Want to enlarge your penis??

Real Manual for Enlargement of the Penis

This manual contains a wide range of information compiled by Our group of experts. It may not be all the content is of your interest, but we recommend you read everything because this way you will really understand how penis enlargement works. And above all: Read and fully understand each exercise's instructions before starting practice. Do it gently, don't rush. There's time. This isn't magical techniques, but very real ones that have existed for many years, only they've been lost in our current society. If you dedicate 100% to these techniques, you'll see results. We've compiled a lot of information in this manual. Please read it carefully to understand perfectly how each technique works. Make sure you also fully understand the EXERCISES before putting them into practice. Perform exercises safely and don't overdo it. Remember, it won't happen overnight. But if you do these exercises daily, then you'll start seeing changes within the first 2-3 weeks. Use these techniques every day, be patient, and a significant increase in size will occur in a few months. However, don't expect incredible results in just 1 or 2 weeks. This is the same concept as bodybuilding, one doesn't go to the gym and expect to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in just a few weeks. Give us a few months to see REAL results and you'll believe.

Anatomy of the Penis
The Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum have a fixed size, limiting the penis's erection in length and thickness. Our exercises force blood to fill all the spaces of the Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum, expanding and lengthening the blood cavity in each session. This dilation pushes the Corpora Cavernosa, causing its growth to be much greater and stronger than before. Over several weeks, the penis will have experienced larger and more lasting erections and a notable increase in length and thickness, having prepared exercises for that purpose. After a month, the penis will have increased its length and will be much thicker in both erect and flaccid situations. After the second or third month, your penis will have acquired a new body, not only longer and thicker but also much harder and healthier.Why prolong?There are several reasons why a man may want a larger penis. The most important reason, without a doubt, is self-esteem. Well-endowed men tend to have more confidence than those with a small penis. Another very important reason is sex. According to the latest surveys, a 67% of women are dissatisfied with the size of their partner's penis. A larger penis due to its greater surface area stimulates more nerve endings in the vagina, which produces more pleasure for both the woman and man.

Small: less than 15cm, 28.3% of men
Normal: 15-18cm, 50.3% of men
Large: 18-20cm, 15.2% of men
Enormous: over 20cm, 6.2% of men

These statistics show the result of the Kinsey survey. According to them, the average size is 15.64 cm in length and 12.29 cm in circumference.

Naturally, what is considered a large or small penis can vary depending on your partner's opinion. However, ask any man, and he will tell you that he wants something very large, ... that is the fragile male ego...

History of Penis Enlargement:

Since men have existed, they have always wanted to enlarge all their organs. One of the oldest methods, practiced by ancient tribes (still today), consists in tying a thread around the end of the penis and hanging heavy stones at the other end of the thread.

This method can be successful, but it is also dangerous, as it can cause damage to the dorsal nerve, or worse: impotence, infection, or amputation due to circulation being cut off. Apart from the fact that this image is not very pleasant to imagine, it results in having to practice for about 5 years to add 25 cm to the penis. So far, no one outside these tribes has had enough patience to achieve this.

After all, it's not recommended to risk using this method or even thinking of lengthening the penis by 25 cm. While it's still possible to dream of it...). Let us think about adding 5-10 cm with exercises that allow you to maintain the fertility and well-being of your Penis. This if it is possible! Enlarge... How? And... How do these mysterious techniques work? The first question that arises is: What do I have to do to increase the size of my penis? In simple explanation, the penis is divided into three chambers that are made up of a sponge-like tissue. This tissue absorbs blood flowing towards the penis, creating an erection. If you do the necessary exercises, it will make these 3 chambers expand gradually, so they can absorb more blood. What does this mean? Your penis will grow as much in length as in thickness! The key to penile growth is to create tension on the tissues responsible for erection, which contain most of the penis, called corpus cavernosa. This stretching and expansion can occur in a flaccid, semi-erect, or erect state. It doesn't matter how you are, there's no possibility that this won't work for you. Tension and force will make your tissues grow, as they have no other option but to grow. Even if they grow slowly, but they do! It takes about a day for a new cell to form in your penis. However, just because penile growth is permanent, it doesn't mean the eye will perceive it immediately. You'll have to be patient, it will take weeks to notice these permanent results accumulating every day. When you start doing these exercises for the first time, the size of your penis in a flaccid state will increase rapidly by about 5 cm. At this stage, it will have grown maximum about 2 cm in an erect state. This is what you can expect at the beginning. As you probably know, there are serious damages that can result from penile lengthening using certain methods such as surgery or vacuum pumps. That's what the next section: Methods to avoid deals with.Methods to avoid:1st Operation. Enlargement operation failed. (CBS News) October 31, 1998. Pain, curvature, deformation, blood, infection,...are the right words. The fact is that most men end up with another operation to fix Peter again. Unfortunately, 25,000 American citizens have already tried penile enlargement surgery. This means disconnecting a ligament of the penis that holds the upper part in the pubococcygeal zone. Considering that one-third of the penis is inside the body, cutting the ligament results in the penis being able to come out a little more from the body, making it appear larger in a flaccid state. The results depend on each body, with an average growth of 5 cm. Translation: Little more than 2 cm erect! Unfortunately, sometimes the penis retracts after the operation, making it smaller even than before the operation. While breast augmentation in women is very common in our era, unfortunately for men, penile enlargement surgery has not been perfected. Surely they are improving, but the facts produced so far reveal more than I can tell.

