photos 😬 ✅ All photos must be from the same SET 😬

Poringa girls

✔️The correct way to certify a post is:

-' Writing the word 'Poringa!' or else the letter 'P' on the body of the Poringa girl.
-' With a sign featuring the letter 'P!' or the word 'Poringa!' in clear, sustained legibility held by the porn girl or where it clearly constitutes that the porn girl is aware of being certified for Poringa.
-' Certified will not be considered valid where the P is on the man, whether in his body or on a sign.
- Certified photos must be from the same set as the other images and not have been used previously in any other post.

They won't remain in Category: Porn Girls:

-' Post with only videos, that does not accompany the minimum required photographs.
- Posts with editing errors in code where [URL, image], [ , etc.

✔️Posts that should go in category Images:

-' The posts of Celebrations/Birthdays/Reports etc. with images taken and/or provided by the Porngirls for the post.

✔️We will delete posts from this category:

-' They are not certified.
-' That it is certified made by hand (whether man or woman).
-' Contain images of menstruation, defecation, vomiting, etc.
- That the certified one is written with Photoshop on the photo.-' Let them have bad tags and not refer to the content of the post.
-' Party posts with photos of porn girls that also include other images and/or videos unrelated to the category (It is considered a lack of respect to the porn girls who lent them the photos).
-' Let them count with already published photographs, Compiled, Reposts, etc.

✔️Fallen photos that can't be seen anymore:

- If the photos of some post that was already in category Porninga Girls fell, don't create a new post 'because the photos fell' because it will be deleted.
-' If you want to upload the fallen photos again, you can do it by editing the post. If that post has been deleted for any reason, talk to a Moderator so they can reactivate it and then you can edit the post and put the fallen photos back up (Modified 19/06/2012) rules

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