Transición Hombre a Mujer?, rasgos que no se pierden

Very Good Friends, a friend and I were conducting an investigation, he told me about a porn girl.. and he said... dude.. that's a man.. look at the facial features of her face...

I clarify that this post is not intended to discriminate against anyone, we simply want explanations... I suppose more than one has wondered the same thing as us. First an image.Transición Hombre a Mujer?, rasgos que no se pierdenObserve carefully the arms, taking into account that it is a female bodybuilder, has the characteristic features of female arms, they are thin, delicate, in them we don't see a single prominent vein (male trait)womanIn this photo we can see a 'woman' with a medium build, we can observe that her hand has features similar to those of a man, just like her arm. (prominent veins)manA man's hand, with wrinkles on his facedoubtA comparison between male and female handsCrossdressersOne more photo analyzing the features I mentioned earlier. If my data is wrong, I propose making a post asking for my apologies, meanwhile I would like to see some comments... Thanks

6 comentários - Transición Hombre a Mujer?, rasgos que no se pierden

si definitivo es un hombre travesti q se hizo cirujia porq una mujer tan joven jamas va a tener esas venas y esa peluca y las cicatrices es mas aqui esta la fuente del post:
Por cierto me podrian decir como pongo puntos a los post??? soy novato xD,mujer__y-hombre.html vean ese trans para q vea q es algo asi como el de este post
Lo de las manos es posta, pero lo de las venas no tanto, a una compañera de laburo a veces le resaltan un poco las venas, pero no tanto como las de las fotos 🙂
las venas resaltadas no son rasgos exclusivos de los hombres...... mi novia es bien flaca y se le notan las venas...... tiene que ver con varios factores