Besides the obligatory costs of an operation (750,000 - 130,000 Ptas.), the procedure itself should make you reflect. The penis is enlarged by cutting the ligament that holds it. This makes the penis appear larger, but does not make it really so. It makes the penis less stable during relations and more delicate to injuries. The operation also leaves a scar and an inferior angle of erection.

Another method of penile enlargement consists in extracting fats from other parts of the body and then injecting them into the penis. This makes it appear thicker, but not longer. The result can be lumps, deformations, and worse.

2nd Vacuum/Suction Bombs. vacío: Place a tube over your penis. Pump air out of the tube. Instantly large penis! Sounds good, right? False. The truth is that pumps don't actually work. And if they did, you'd have to pump for 4 years to make your penis grow just 2 cm....

The functioning of pumps consists in creating tension on the penis through the vacuum that makes it expand in all directions. But veterans tell us that pumps don't work.

Here are the biggest disadvantages: • Too much effort (time) for very little result • Temporary impotence risk • Risk of painful sores • Dislocated penis, bleeding from burst capillaries If you want to try these methods, it's your own decision. But don't expect significant results before 4-5 years.

3rd Weights

The possibility of hanging weights is known for a while. The theory is that these lengthen and thicken the penis. This was a method practiced by Samurais, Indian cultures, African tribes, etc.

Yes it works, but it can also hurt due to excessive pressure on the dorsal nerve (located at the top of the penis).

Worse still, it cuts off circulation resulting in infection and amputation. Weights can lead to some degree of success but you have to know exactly how to use them, as you can shrink your penis by stretching the ligaments and that's something you really don't want!

4th Stretchers

Stretchers like weights can have slight results of penis growth, but they must be used with great caution and knowledge. Some months of practice can actually make your flaccid penis grow but not in an erect state and also having a diminishing effect on the thickness of the penis. There are different types of stretchers even for nighttime use that sell well, but it's still unknown if No one who has had significant results with these instruments. Additionally, there is also the risk of possible circulation cut-off with its corresponding negative effects here. Ligaments can be stretched in a flaccid state, but the real growth of the penis only occurs when it is noted in a flaccid and erect state.

5th Creams. Recently, certain web pages have appeared offering miraculous creams that supposedly after being applied make the penis grow 6-9 cm. All we can say is: We've tried them, and if you have 9,000 Ptas. to waste, throw them out the window, you'll get better results this way.

6th Magnets. Another innovative technique for lengthening. According to these web pages, iron in the blood is attracted by magnets, which makes the penis grow by bursting with force. Friends, the iron in the blood IS NOT attracted by magnets! However, an interesting thought...General Tips for Enlargement:Well now you have the Stretching Techniques, but do other things apart from having in mind that can ensure stretching? Here are 4 general tips that should accompany daily exercise:

1. Losing weight. Ask any doctor and they will tell you that body weight has a lot to do with the size of your penis. A doctor said: You don't see naked men, but a doctor does see them naked. We never see a fat man with a very large penis and never an athletic man with a very small one. If a man is overweight, the fat at the base of his penis is also overweight. This makes the penis shrink inside its base. In a 150-pound man, we only see the head of his penis... For every 10 pounds he gains in weight, he will lose 1cm of penis...

2. Taking necessary vitamins. Generate strength and sexual desire by taking the following vitamins daily:

• 2,000 Mg. of Vitamin C 2 or 3 times a day
• 30 Mg. of zinc
• 10,000 units (IU) of mixed carotenoids
• 10 Mg. of vitamin E
• 200 Mg. of selenium
• 80 Mg. of enzymes
• 100 IU of Vitamin D
• 50 Mg. of thiamine

3. Don't stress! It sounds like a cliché, but don't let life's problems get to you. Frustrations, anxieties, stress... these things kill sexual desire. Most men in their 30s are affected by these things at some point. Go through difficult times and recover your sexual capacity afterwards. Relax. Be happy.

4. Physical exercise. Keep your daily maintenance exercises (in addition to penis stretching exercises). Aerobic exercise before or after stretching exercises will benefit you a lot. This increases the level of testosterone in your body. Remember that physical exercise will increase your sexual abilities, as they require many muscles and strength. So do your sit-ups, push-ups, etc.... In the first place, read this manual carefully and make sure you understand each exercise. Once you've found the techniques that make you feel most comfortable, persevere in them. Here are some tips before you start.


FLACCID: Take a ruler and place it on top of your penis. Then push the ruler towards your abdomen as much as you can. Keep your penis flaccid along the ruler and measure it to the glans tip.

ERECT: While standing, keep your penis at a parallel angle to the floor. Press the ruler against your pubic bone (just above the base of the penis) and measure it from there to the glans tip. It may be easier to measure it with your knees closed and holding the penis from below, just behind the glans tip. Press the ruler against your pubic bone and measure it by pushing it out as much as you can. Try moving your pelvis or changing the angle to see how it varies in this type of measurement. Once you've seen how to measure for the same result in length with your erect penis, you'll find that this measurement is easier and more convenient than measuring with a normal erection.

THICKNESS: Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your penis at mid-height.

CUT YOUR PUBIC HAIR: Not only will it make your penis look bigger, but it will also help when doing some of these exercises. When extending your penis, pulling and milk, you won't want to pull out your hair...

EAT A HEALTHY DIET AND TAKE VITAMINS: To eliminate any possibility of slow growth, ensure you take an abundant amount of nutrients. The appropriate level of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins HAVE an effect on the exercise process. Drink plenty of water too. See our list of recommended vitamins and herbs.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE A GOOD MENTAL PREPAREDNESS: Your mental state has a lot to do with the growth of your penis. If you don't believe in... enlargement will take effect, then it is very likely that your subconscious will make physical growth of the penis more difficult. A positive attitude is essential.

