Sexual Fantasies of Stars

To the stars, sometimes it gives them a kick... they let loose their tongue and openly confess to the entire public their most unconfessable sexual fantasies and most unconfessable bedroom secrets. And usually, actresses are the ones who like to share and air which are their most recurrent and humid erotic dreams. From Eva Longoria to Scarlett Johansson, they have told at some point what they would like to do in bed or how they would like to screw with their partner. If already, they didn't raise morbid curiosity among the public -film buff and not so film buff- the fact that, besides, they declare themselves this way faithful lovers of sex, makes them authentic sexual icons. They confess their fantasies and, at the same time, become a sexual fantasy for the rest of mortals.

Kirsten Dunst, in a fitting room

Las fantasías sexuales de las estrellasThe interpreter of 'Interview with the Vampire' and 'María Antonieta' openly revealed what was her sexual fantasy made reality. In an interview with Cosmopolitan -that magazine known for lacking sexual content (read in a ironic tone)- the Hollywood actress declared that her most memorable sexual relationship was maintained in an improvised manner in a store dressing room. The lucky one who 'benefited' from this situation was also actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who was her partner at the time. Were the salesgirls aware of the torrid encounter between the two actors that occurred in the store? What a paparazzo would have given to be there and immortalize the moment.Scarlett Johansson, in the back of a car

famousDid you think Woody Allen's muse had a fantasy that was extravagant, glamorous, exotic, and unrealizable? Well, she has quite simple tastes. The sexy actress declared in an interview with Plaboy that her favorite sexual fantasy consisted of having sex in the back seat of a car. Of course, I suppose if she had to do it there always like many couples who don't have another place to do it, the story wouldn't give it much morbo, but rather she'd be tired of the tight spaces that wouldn't give it much morbo. However, the actress from 'The Pearl Girl' thinks playing in the back seat of a car is one of the most exciting things and the tighter the space for undressing, the better. 'I think having sex in a car is very sexy. If I had an uninhibited mind and thought about doing something crazy, perverted, and sexy, the back seat of a car would be the perfect place', she comments. You know, to fulfill this girl's desires all you need is to be motorized.Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie and how to be bisexual

sex SexualIf what Megan Fox wanted was to scandalize the staff with her statements about her sexual life, she certainly succeeds. When talking about her sexual tendencies, the attractive Transformers actress confesses in GQ magazine that she's into rough sex, so she has no problem with bisexuality. Apparently, when she was 18 and moved to Los Angeles, she had a romance with a Russian stripper named Nikita. Although she also admitted never sleeping with another woman who was bisexual because she finds male residues dirty. The truth is that it seems she's thought or fantasized quite a bit about the topic. I think she doesn't even clarify herself. But if this surprised us more, we were left speechless when days later, after saying she was tired of being compared to Angelina Jolie, she said she'd love to be her girlfriend. The actress assured that when things go wrong, she thinks everything would be fine if she were the partner of Brad Pitt's woman. Is this simple sarcasm or reality? I'm sure many and many would pay to see the encounter between both actresses, surely more than one has already fantasized about it.Eva Longoria, tied and very tied

infoThe most attractive woman on the small screen, desperate for it, what gets her off is being immobilized while they try to give her pleasure. Yes, with silk strips. That's hers, light masochism. This was said in the 'Best Ever Sex' questionnaire conducted by the US version of Cosmopolitan: 'I like being directed on the bed. There's something very exciting about being submissive. I don't mind being tied up with silk handkerchiefs.' We suppose her husband Tony Parker is aware of his wife's desires and doesn't hesitate to satisfy them.Eva Mendes, changing scenery

FantasiesActress Eva Mendes doesn't have hair on her tongue when talking about her fulfilled sexual fantasies, either. She revealed that she has had sexual relations in nothing more and less than 50 US states. 'I've had sex in the 50 states. Several of those events occurred during a road trip I took when I was younger', said one of Hollywood's most desired women without hiding. And while she was at it, she also specified that her best sexual experiences were in Arizona and Colorado: 'Maybe it was because of the pure air, tranquility, clear sky. Whatever it is, it was very, very good.' She then clarified that her worst experience was in Alaska. 'I'd like to try again there'.

1 comentários - Sexual Fantasies of Stars

seeeeeeeeeee todas son putas millonarias, y yo les cumplo su fantasia de romperles el ogt 🆒
Las fantasías sexuales de las estrellas