Make love with love

It seemed interesting to share this, to vary a bit in P

Making love with love. Dr. Diana M. Resnicoff teaches how to overcome those moments where making love in a couple is more like a responsibility than a pleasure.

Make love with love
How many times after making love did you feel empty or tried to do everything possible so that everything would be very fast and thus end all the pending things in your head, or looked at the clock out of the corner of your eye thinking about the hours you were losing sleep? And when you wanted 'just us' and he wanted 'just sex'? It's hard to discover with exactness when love starts to fizzle while making love. Rather, we realize it after a certain time. First, fatigue from that night, daily problems, accumulated stress, kids, the fear of them waking up suddenly, in short: there will always be a reason to suppose that nothing is really happening and everything will go back to being like before. But the truth is that nothing will go back to being like before if both members of a couple don't get their act together and start being aware that something is happening.theDagmar O’Connor says that “practicing coitus results in the perfect way to suppress feelings and intimacy at the same time. Perhaps, at first, this excites us but later after some time, we start feeling like something is missing. It's here when I often hear 'we don't make love, it's been a long time since it happened'.

In this new century, younger couples are immersed in the culture of zapping, everything fast, performance and professional growth; those who already have children seem to forget sometimes that they are still man and woman besides mom and dad; couples over 50 years old start with problems related to biology, so it's necessary to be informed about these changes. And for different reasons, never having time for them. O'Connor calls them minute marriages and explains “the most intimate emotions and sensual feelings do not admit haste.”

Towards the changecoupleThere are many attitudes one can have to recover intimacy and passion in the couple. When we allow ourselves to caress each other from head to toe, when we maintain the state of excitement without rushing to move on to the next stage, the walls that separate us start to crumble, and the dormant sensations reappear before our surprise.loveNow then, the repeated question is whether intimacy can be recovered after several years of a couple. Yes! Let's connect with positive things and use our imagination to search for ingredients that will provoke a positive sexual encounter. It could be a different dinner, calling to remind the other how much they love them, searching for them at work exit, an erotic reading, a walk alone holding hands. Sending an email to our partner or a text message. And of course, let's not forget to awaken our most primary sense: touching. Caresses, massages, silence, are creating the necessary climate for sexual communication to reach its climax.
And remember that:

One doesn't undress like one peels an onion, that would make it cry. The body is unique, just like the face. Age is absolutely circumstantial. Presence and security are what make beauty. Seduction is an art for a good bond. I am my own model. To seduce is not to harass. Showing/offering the best of oneself to find the best in the other. Beauty is being like you really are and being totally relaxed with it.Source:MINUTE ONE

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