As we have said, these exercises demand COMPLETE devotion of 100%. You MUST perform them 5 DAYS A WEEK. If at any moment you start feeling discomfort or pain, rest a little. Just wants to enlarge your penis, not hurt it.

Remember, exercising tension, pulling, pressing, stretching or expanding the penis creates a force that will divide the cells of the penis. We want to ensure that we divide and break just enough cells to guarantee a SAFE structural equilibrium for normal healing process. Forcing too many cell divisions due to excessive pressure would create bad healing resulting in a deformed penis, possibly with no visible enlargement. So again... DON'T EXCEED with exercises!

If performed correctly and regularly, you will soon see the results you were waiting for. Within the first weeks your penis will start looking LONGER AND THICKER. That should be enough to give you all the motivation you need to maintain your daily exercises.

Before starting read this manual, understanding each of the described exercises. Once you have found the techniques that please you more, use them and keep them.

Here are some tips to get started.

As we were saying Measure your penis before starting. Be honest! The base of the penis) and take measurements from the base to the tip. Try moving your pelvis by changing the angle of this, like dancing, to see how the measurements can change in this method of taking measurements.

The thickness of an erect penis: Take the circumference at the middle of the penis with a measuring tape or a thread.

Visual comparison: Try comparing the size of your penis with any nearby utensil... for example, a deodorant, a perfume bottle, etc...

After practicing for about a month, come back and compare the size of your penis with these same utensils. You'll see that the comparison is much more impressive than just numbers.

Monitor measurements! You don't need to measure every day! However, measuring once a week is a good idea. They can be just a few millimeters or even centimeters per week, but they add up!

Cutting or shaving hair in the pubococcygeal area not only makes your penis look bigger, but it also helps make exercises more comfortable. When you do them, you may pull on the hairs, which is not very pleasant.

Stay in shape. As we've recommended elsewhere, try to exercise physically, which will help you in many ways. A fat body always makes your penis look smaller. Eat healthily and take your daily vitamins. To eliminate the possibility of slow growth, eat well and take your vitamins. Correct levels of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins DO influence the results of our exercises. Also, drink enough water, and pay attention to our list of recommended nutrients.

A positive attitude: Finally, maintain a positive state of mind. Although it may sound strange, but your way of thinking can greatly influence growth. If you don't believe in thought, it's very likely that this will occur more slowly. A positive attitude is essential!

As we've said, these exercises require a Dedication to 100%. IT HAS to practice 5 days a week, however if it feels any type of pain or discomfort, interrupt the exercise for a few days. We don't want to cause harm, but rather make the penis grow.

Remember, when massaging, stretching, and applying tension, you will create a force that makes cells activate in your penis. You must activate them just right so that growth occurs, so do it with caution to facilitate cell recovery. If you apply too much force, you will hinder the recovery process, making the penis not grow and potentially causing damage.

So remember: don't overdo it! If you follow the instructions, you'll see that after a few weeks your penis will have gained length and thickness. This should give you the necessary motivation to continue with daily exercise.


When practicing the Milking exercise, we recommend using a lubricant. DON'T use soap or shampoo! This can irritate the skin if applied for an extended period and with force, causing it to dry out and peel, and even cause pain when penetrating the urethral canal of the penis.

Vaseline works, but be warned that it's not very pleasant. It's greasy and leaves stains on clothes. Additionally, it's so thick you may not be able to move your hands quickly over the penis as you want.

Baby oil and olive oil also work well, but they can stain too.

One of the best options is using personal lubricants that you can buy at the pharmacy (usually near condoms and feminine products). The most well-known brand is Jonson&Jonson K-Y Jelly. These products have the right consistency and are easy to clean up with a towel. The only problem is they dry out, so you'll need to reapply them several times during exercise. If this happens, it's recommended to apply a few drops of water.
Choose a technique.
There are various penis stretching exercises. But what works miracles for one man may not have significant results for another.
First, we will explain the benefits and procedure of each exercise. For most of these, there are different variations of the technique, from which each man can choose the one that suits him best.
We do not want to say that there are correct or incorrect variations, only present the result of our research. After presenting them one by one, we will tell you which ones have had more results for us and our clients.
Naturally, you are free to choose which one you prefer to use.
Before starting, make sure you have read the safety instructions during exercise! Then follow the descriptions of each technique, and choose which ones you want to incorporate into your personal program.
Safety Instructions.
Decide responsibly whether you can do the exercises or not. Be careful if you suffer from any disease related to the penis, blood circulation, breathing, diabetes, etc... In this case, consult with your doctor before starting the exercises.
While doing the exercises, the following symptoms may appear:
Bruises are a result of too much pressure on the penis over a prolonged period. You need pressure, but don't exceed the limits!
Red zones are a result of too much stretching. Don't exceed the limits!
If this has happened to you, stop practicing for a few days until the symptoms disappear.
Having said that, we will present exercises that are 100% natural and healthy and produce permanent growth in the penis. Use your common sense when practicing them, don't rush it. We offer a daily program which should be done 5 days a week, but if you feel pain or unpleasant effects, stop practicing for a few days.
Hot compress.

You must start your daily exercise with this technique. It's not really an exercise, but it's required to begin.

What the hot compress does is make the blood flow more intensely towards the penis and makes the skin more elastic. Additionally, it allows you to exercise better the following techniques.

Soak a towel in warm or hot water, then wring it out. Roll it around your penis (flaccid or erect). Hold it for one minute, and repeat several times. Finally, dry your penis well.

Stretching exercise.

After the hot compress, start with this exercise. Stretching the penis can make it grow a lot, just like exercising a muscle can make it grow. These exercises will make the penis lengthen in both flaccid and erect states. Choose ONE of the following techniques for your daily program.

Technique Nº 1 (Recommended)

If you really want to make your penis grow, this is the technique that many men adore. You can do it sitting or standing.

1. With the penis in a flaccid state, firmly grasp the tip of your penis. Make sure not to cut off circulation too much.
2. Stretch the penis directly forward. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it stretched for 5 minutes. After each minute passes, stretch it slightly more.
3. Release it and relax for a minute. Rotate it 30 times in a circle; this will make circulation return to normal.
4. Repeat step 2 four times, varying the direction of stretching: right, left, up, and down. After every 5 minutes of stretching, repeat step 3.
5. After doing the 5 five-minute stretches, do one last minute-long stretch, forward, applying 10 gentle tugs without them being too strong. Make sure to apply pressure, but not on the dorsal nerve, which runs along the upper part of the penis. It is recommended to search for the way to grasp the penis that suits you best without cutting off circulation.

This exercise will make the penis grow slightly in about 2 weeks, but a significant difference in length will be noticeable at 3-4 months.

Technique #2

This technique is very similar to our preferred technique. It was published on various forums on the net by men who said they had grown their penis up to 5 cm with this technique.

1. With the flaccid penis, grasp the tip of your penis firmly. Make sure not to cut off circulation too much.
2. Stretch the penis forward, stretching it with sufficient force without feeling pain. Hold for at least 30 seconds to a minute and then release.
3. Continue doing so for 5-20 minutes per series. Rest for 10-20 minutes after each series.

Technique #3

Taoist technique.

1. Breathe in through the nose until the throat, then swallow the air bubble by pressing it down towards the stomach.
2. Imagine that this breathing is like a ball of energy that wants to reach the penis. This visualization helps bring more blood to the penis.
3. After bringing the energy to the penis, use three fingers to press just between the anus and scrotum. This will enclose the energy in the penis.
4. Breathe normally while maintaining the fingers on the described point and starting with the following stretches.
5. With your right hand take the penis and start stretching it forward rhythmically, moving it away from the body. Stretch six to nine times. Then stretch towards the left six to nine times, and later towards the right also six to nine times. Finally stretch downwards six to nine times.
6. Use your thumb to rub the glans. Rub until the penis becomes erect. If it does not become erect, stretch a little more while rubbing until you achieve erection.
7. Grasp the body of pen, make a circle at the base of the pen with the thumb and index finger and stretch forward about two inches. This will bring energy to the glans. Repeat nine times.

8. Stretch the pen towards the right with the right hand and make it rotate in small circles. Do it six to nine times in one direction and then in the other, maintaining pressure outward. Repeat, pulling towards the left and making six to nine small circles in one direction and then in the other.

9. This is the final stretching: Gently hit the erect pen with the inner part of the right thigh, remembering that after you must pull out. Do it six to nine times and then repeat the movement with the left thigh.

Técnica Nº4

This technique comes from a best-selling book on male sexuality. It also consists of stretching the pen in a flaccid state. It seems to be a slight variation of the Taoist technique above.

1. With the right hand, grab the pen and stretch it rhythmically forward away from your body 10 times during 10 seconds (each stretch).

2. Repeat towards the right (10 times), left (10 times), and down (10 times)

3. Rub the glans until the pen is erect. Grab the pen at the base with the index finger and thumb. Pull it forward a few cm to make energy flow towards the tip of the pen.

4. Pull the erect pen towards the right and keep it stretched and rotate it in small circles 10 times. Repeat by stretching it towards the left.

5. Gently hit the erect pen against the legs while stretching it towards each side.

Exercise for growth and circulation.

Follow after daily stretching with this exercise for growth and circulation.

Not only does it make blood flow more to the pen, but it also helps us reach the semi-erect state needed to practice the next exercise, Milking. Take the pen and gently hit it with your hand about 30 times, making sure to protect the testicles with the another hand, so it doesn't cause pain.

Growth and circulation

After doing your daily stretching exercises, you should perform this growth and circulation exercise. This technique makes the blood flow through your penis and prepares it for a semi-erect state in which you will be in the next exercise...the Milking exercise.

Take hold of your penis and gently slap it. Don't hit it more than 30 times and make sure to protect your testicles with the other hand to avoid hurting yourself.

Milking exercise


Stretching exercises, as we have seen, help to lengthen the penis. But to increase thickness, you must practice some exercise in a semi-erect state...an exercise that makes the penis proportionally longer, thicker, heavier, denser, and stronger.

This is one of the old exercises that was also practiced by ancient tribes. This is considered the most effective exercise for penile growth.

There are photos of men with a penis about 42 cm long!!, most of them from the East, India, and Africa...all countries recognized for their methods of lengthening. They have really benefited from these exercises, with the most popular and well-known being the Arab Milking exercise.

However, there is also the case of an American man who has managed to double the length of his penis after practicing the Arab Milking exercise for less than a year. (He started with 12cm and ended up with 24cm !), which is not easy to achieve, but it can result in a growth of around 5-9 cm.

These milking exercises make a lot of blood flow towards the penis. After several months, the space for blood in the penis has increased, so also the volume and size of the penis have increased.

According to our research, we have found that there are several techniques for milking. However, the general basis of the technique is always the same, with only small variations. According to each man's taste. Our preference is technical number 1. We have had more success with our clients using this variation. Read all the different techniques and decide for yourself which one you prefer to practice. You will need to use a lubricant for these techniques, except for the dry variation. Reread the section: lubricants. The results of milking are permanent. The penis will grow as much in a flaccid state as erect, but especially in an erect state. Exercises are very beneficial and not painful. In addition to having a larger penis, they make it stronger and healthier. IMPORTANT. Be careful not to practice these techniques during a total erection. You could damage the veins if you try to milk during a total erection. The penis needs to be 50% to 75% erect, not 100%! Also, there will be no results if you don't reach at least a 50% erection. After each milking session, you'll see that the penis will be thicker and longer even in a flaccid state. This is a fact. And after a few months, the penis will be enormous due to the accumulation of blood in the penile tissues during milking. Choose ONE variation of this technique to add to your daily program. Milking Techniques. Technique #1 (recommended) This simple exercise, if practiced daily, will make a man with for example a 16 cm erect penis add 3 to 9 cm growing also its thickness proportionally. Little growth will be perceived during the first month, 5 or more centimeters will be common during the second and third months. (Note: Step 2 is for bringing it to a semi-erect state. If you are already in a semi-erect state, you can proceed directly to step 3) 1. Using lubricant, slide your fingers over your penis applying it to all surfaces. A couple of drops of oil will suffice for hundreds of movements. Do not use soap or shampoo, as it would hurt painfully. 2. index and thumb press the base of the penis. Slide down, stopping at the tip. Repeat alternating hands. Each slide should last three seconds. This sensation should help you achieve an erection.

3. When the penis reaches a semi-erect state, make a circle with your index and thumb (like the OK sign in the United States) on your left hand. With this grip, firmly grasp the base of the penis.

4. Now, starting from the base of the penis, pull with this grip down and forward with firmness but tact, until you reach the tip. Make sure to maintain the semi-erect state. You will notice blood flowing towards the glans.

5. Now, with your right hand, do the same: stretching, sliding from the base to the tip. Alternate hands, entering a rhythmic movement, as if milking.

• Make 200 to 300 movements per session at medium force during the first week (approximately 10 minutes)
• Make 300 to 500 movements per session at medium force during the second week (15 minutes)
• Make more than 500 movements per session starting from the third week with full force without hurting yourself (20 minutes)

You will notice that the glans is very red and swollen. This is normal and good, and a sign of increased blood flow. If your erection increases too much during exercise, press harder or simply wait for it to decrease on its own. You can increase circulation after exercise by gently hitting 25 to 50 times.

Do this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep the penis in a semi-erect state. If you feel the need to ejaculate, interrupt the movements until the need disappears. This can also be an exercise in self-control.

Technique #2

This technique comes from some of our clients who have sent it to us.

1. Apply lubricant along the entire penis.
2. Using index and thumb... Thumb, stretch the flaccid penis downwards and forwards with force and tact.
3. Alternate hands as if milking.
4. Continue until the penis enters an erection, then apply more force.
5. Repeat 100 times. Practice with ease for the first 10 days, then increase repetitions to 200.
You will notice that the glans is very red and swollen. This is normal and good, a sign of increased blood flow.

Technique #3
This is the dry version of milking. Similar to techniques 1 and 2, but without lubrication. In this variation, you will press firmly on the penis, but not slide your hand along it. When the penis becomes too long to cover with a grip, work base, middle, and tip separately.

Some men prefer dry milking in the morning, before getting out of bed. If you feel pain, stop for a few days.

Technique #4
Another version of milking we found on a forum. Apply lubrication over the entire surface of your penis. In a semi-erect state, take a little more lubricant onto your hands.
Grab the penis firmly with index and thumb at the base and stretch, sliding towards the tip of the penis. Repeat with the right hand, then left, always alternating. Do this at a medium to fast pace. During the first week, do only 100-200 repetitions (approx. 10 minutes). From the second week on, practice for about 20 minutes. Remember that you should only be semi-erect. When you feel the need to ejaculate, stop moving.

Technique #5
This is the Tao technique. This is especially recommended for men who want a larger glans like a mushroom cap. It's practically the same technique as number one, except it's done with more slowness and gentleness. Use your fingers to create pressure on the tip of the penis, holding it firmly for about 10 seconds. This will cause the glans to expand, allowing it to absorb more blood and grow. and giving it a shape like a spongy mushroom. It can also squeeze the middle of the penis to create the same effect. Once in total erection, you should release. Repeat as many times as you want, without exceeding 10 minutes.

The exercise of milking is also indicated for helping to correct the curvature of the penis.

Introduction to the Kegel exercise.

This is a very important exercise, as it will make you have stronger erections, be able to control ejaculation, reduce the time between two orgasms, and have a healthier prostate. The PC muscles (pubococcygeus) are a group of muscles that create the base for your sexual health. You can feel these muscles in the perineum, just between the testicles and the anus.

In addition to urethral control, the PC muscles bring orgasm to men and women. In men, this is the muscle that involuntarily pumps when he ejaculates. Strengthening and training these muscles will reveal that it's the secret of sexuality!

These Kegel exercises (named after Arnold Kegel, who developed them in 1950) consist of a series of pelvic muscle movement exercises that can be easily learned.

This is a safe technique to increase sexual force, pleasure, and desire for you and your partner. Women have been using these techniques for years to increase their orgasmic force, ease of lubrication, and excitement.

First, you need to locate the PC muscles. It's easier for men to find them and do the exercises than for women. Simply interrupt urination when you're urinating. This not only helps to locate the PC muscles but also is part of starting the exercises. Stop urinating 5 times each time you go to urinate. By creating the ability to stop urinating, you will control ejaculation.

Recognized Taoists speak of tensing the anus muscles. You can tense and relax these muscles quickly or maintain them tense for a prolonged period. This sounds more easy to what it is in reality. The sex gurus say that this will make him increase the time of erection and ejaculation force.

PC Exercise (Kegel)

Once located, you can exercise them at any moment and place. You should do it daily.

1. Make rapid contractions. Contract and relax repeatedly.
Start with series of 20, then increase to 100 or more.
Make a minimum of 250 contractions per day for the rest of your life. Your goal will be to make 1,000 contractions per day.
2. Practice prolonged contractions, keeping the PC muscles contracted for several seconds, or as long as possible.
3. Try making stairs by increasing and decreasing the contraction. Increase for a few seconds, then decrease for a few seconds. Repeat many times.
4. PC tremor: Contract the muscles as slowly as possible. Once you can't contract anymore, relax them. At a certain moment, you'll feel trembling, and energy in your spine. Focus on deep and slow breathing. This is a great exercise to recover energy when exhausted.

5. When urinating, and reaching the last drops of urine, use the muscle in the opposite direction, making the last drops shoot forward. Doing this will make you feel like your anus is opening, accompanied by new sensations. Many others tell us that they have greater sexual desire and strength, more control over their ejaculation, and more intense ejaculatory intensity. And the most surprising: Some of them claim to be multiorgasmic, meaning they have one or more orgasms before ejaculation! Massage and warm application. This is how your daily program should end, as massage helps cells recover faster. The testicles always maintain a temperature of 34 degrees, keeping cells alive. Heat calms nervous and sensitive effects that may cause exercises. After exercising, gently massage the penis for a few minutes. If you prefer, you can do this by applying a natural lengthening cream, for example. After the massage, you can either apply another warm compress like at the beginning of the exercises or submerge the penis in a hot water bath for a few minutes. Both warm applications will keep blood flowing to your penis, stimulating its recovery. Finally, dry yourself well with a towel. The Daily Program. Introduction to the daily program. Now that we've explained all the exercises, it's time to apply them in a daily program. This is the moment of truth! If you really want a larger, healthier, stronger, and more potent penis, you have to practice these exercises as explained. These methods are very powerful and 100% studied. They have worked for us, thousands of customers, and millions of men throughout history. So believe us: They will also work for you! This is our recommended program. YOU HAVE TO practice it 5 days a week. Take two consecutive or non-consecutive days off as you prefer. This will be the recovery time your penis needs to grow new cells. By doing this, you'll see the first results in approximately three weeks. Once you see results, you won't want to stop practicing our program...I shouldn't let it. These exercises will not only make your penis grow, but also increase your self-esteem and personal satisfaction. Note: In this Program, we have included our recommended techniques, which you have just read. If you prefer other than our recommended ones, use them. But if you decide to use any technique, leave some time for it to work. If after a month of practice, you see that a specific exercise does not produce results (which would be a very rare case), change it for another one. Always re-read the instructions for each exercise when you need to. Recommended program. This program contains summarized exercises. For details on each exercise, see the corresponding detailed descriptions. (It is recommended to print) • Warm Compression (5 minutes) • Stretching Exercise (25-30 minutes) • Growth and Circulation Exercise (1 minute) • Milking Exercise (10-20 minutes) • PC Kegel Exercise (5 minutes) • Massage and Hot Application (5-10 minutes)

Warm Compression.

You must start the daily exercise with this technique. It's not really an exercise, but it's required to begin. What warm compression does is make the blood flow more intensely towards the penis and makes the skin more elastic. Plus, it allows you to exercise better the techniques that follow. Soak a towel in warm or hot water, then wring it out. Wrap it around your penis (flaccid or erect). Hold it for one minute, and repeat a few times. Finally, dry your penis well.

Stretching Exercise.

1. With your penis in a flaccid state, firmly grasp the tip of your penis. Make sure not to cut off circulation too much.
2. Stretch the penis directly forward. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it stretched for 5 minutes. After each minute that passes, stretch it slightly more.
3. Release it, and Relax for one minute. Rotate it 30 times in a circle, which will make circulation return.

4. Repeat step number 2 four times, varying the direction of stretching: to the right, left, up, and down. After each 5 minutes of stretching, repeat step number 3.

5. After having done the 5 stretchings of 5 minutes, do a last stretching of one minute, in front, applying 10 tugs, not too hard. Growth and circulation exercise: fuck your penis and hit it gently about 30 times, making sure to protect your testicles with the other hand, so you don't cause pain.

Growth and circulation

After doing your daily stretching exercises, you should do this growth and circulation exercise. This technique makes blood circulate through your penis and prepares it for the semi-erect state in which you will be in the next exercise...the milking exercise.

Take your penis and hit it gently. Don't hit it more than 30 times and make sure to protect your testicles with the other hand to avoid hurting yourself. Don't take more than a minute to do this exercise.

Milk Exercise

1. Using lubricant, slide your fingers over your penis, applying it to all surfaces. A couple of drops of oil will suffice for hundreds of movements. Do not use soap or shampoo, as you will hurt painfully.

2. With index and thumb, squeeze the base of the penis. Slide down, stopping at the tip. Repeat alternating hands. Each sliding movement should last three seconds. This sensation should help you have an erection.

3. When the penis reaches a semi-erect state, make a circle with your left hand (like the OK sign in the United States) and grab firmly the base of the penis.

4. Now, starting from the base of the penis, pull with this grip towards down-forward with firmness but tact, until you reach the tip. Make sure to maintain the semi Erect. You will notice blood flowing towards the glans.

5. Now with your right hand do the same thing: stretch, sliding from the base to the tip. Alternate hands, entering a rhythmic movement as if you were milking it.

Make sure to touch during each movement the entire surface of the penis: from the base to the tip.

• Do 200-300 movements per session at medium force for the first week (approximately 10 minutes)
• Do 300-500 movements per session at medium force for the second week (15 minutes)
• Do more than 500 movements per session starting from the third week with full force without hurting yourself (20 minutes)

You will notice that the glans is very red and swollen. This is normal and good, and a sign of increased blood flow. If you find that the erection increases too much during exercise, press harder or simply wait for it to decrease on its own.

You can increase circulation after exercise by gently hitting 25-50 times.

Do this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep the penis in a semi-erect state. If you feel the need to ejaculate, interrupt the movements until the need disappears. This can also be an exercise in self-control.

PC Kegel Exercise

1. Do rapid contractions. Contract and relax repeatedly. Start with series of 20 then increase to 100 or more. Do at least 250 contractions per day for the rest of your life. Your goal will be to do 1,000 contractions per day.

2. Practice prolonged contractions, keeping PC muscles contracted for several seconds or as long as possible.

3. Try doing stairs by increasing and decreasing the contraction. Increase for a few seconds and decrease for a few seconds. Repeat many times.

4. PC tremor: Contract the muscles as slowly as possible. Once you can't contract anymore, relax them. At some point you will feel tremors, and a energy in your spinal column. Concentrate on a deep and slow breathing. This is an excellent exercise to recover energy when exhausted. When urinating, and reaching the last drops of urine, use the muscle in the opposite direction, making the last drops shoot forward. By doing this, you will feel the anus opening up, accompanied by new sensations. Massage and warm application.


After exercising, make a gentle massage to your penis for a few minutes. If you prefer, you can do this applying a natural stretching cream, for example. After the massage, you may either apply another hot compress like at the beginning of the exercises, or submerge your penis in a warm water bath for a few minutes. Both warm applications will keep the blood flowing to your penis, stimulating it for its best recovery. Dry yourself well with a towel.

Control of premature ejaculation

Before anything, one should know that every third man ejaculates faster than he wants, and that the vast majority of men sometimes ejaculate too quickly. So if this happens to you, don't worry, you're not alone.

Here are some tips and exercises that will help you learn to control this problem:

To start, you could drink a glass of wine before doing it. The alcohol may relax you just enough to delay your ejaculation. Or there's the old practice of masturbating a few hours before making love. If you take care of yourself early, you'll take longer to ejaculate when the time comes with your partner.

You can learn to tolerate long periods of sexual pleasure without ejaculating once you learn to recognize the symptoms that precede orgasm. There is an exercise you can try called the 1 to 10. Imagine that the scale of pleasure goes from 1 to 10: 1 is when you start feeling excited; 10 has the orgasm and ejaculation. Then 9, the point just before orgasm, is your point of no return. Try it. When you reach your magical point 8, pause and let your ejaculation anxiety decrease. Then start masturbating again. Do this a few times. Masturbate, pause, masturbate. After 15 minutes, you can ejaculate (if you want). Repeat this technique until you're able to enjoy your excitement without ejaculating for 15 minutes.

Another method that reduces the likelihood of premature ejaculation is one we've mentioned in your daily exercise program - Give your PC muscles a squeeze. Review the Kegel exercise if you forgot. Strong PC muscles act like good brakes on your car - contracting them can control excitement just as using the brake controls speed. Simply put, how to apply this muscle when making love will prolong orgasm by stopping mid-stream. Learn the power of these muscles and how to use them. They'll do wonders in bed!

Finally, the oldest, simplest, and best method for learning ejaculatory control is called the Retain Method. When you're doing it, if you feel too excited... simply pull your penis out of the vagina until only the glans remains inside. Then stay still for 15 to 30 seconds. Wait for the anxiety to decrease, and then go back where you left off.

Help - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

We've received numerous questions from our clients, which we'll answer here:

• What time of day is recommended for doing exercises?
There's no special hour recommended. Some prefer morning, others night. It doesn't matter; the hour has no effect on the exercises.

• Can I divide the program into separate sessions? Yes, you can. We've put this program together like a gym program: one continuous program. But if you prefer, you can divide it into several Trouble-free stages.

• Do I have to rest for 2 days and not practice for 7 days a week?
As mentioned in the descriptions, the 2-day rest is necessary. You need to let these cells recover. If you don't, it will have negative effects.
• Do I have to do the stretching exercise and the milking one? Can't I just do one of them? You should do both, as the stretching exercise makes the penis longer but not thicker. The milking exercise makes it thicker proportionally, so we recommend doing both.
• When I practice the milking exercise, it's hard for me to maintain a semi-erect state. What can I do?
This is the most difficult part of the exercise. Maintaining a semi-erect state. Remember that if you don't, the exercise will have no growth effects. Here's a recommendation from our clients: When I'm milking, I have two magazines open in front of me. A erotic magazine with a really hot girl and another one about motorcycle mechanics, with an article on how to repair a carburetor. When I need more erection to maintain the semi-erect state, I look at the erotic magazine, and when I have too much erection, I read some lines from the article on repairing a carburetor. It seems a bit crazy, but it works really well, and I can stay in a semi-erect state during the whole exercise this way. Although you may not do this exactly, it will teach you what imagination and concentration can do. By playing with both, you'll be able to control yourself, not just during the milking exercise but also in your sexual life.
As you've seen, we've collected various techniques for lengthening. Remember that you shouldn't do them all, but rather choose the ones you prefer and introduce them into your daily program.
You're on your way to lengthening your penis, but don't forget that physical condition isn't everything. Keep a good mood. positive, which will also make him have more self-esteem.If you've been served please leave your comment!!!!!

50 comentários - Want to enlarge your penis??

la verdad si funciona yo lo hice hace como 2 años y lo alargue 3 cms y mi esposa feliz lo recomiendo pero ¡aguas! primero leanlo vien varias veces asta estar seguros de lo que estan aciendo porque de lo contrario puede ser contraproducente
animo y felices pajas 😛
manu_pr -3
chairesman dijo:la verdad si funciona yo lo hice hace como 2 años y lo alargue 3 cms y mi esposa feliz lo recomiendo pero ¡aguas! primero leanlo vien varias veces asta estar seguros de lo que estan aciendo porque de lo contrario puede ser contraproducente
animo y felices pajas :P

en tres años solo
3 cms????
no es mucho
buen post ojala funcione.. se me hace un poco dificil hacerlo a diario ya q me toma 1 hora. una pregunta.. tengo 16 años sera recomendable utilizar estas tecnicas?
muy buena info t doy los primeros 10 😃 🙎‍♂️
Magnifico post muchismas gracias!!!, quisiera ponerte puntos pero no se como hacerlo puedes decirme y con gusto lo hare, gracias!!! de verdad muchas gracias!!! 🆒 🆒 🆒 😀
no se.... sera q puedo agrandar mas ? 🤔 , no se ... prove uno parecido hace como 1 año casi y pase de 16cm a 21cm y solo tengo 15 años : / , sera q naturalmente crece solo? 🤔 , eso me tiene medio preocupado 😞 , yo creo q por ahoira esta bien no? o deberia aprovechar y seguir a ver q pasa? necesito ayuda para decidir eso , solo he tenido sexo con 2 chicas y no pude penetrarla totalmente, creo q basta no? 😞 me tiene mal esa decicion si seguir agrandando o parar , confio en la confidencialidad de internet , por eso es q pido consejo aqui.
Consejo tardío, seria bueno saber después de todo este tiempo que decidiste??? Lo ideal no exagerar la idea es disfrutar del sexo ambos y no torturar a tu pareja!!! Cuéntanos y suerte!!!
estan seguros que esto funciona??? la verdad que no me lo creo mucho
Esta muy bueno lo prove y me dio bastante resultado,con 29 años que cresca es importante,lo que si hay que ser constante y tener un buen lubricante para no hacerse mierda la pija.Sume unos 2 y piquitos de cm em 6 meses,Te felicito tus post.Te doy un 10 macho.
2 cns en 6 meses????? nooooooooo!!!!! algo mas rapdo??
a probarlo che... si alguien sabe si funca q lo diga en este post 😉
gracias amigoo! si pudiera te daria puntos
hasta que edad crese el pene?? 🤔
lo voy a probar luego te aviso 😛
bueno chuky, empezare a hacer todo todo junto con las vitaminas el ejercicio y todo, por lo pronto se anoto 10 puntines porque esta muy completo, hare todo en regla, si me funka te dejare 10 todas las semanas o cada vez que me lo recuerdes XD
devilmaycry2008 dijo:bueno chuky, empezare a hacer todo todo junto con las vitaminas el ejercicio y todo, por lo pronto se anoto 10 puntines porque esta muy completo, hare todo en regla, si me funka te dejare 10 todas las semanas o cada vez que me lo recuerdes XD

se me olvidaba, iniciar la fecha que ley este reportaje XD 08-09-2010
una pregunta cuando se la miden lo hacen cuando esta parada verdad?
Buenisimo el post, no te doy puntos por que no puedo pero te doy las gracias y probaremos para ver que tal :d
Necesitaba esto espero ver resultados gracias Bro 😃
yo bebi la sangre de una virgen en un craneo humano desnudo frente al espejo y ahora tengo 5 cm mas! probadlo!
Exelente amigo
y cuantas veces se puede eyacular asiendo este ejercicio?
capo muchisimas gracias! sos un grande!
una pregunta.... en el proceso de ORDEÑAR, al lubricante, como lo puedo reemplazar xpor algo mas casero? por favor y gracias 🙂
sirve posta esto? xq lei en otros post q gente lo hace y no le sirve, y no se juega con agrandar el pene gente! jajaa
casval +1
javito_90 dijo:sirve posta esto? xq lei en otros post q gente lo hace y no le sirve, y no se juega con agrandar el pene gente! jajaa

No se si sirve o no ... en un par de semanas les digo... Y si no sirvio es alta paja.
tengo un amigo que tenia 14 cm PARADA y se hiso una cirujia y ahrao la tiene de 24 PARADA .jaja
che se me resvala cuando hagog el ejercicio de estiramiento, que hago?
que pelotudos son ..es todo bolaso no sirve nada
Lo pruebo unas semanas...si me da resultado te doy 10 puntos cada vez que pueda...muchas gracias